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cmdmskip the men...sadly we can’t skip the host but listen closely to the men...they have the language down but their true feelings (racism & sexism) come through loud and clear...
Some guy who likes futurismConversations I wish I hadIt’s a real pleasure to listen to Norm and his guests dive into a movie , what works and why, the context of the filmmaker’s work. Just as much excitement and forethought is applied to 80’s action movie or a decent art house film. Not too pretentious, but never shallow. Love love love this podcast.
johan es la puertaFor people who really love moviesThis is a podcast by, with, and for people who love movies. All kinds (the people and the movies)! Norm Wilner, the host, is a film critic, and his guests are folks who work in the film/entertainment business - in other words, these are always people who have spent a lot of time thinking about and working on movies, probably even making them their life's work. The conversations are in-depth appreciations, sometimes somber, sometimes funny, sometimes both. For someone who truly loves film, this podcast is like getting to hang out with "your people."
thevalkyryUniversal AppealThis is one of the most articulate and erudite podcasts I listen to. I am from Texas so I thought the Canada catalyst behind this would make this a bit inaccessible, but this is simply not the case. The discussions ave universal appeal and accessibility. Joe Bob says Check it out.
knulclunkVery fun podcastWhat is more fun than listening to passionate, knowledgable people talk at length about your favorite movie? Film critic Norm Wilner chats at length with a director, actor or other related creator about their favorite movie--one that they did not make. The films range from the blockbuster to the obscure and include art-house indies, cult classics and popular masterpieces from every decade. My introduction was episode "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" with guest Jennifer Liao. The film is one of my favorites, and seems so light and simple and silly... why do I like it so much? As Wilner and Liao chat breezily and excitedly about everything that works from the casting and characters to the script and camera shots, I am shouting at my car radio, "Yes! Yes! Exactly!" Each episode runs 40-60 minutes, and covers a lot of ground; what influences helped create a movie, what cultural impact it may have had, where the careers went of the actors or directors involved. Both affirming and informative, every episode I've listened to so far has been a treat.
avianovumBEST FILM PODCAST?Yes. This is a movie analysis podcast that never panders, takes its time, and digs deep. These aren't reviews, nor excuses for snark or stand-up routines - they're wide ranging discussions (with lots of delicious tangents). The approach is respectful, erudite, and rich with the passions of both host and guest. O.K. I'm blah, blahing and not capturing what a great podcast this is. Give it a try.
VinylscrubberTHE motion picture podcast to listen toNorm Wilner's SOMEONE ELSE'S MOVIE is just about the best film podcast around these days. Just two people (occasionally more) talking about a film that the guest likes for wahtever reason. As the guests are usually entertainment people who know whereof they speak, and Wilner is uncommonly intelligent and perceptive, with an exhaustive knowledge of the film history and production, the conversation is always fascinating. This is a podcast that traffics in sharp observations about the films at hand instead of a bunch of self-conscious twenty-somethings trying to one-up each other while exhibiting an ignorance of film history. Love this podcast which has become the high point of my week. Nice going, Norm.
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