Girl Boner Radio: True Sex and Relationship Stories

Sexuality #175

A spicy blend of personal stories, in-depth reporting and inspiration! Journalist August McLaughlin explores sexual empowerment and pleasure, featuring a range of voices.Girl Boner Radio is LGBTQIA+ friendly and all genders are welcome!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mystic Bru
    Innovative Storytelling
    Girl Boner has always been a safe place for a woman’s desires to be expressed and explored. August continues to find innovative ways of breaking through the stigma surrounding our pleasure and ultimately our essence and true nature.
  • madebymatt
    Poor pitiful me
    I thought I’d learn something from this podcast but to me it’s just a bunch of women who feel they got the short end in life. Bunch of poor pitiful me sessions that want to talk about how horrible men are to justify them going gay. Good for them but it’s not educational.
  • CJ@noshamewithcj
    Ritualize the everyday
    I loved hearing Court Vox give examples of the everyday D/s and cementing the dynamic. Ritualizing what is already being done in the relationship. This is what I love about D/s as a core theme in a relationship. August’s format is interesting and is edited to highlight key information rather than drag on long, scattered conversations.
  • jazzyjenaymay
    SUCH a great podcast Queen
    I absolutely love August’s podcast, the format of her podcast is so unique. I was a guest on her podcast and she asks such great questions & makes you feel so comfortable! Highly recommend listening to this podcast!! The passion she has is electric!
  • Sportsenthusiast35
    Outstanding, informational!
    Although I’m a male, I’ve learned a lot from August and her podcast. I don’t say this lightly. This is by far one of my favorite podcasts within the sexuality genre! August is a true journalist, a true professional. She knows what she’s doing from a journalistic perspective. Her warm, outgoing personality clearly comes through while listening. Give this podcast a listen!! You will not regret it. In fact, I’m extremely confident you’ll learn something useful.
  • EmmiFortin
    Always intriguing and keeps my attention
    I thoroughly enjoy this podcast because of the interesting topics and August’s storytelling. She mends each episode together carefully to produce something fun, engaging, and makes you feel like you’re being let in on a saucy secret. These episodes open my mind and help me reflect on my own journey.
  • Ww44ss
    Authentic and interesting. I enjoy August’s humor and generally light hearted approach to an important topic. Refreshing!!!
  • ReligiousMan
    Real stories
    It is real, raw, and refreshing in a world of fake.
  • Finav99
    Love love love!!
    So grateful for this pod. Girl Boner, the book, was a pivotal turning point for me in my journey to exploring my sexuality and unlearning a lot of religious shame. It’s been so amazing to get to learn even more from August! Would definitely recommend!
  • Cher Hale
    So juicy and transparent!
    I love the stories that August showcases. They are so juicy, real, and honest — often to the point where I feel like I’m sitting down with a couple of girlfriends. Each story helps me examine some of my own longstanding patterns, which I find both transformational and healing. Such a gem!
  • ki.healing
    The Best Sex Podcast, Seriously!!!
    The information given on this podcast is invaluable! I have learned so much over the last few months of discovering this show. The tips are super useful, the guests are great, and August is amazing. I’ve shared episodes with my boyfriend and he also finds the content useful and relevant to our sex life. Please never stop! This work is so important :)
  • donthaveanitunesnickname
    I love this show!
    Exploring sexuality as a form of self love in all forms!!!
  • Tara@RMB
    Girl Boner is a step above the rest
    I’m Tara Galeano featured on episode aired on all 12/9/20. August is talented and the ultimate professional. She has such a good ear. I’ve never felt so heard. The episode curates, edits, and elevates our conversation. This is art and such a refined podcast. Thank you, August.
  • ShanJeniah
    Great Sex Education, Great Conversation!
    August brings all of herself to her conversation, and it always feels like she's just chatting over coffee with her guests. Yet she clearly does her research, because she's also very knowledgable, making it easy for her guests to share their wisdom with her listeners. Great podcast by a passionate host!
  • Quetee02
    Approachable and Engaging
    August discusses sexuality in an approachable way, pulling in listeners with her friendly voice while giving us quality topics that leave us empowered and informed. Her notable guests are fantastic, and I appreciate how well edited her interviews are with their discussion snippets interjected with her thoughts and other fill-ins. Never intimidating, August thoughtfully engages her listeners and incorporates submission questions from her Girl Boner community. Additionally, the breadth of topics makes listening enjoyable with your partner(s) as well making perfect lead-ins for meaningful conversations. I highly recommend adding Girl Boner to your favorites!
  • L Anne2981
    Great podcast!
    August is very likable and provides the perfect combination of thoughtful education and spice, both from personal experience and guests. This podcast had been a meaningful addition to my life! Thank you August!
  • Wil The GOD
    Job! It actually works :-)
  • georgejones1270
    This is female power
    I love this podcast. August makes it comfortable to discuss sexuality. I cant wait for a new Episode!
  • goMittygo
    “Fresh Air” of sex
    August is a gentle, compassionate and inquisitive journalist. She chooses engaging topics and invites knowledgeable guests. Her advice is based in science and empathy. As a man who loves women, I learn so much from her. She uses a mix of self-disclosure and expert commentary to illustrate her topics. “Girl Boner” is the the “Fresh Air” of sex and August is our Terry Gross.
  • Tea & Books
    Comprehensive, Fantastic Sex Ed/Conversations!
    I absolutely LOVE Girl Boner Radio. August is so disarming and passionate about sexual health and empowerment. The range of guests is really outstanding. I learn so much with every episode. My favorite podcast about sexuality. Highly recommended.
  • Robyn G RD
    A podcast you don’t want to miss!
    August provides a service that is invaluable to all! She addresses the topic of sexuality in a relaxed way that can be supportive for all. She speaks in a loving, relaxed way that allows any listener to have the courage to seek help.
  • Briibernice
    Healing and acceptance
    First August I just want to say thank you. After seeing you on confidently insecure’s pod cast a week or so ago I’ve none stop been listening to your pod casts and plan to purchased your book. I had a very emotionally abusive relationship on and off for 5 years. We finally broke up about a year ago however I’ve had a hard time letting go because I kept thinking everything was my fault (I’m still slowly understanding it wasn’t me at all) I felt ugly (he told me I was fat and disgusting) and feel like he shamed me because I wanted sex or any kind of contact with him. I wanted all I could get because he didn’t seem to want anything to do with me. He had borderline personality disorder found out later. Long story I’m not going to get into anymore you kind of get it... but After listening to your podcast I’ve started to understand my feels and not feel shameful for my needs and wants. I’m beginning to become confident again. I want to opened up my mind and body to new things I’ve always wanted to try but was too scared to. So again thank you and I’ll keep listening!
  • giggbgdrt
    August, I am not even being dramatic when I say that you have changed my life. Literally. I found your podcast 6 months ago and once I started listening to it, I couldn’t stop. You have helped me understand myself in a way that an armada of therapists couldn’t. By listening to your words and the wonderful diversity of information on girl boner, I have found the healing I needed to let go of my sexual shame and embrace my girl boner. This sexual healing has impacted me in every aspect of my life. I am more confident and a much stronger feminist and voice for women and men alike. Words could never describe my gratitude. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Leah xo
  • MartinCYoga
    Love this Podcast!
    Not only does August bring incredible guests on her show, but she also brings her own heartfelt insight. Don't be thrown by the Girl Boner title because this isn't just about sex, it's about all the things in between that make life what it is. A podcast I can't get enough of!
  • Milt Haynes
    Awesome Podcast!
    August is a master at bringing in experts and sharing wisdom. Thanks for the great things you do for the community August! :)
  • Heidi Mastrogiovanni
    I can't be without this fabulous, inspiring podcast!
    I am SO over-the-top joyously addicted to this wonderful, brilliant, kind, caring, funny, inspiring (and every other superlative adjective I can think of) podcast! It is something I wish had been around when I was in my 20s, 30s, get the idea. It's here now, for my 50s and 60s and beyond, and I could not be more grateful to August McLaughlin for bringing Girl Boner to the world. And I have to emphasize that this is a podcast for everyone...girls, boys, women, men, and every variation, because it is a source of hope, a source of information, a source of courage and commitment and kindness and renewal. If, in reading this, you are getting the sense that I can't say enough good things about Girl Boner and its fabulous host, you are absolutely right.
  • laurenand4boys
    I have so much to learn!
    I have just recently delved into some issues and difficult areas in my marriage. One being sex and desire. I learn best in books and this found August’s book which led me to this pod cast. I am intrigued and hopeful that I will learn so much both from the book and from this pod cast.
  • Randootzie
    I found this podcast via a search. Fascinating subjects and guests. Honestly, though, I totally fell in love with August’s voice. She could read the most boring crap ever and I’d be listening with rapt attention!!!
  • Renee MP
    Breath of fresh air
    August's approach to sexual education is so refreshing, honest, and non-judgmental. She brings a variety of perspectives onto the show to discuss all kinds of topics related to sexuality. If you haven't checked out the corresponding book, you're truly missing out. It is a GEM!
  • MT-MRoss
    So Great!
    This is not just another pod cast about sex! This is a series of conversations about intersting, fun and important topics with such an amazing line up of experts and individuals. Each episode offers a perspective that challenges you to think, laugh and empower yourself. August has a way with her guests that puts them at ease. Thank you for what you do August!
  • Melanie Hooks
    Fresh Horizons Every Time
    I love so much about this podcast (and August), but perhaps what I cherish the most is August's never-ending quest to shine light on new areas of our mental, physical and emotional well-being. Over the last few years, I've realized anew (multiple times) that when we're at peace with our sexual selves, we're at peace with our whole selves. As she says all the time, when we can live our authentic truth, we bring the world our joy instead of our fears and shame. The latest installment in the Sex & Sociopaths feature brought this home to me so clearly. The #1 killer of women outside disease is our male partners and ex-partners. Fleeing these toxic relationships can cost us our lives. One of the many gifts this series (and other episodes) can give us is the insight into how we're being hooked into such an abusive scenario-- and hopefully give us the courage to escape them before such dire consequences. And as others say, there's always a brightness and genuine curiosity in August's interviews, even when discussing such dark topics. We're all better off for listening, August. Thank you!
  • KM Huber
    Always Informative
    August McLaughlin has a refreshing interview style, thoughtful and mindful. She puts her guests and the audience at ease, no matter the topic. I have been a listener since the beginning of Girl Boner radio, and I learn something in every episode. These broadcasts are a favorite way to spend an hour, and I recommend them to everyone. Karen
  • Marla Martenson
    August is so authentic and fun. She has amazing guests and lots of interesting topics. She really puts her heart and soul into everything she does.
  • Nina Babel
    Loooooooove HER
    So refreshing to hear a female voice giving empowering messages to women about sexuality. August has an energy about herself that makes the conversation a safe and comfortable place in a very body-positive way.
  • Kiffvh
    Fantastic show!
    So much fantastic info and insight into the female's point of view about sex. As a man, it's helping me to be more open with my wife about stuff and making our sex life more open. Keep it up and if you don't subscribe and listen, you're missing out!
    SO fun and personable
    August has such a great and uplifting personality! Girl Boner is super fun and engaging. Her radio voice is on point too! Definitely worth tuning in!
  • Rachel Kramer Bussel
    Fascinating discussions I learn from every time
    I love August McLaughlin’s style as she hosts Girl Boner. I read a lot about sexuality in my daily work, but I always discover new elements of it when I listen to Girl Boner, and discover elements of both daily life and cultural issues that aren’t being talked about so widely. Girl Boner is a must listen for me and something I’d recommend to anyone who wants to be exposed to new aspects of sex, from bisexuality to kinky Christianity and much more.
  • Ammenator
    It’s all good!
    I love Girl Boner's conversations about topics that society would have us shy away from. August and her guests are so uplifting and positive, and there is a lot of joy and laughter woven through her podcasts. This is exactly what we all need to help us accept and embrace our individual experiences - bodies - boners! ;)
  • gmoneylai
    Refreshing and insightful!
    August is such a great host on this show. She is a good listener as well as someone who can dessimate a lot of knowledge in an entertaining way. Her compassion is palpable, which makes me want to listen to her more.
  • AraG1970
    Critical Message
    Now more than ever, health and sexuality have to be understood and appreciated. The message people get “out there” sets up people for failure and depression. This podcast is empowering!
  • xoAnain
    Informative & Entertaining
    Love that August dives deep into topics that more women should be talking about. She does it in an informative and entertaining way while also being candid and sweet. In each podcast you can feel that August truly cares about the topics she's approaching.
  • TT_Tyler
    Fun and informative!
    When I first discovered this podcast, I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I am always interested in hearing more about sexuality. After listening to the first episode I was hooked! Even though it is called Girl Boner, and some of the topics are geared more towards women, it is always important for us men to learn as much as we can about pleasing our partners and bringing out their sexual pleasure! Well done, August!
  • IndyID
    fresh voice
    I love hearing how freely and normally August discusses our bodies. She is a ray of sunshine and a true contributor to the world. Thank you, August!
  • BelleDameSansMerci
    August McLaughlin personifies empathy
    August McLaughlin approaches difficult topics in sexuality with a sympathetic and supportive manner that is rare in today’s media. As an example, when she is interviewing Lauren Jankowski, who self-identifies as a non-romantic asexual, August does not shy away from asking difficult questions, but she asks them without being invasive or putting her guest on the defensive. Also, August asked many questions that clarify the issues for her listeners, questions many of her listeners would ask if they had the opportunity, from myths about asexuality to what other people in Lauren’s life have said or how they have reacted to her identifying as asexual. Her empathy for Lauren shows in how she relates to her without defining her as “other,” one of the coping mechanisms Lauren decries in her interview. August’s second guest is Shan Burton, a winner in the Beauty of a Woman BlogFest, and a woman August happens to know personally. What I immediately find interesting is that August interviews Shan in the same sympathetic and supportive manner that she has shown with Lauren. It makes minimal difference that she knows Shan personally. Shan’s winning blog post is about being naked, both in public arenas such as an area of hot springs in Oregon, but also how self-acceptance makes being naked more comfortable. Shan describes clothing as social armor. August asks Shan about her changing attitude toward nakedness over the intervening fifteen years since her public nudity in Oregon, as well as how her body acceptance has affected how she raises her children. In summary, a large part of August McLaughlin’s success in the Girl Boner series is her ability to ask difficult questions in a respectful, diplomatic, and supportive manner. She puts her guests at ease, and the podcasts sound like an afternoon conversation in her living room. It is an unusual quality, and guarantees her series’ success.
  • Patrick's Babycakes
    Girl Boner
    Was honored to be a guest and now call August a friend. She is a champion of women having a voice, as well as promoting healthy body image. She makes being a woman, knowing your body and sex, FUN!
  • Rick Gabrielly
    Guys Can LOVE This Show Too!
    As a guy, I love August’s message and all her guests bring amazing value. Men can benefit greatly from hearing what’s on the mind of today’s women and more importantly, how they view their own sexuality. In addition, August has a way of taking complex topics and delivering high-quality, actionable gold nuggets in a deliciously consumable style. Plus, she’s relaxed and funny too. I love this show.
  • Stephanie Dreyer
    Inspirational Radio For A Sexier Life
    August McLaughlin enlightens and empowers women to fully embrace their sexuality, let go of labels, and step into their beauty with this informative and entertaining podcast. Her guests and topics are thought-provoking and get you thinking differently about what you thought you knew! I love her casual, girl-next-door approach (you feel like you are listening to your best friend) and appreciate the the interesting subjects she brings to each episode. I don’t subscribe to many podcasts, but this is one I don’t miss!
  • GloriaB (GB at birth!)
    The variety of PodCasts make certain we stay engaged. Not that it's difficult to stay engaged with a topic that's finally being discussed openly and honestly -- from all perspetives. I have been a GB Fan-Addict since August's first blog post, and can not adequately express how much the blogs AND the podcasts helped me embrace my sensuality and want to learn more, be more, enjoy more. KUDOS, August.
  • JilliciousLA
    Power to the Positive!
    I LOVE August's Girl Boner Radio and Blog posts! Her openness and happiness on any and all sexual topics is soooo refreshing. Empowering and educating all in one. Woo!
  • Nicholas Monteer
    Breaking Barriers
    OK boys listen up! This show may be called “GIRL BONER” but August is breaking barriers for not only women but for the entire world of sexuality with this show! It’s open, honest and engaging with every week’s episode. Truly amazing stories/interviews, Keep it flowing!!!
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