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Sports #93

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  • john b 2018
    Rory Smith and mark c make MNC worth listening to. But the readiness of Sutton and the footballers just to take things at face value without any challenge is bizarre. Ruben Amorim criticises Rashford’s attitude - that doesn’t make it a fact that he has a bad attitude. What about Marcus’s version ? I feel we get this kind of thing a lot… More broadly, the presenters (mark, Kelly, Aaron (he is so good), etc) of this podcast are excellent but the “contributors” are in general very poor.
  • NYCAnfieldRed
    NOT better than that….
    Christmas show doesn’t play. Good show, when one can listen. Tech is terrible . half the episodes won’t play, never mind trying to download them. amateur hour, waste of a licence fee.
  • Bop65533
    Thank you!
    Thank you for saving me time by by encouraging me to delete this worthless podcast! Darren Fletcher is brain dead.
  • Jbrizzlack
    Friday Night Club
    After 20mins of praising Manchester City and wondering why winning 4 in a row is not garnering much fawning interest, Finally, and I mean finally someone said “Maybe it’s because they have 115 cheating and financial fraud charges pending, And other fans are all distracted by the massive Elephant in the room” Finally! The only podcast to even mention this obvious taint to the best League in the worlds beautiful game. Any Corporation that pays for TV rights needs to realise that their product is vastly weakened by the delaying and posturing of the accused. In America the College USC had to return all their NCAA titles for cheating in the last decade, and players personal trophies So, Does any of this mean anything at all ? until Manchester City are called to task come to court the league can only continue along with the very dark cloud they cast. As mentioned previously Football is tainted until then sadly, And I am sure it has to weigh on football purist (Pep I am looking at you) shoulders every Saturday. Jb.
  • Footy Jedi
    Evil Empire Clubs
    It is near impossible to hear Man City and Newcastle without thinking of the horrible regimes that own them, so listening to pundits praise these clubs is sickening. They should let listeners know about their evil owners every time they decide to discuss positively about their clubs. Also, taking about the Saudi League is the same. ‘Oh poor rich Jordan Henderson’. He is supporting a murdering, horrid regime!!! Jordan gets all of the criticisms and more for deciding to join this sport washing system. Stop putting pity pundits into this show! Saudi Arabia and all of those other murderous, horrid, anti-humanitarian places should be criticised every moment possible!!!!
  • Hisashitaka
    Euro Leagues is class
    This show is an international treasure. The rotating cast of Horncastle, Rzouki have been exquisite. With respect to Balagué, the shows been fine without him. There was a bit of a sense last season that he’s a bit busy for the show and the guests have been a nice change of pace so far. No pretentiousness even tho everyone here has amazing careers and does a wonderful job. Hope he’s well but also that folks at 5 Live take note there might be other interest Spanish talent - esp in the wake of WC23.
  • Kinda Cracked
    Love it!
    With good guests and interesting viewpoints this is a perfect podcast. The episodes aren’t to long but you can easily binge them. It is a great source to keep up with the latest football news!
  • Yano94
    72+ pod
    Love 72+. Great pod. Aaron you do a great job....but mate, you left out NORTHAMPTON TOWN when reading off the League Two teams that got promoted! And after all they've been through the last 2 seasons, they deserve full props
  • Eric Arbo
    Great Podcast! thank you for releasing it to the states!
  • gordoe72
    Subscription! I think not. You overestimate yourselves. I’ll stick with Men in Blazers, thank you very much. Just because your personnel can’t stay out of trouble is no excuse. Gordie in Seattle 🦉
  • new dancerella
    Entertaining podcast with helpful info to help me understand the game better
  • 80'sVillager
    The British pundits assured us England outplayed France. You didn’t even score from open play and were given 2 pens. You whined you didn’t get 3.
  • T.J.H. MD
    A bit brill, a bit meh
    2022 Update Was SO looking forward to the coverage of the World Cup. Unfortunately some of the cast of reporting characters have tipped that fine balance and have become caricatures. When Vickery - one of the best analysts - says I can talk about the game or you can continue giving the public what they want - ie making fun of Chris Sutton - it’s pretty clear which direction it’s going. More hype and shenanigans,, less tactical analysis and reporting. Would be nice if all reporting wasn’t going in the Micah Richard’s direction. I like tis podcast but was hoping for better especially after Euros installment which was stronger. 2018 World Cup My brother in Hong Kong told me about this podcast. Love the tactical analysis - wish there was a bit more. A bit less interested in microwaves, cups of tea and whether Jesus was spotted on a smoky night out. However over all very entertaining. My favorite parts have been Danny Murphy talking about Mexican set piece tactics, or the England GK talking about why Hazard is so good at taking penalties. Also - love Chris Waddle but he talks about teams and players as though nearly all of them fill him with a sense of lingering disappointment...
  • langcoolbee
  • cjeiid you gsiost
    World Cup boycott
    Why are we hosting sports in countries where women are not treated like human beings?
  • Tod Rivers
  • xj6 aficianado
    1 trick pony
    Why don’t you wait until at least a couple of seasons pass before declaring Haaland the “best ever”? So far he’s won nothing and neither has his new team. Let’s check back in on him after he’s stood the test of time.
  • ronn1e1
    The MNC, might well be the best football podcast there is. Witty, irreverent, argumentative and informative.
  • Boris Zukov
    Punditry/journalism you wouldn’t otherwise accept
    Let me start by saying that I actually listen to this podcast a lot. I enjoy it, and it usually ranges between pretty good and occasionally excellent. It’s hard to be consistently amazing given that sometimes there isn’t a lot to discuss on a night with no action, but they do a great job. It’s the BBC after all. I expect a lot but they always deliver (across all their podcasts). The sole reason I am giving a 1-star review now is because they have less than 900 reviews all-time, and they rely on advertising outside the UK, so this MIGHT actually be read…. Nigel Reo-Coker was on tonight and resorted to absolute gutter level bar stool punditry. Despite the fact that the guy (Jesse Marsch) has been doing a pretty solid job stepping into the shoes of a manager who was an icon with the fans, and has been nothing but professional as a manager and with the media, Nigel STILL had to play the Jesse Marsch/Ted Lasso card….. Guys, it’s moronic, schoolboy level humor, and frankly embarrassing for an organization like the BBC. I know I’m not the only one thinking that, because his colleagues on the show tonight all showed their reactions even though he was their mate, ~quote~ “that was incredibly harsh” etc. It’s absolute nonsense that at this point in 2022, we still have pundits commenting on an American manager who graduated from the US equivalent of Oxford, and who has been given the manager job in Austria and Germany with clubs that are world renowned for finding amazing talent, and he’s being compared to a cliche comedy character. Let’s face it, it wouldn’t be cool if an Eastern European manager was compared to Borat, an Irish manager was compared to Father Ted, and obviously most people didn’t like when some fans did the Rafa/Fawlty Towers thing. It’s certainly below the BBC. I might expect gutter level punditry or crazy bias from some small time podcasts but you are the BBC… Like I said, even his fellow pundits knew he was wrong but I still felt the need to write a scathing review (all the more impressive as I’ve never bothered before… for any Podcast). Do better BBC! We hold you to a higher standard, and yes while I am writing from the U.S. where I live now, I’m not American so it’s not something I took personally. I just expect more from your organization. It was idiotic, schoolboy punditry and your listeners deserve better. I doubt this will be noticed at all but if it is then I hope it’s the last Ted Lasso/American manager comparison I ever hear. Pundits can be better. It’s just lazy, cliched, and frankly kinda xenophobic. Below the BBC, that’s for sure!
  • Skrimmers
    Minutes Liverpool being behind stat
    I especially enjoy the MNC! However, I’m not sure the stat Rory quoted on todays MNC (May 2nd) that Liverpool have only been behind for 57 minutes in all competitions this season is correct? They were behind for 60 minutes in total vs West Ham when losing 3-2 in November and have been behind for 69 minutes in all competitions in 2022 so far!
  • jfarq
    Awful from Kelly
    Kelly doesn’t like Qatar . Has to be the worst pod out there , clueless
  • Jaysz267
    Far Left, Socialist, WOKE TRASH.
    Pushing the PLANdemic Narrative over Football talk. Wrong audience to be pushing Communism on. That audience watches Dancing with the Stars. This is America-Sort your Trash! Unsubscribed.
  • Stu delay
    One of the best podcasts out there.
    The depth of knowledge, the cast of lovable characters, endless stories and insight. The only podcast I listen to every day.
  • MikeyFreedom
    You can hear the ‘woke’ hires who offer nothing but ticking certain boxes for leftist executives and their personal pigment and gender guilt.
  • Macca9091
    Harry Kane vs. Romelu L.
    Darren Fletcher - Harry Kane? How man goals this year, big games or small? Twenty two minutes trashing Romelu L?? Wow!!
  • therojay
    Quality of show wavers depending on host
    The quality of the show wavers from show to show depending on the host and how they handle the group of analysts, who mostly offer predictable takes. I used to enjoy the Monday Night Club episodes but it’s becoming infuriating to listen to the often-condescending way Mark Chapman, Chris Sutton and Rory Smith constantly poke fun at Micah Richards as though he’s some clown mascot whose main role is to be an ongoing figure of fun. At times I wish Micah would stop gamely chuckling and laughing along at the mocking - it’s cringeworthy at times. Ugh!!
  • Dave Gatz
    BEST football podcast
    One of the most amazing podcasts for football especially English football , Appreciate all the amazing insights and all the laughs !!! Keep at it guys !!!
  • Guzzman1999
    I’ll guarantee that you’ll fall in love with all the presenters and guests
    I’ve been listening to Football Daily since summer 2018 and I somehow feel like I’ve developed a relationship with all the presenters & guests that come on. I love the show for the banter, analysis and criticism. Even when I would travel overseas for my studies this podcast always made me feel at home. Great podcast, keep it up!
  • TeawithMrB
    Final Italian fouls
    Why is nobody talking about studs on Grealish and Sam’s being pulled my the shirt collar? I find it difficult to hear praise for Chiellani when he’s conducted a malicious foul.
  • cjhermanns
    Do you consider listeners?
    The insight is often pretty good, but has anyone on the pod ever considered what it’s like to listen? To record in a loud stadium? Horrible chanting and music drowning out commentators? Commentators having to shout over the din? That’s leaving aside the inside jokes and pseudo-comedy. There’s enough to talk about doing good analysis. Stick to that.
  • Octopus618
    Depends on the presenter
    Some are great: Mark Chapman, Jermaine Jenas; some are atrocious: Steve Crossman, Emma Saunders.
  • biggleswaite
    Steve Crossman...
    Dreadful....has never grown into himself. Turn off
  • aircole23
    So do you hate Arsenal?
    Today we are a day after Arsenal went away and beat Southampton and there was absolutely no mention of the result! You spoke about the every single game yesterday evening, (even a full on 30 min breakdown and special on Tuchel who hasn’t even coached yet in the league) besides the Arsenal result and this is not the first time by any means. I love listening to your show, but you never give Arsenal any air time unless it’s about Arsenal losing or a poor result, or trouble in the back office or locker room! Please explain!
  • Rock132
    Many better podcasts out there
    Horribly biased, many of the pundits that frequent the podcast speak with intelligence but others attempt to push their own agenda. Immediate post match interviews are the only reason this podcast remains relevant.
  • Jordikins101
    It is standard practice that when a podcast starts an ad plays. All fine and dandy. What is not fine is the ad itself stating “I couldnt figure out what was wrong with my middle achool until the answer dawned on me.... white parents.” a podcast from the NYT (Nice White Parents) which goes on to chastize a group of people based solely on the skin color. replace white with any other race and society would have a meltdown. however, because certain people have a certain skin pigment it has become socially acceptable to literally treat them as a whole and denegrate them based on their skin features. im writing this as black man and i am telling you the ad was explicitly racist. censor your ads. i would love to give the podcast another chance.
  • hschanel
    Great show!
    Informative and amusing summary of EPL, European and World footy.
  • Strangemercy23
    Normally a fan...
    Normally a fan but the commentary has gotten annoyingly cliche of recent
  • hang zuckerberg
    Southampton starved in LA
    Thank you as I’m a non-paying bbc consumer, actually complaining about a free lunch. Cheeky bastard, is it? That one says in this case? I understand completely the reasons for covering chronically bottom table sides less comprehensively. The frankly somewhat frequent occurrence however of hearing mention of saints in the score line of a match review and then little or no mention of the team during the summary, is, I think you say, boring. It happens sometimes win or lose, the latter usually when we top off a top six. In the case of Sunday’s review of our CP match, and granted, the former CP player was it?, was on the pod, but literally not one word re: SHFC. I know this is common, we have the same thing here even with powerful teams in sport, here it’s called ‘east coast bias’. Thanx again for the free pod and thanx too for the bbc news hour which I can hear on many of our public radio stations.It is of the highest quality. As a rabid consumer of everything saints, please pundit away about my team, the horrible and mediocre, I crave it all.
  • AlansnsnsndbxsjjfbvhJ
    These analysts really get paid to have incorrect takes and information every episode
  • Surf 0n
    Good, not great
    Good analysis most days and good commentators, but kind of boring. A good podcast if you want a “news update” style show, but I prefer the football ramble daily.
  • Calst88
    I love the show but the same conversations about Covid-19 are getting tedious
    I absolutely love the show, I now live abroad so being able to listen to the show everyday has had such a positive impact on me daily. I’m sure it’s hard to come up with new content, but the same conversations/rants from Wrighty and Sutton are getting boring. Hopefully the producer can continue to find a way to provide new content.
  • ***MNC Fan ***
    Thoroughly enjoyable!
    I’ve always enjoyed this show and was a regular listener when I lived abroad. The quiz made me laugh out loud. Highly recommend you listen.
  • fisherville listener
    Wage cuts
    This conversation is annoying. Have the investment bankers, hedge fund managers, etc been asked to take a wage cut? Why is the onus on footballers only? Is it because most are from working class background, hence don’t deserve their earnings?
  • Hugh Jarss
    Good, but ditch the annoying music!
    Especially like the timeliness (same day) of the coverage, inclusion of commentators who were at the games. Nice rotation of various ex and current footballers and reporters keeps it fresh. Sometimes the ‘arguments’ are a bit manufactured and tedious. But most of all please get rid of the overly loud, repetitive, and annoying music used to transition between sections!!
  • sbpardo
    Please don’t write Headlines that spoil games - You’re not a newspaper.
    I know no one involved with the show will see this, and I know nothing will change. Just putting this here for posterity. I’ve had so many games ruined because of the show's need to have game results included in the episode title. Why? Just put.. Champions League and the date. Especially for an audience in the US, I have to imagine there are lots of people saving the game to watch after work. Anyway, turned off notifications for this podcast. So problem is solved. But … hey maybe I’ll just stop getting notifications, and just stop forgetting to check, and then just.. stop listening. Anyway, show is good noise, minus one star for spoiling my enjoyment of the beautiful game.
  • garni888
    Pretty good generally
    But it is hit and miss depending on guests and episode. Consistency isn’t there. Some episodes are amazing and others more average. It’s like the Mesut Ozil of podcasts. Can be world class on their day, but also wander around aimlessly on other days.
  • LoriCT
    Stop cutting in
    I feel sorry that the man keeps cutting off the women and not letting them finish their points.
  • A.Lew8
    Why are you messing with England?
    Why would the media ask questions to cause even more of a stir up??!!! Aren’t we all English?? Don’t you think we want England to do well and win. You are purposely trying to look for entertainment instead of support. We need this team to win. Best young English team since I’ve been alive. Fights happen and the media wants to make it worse? I don’t understand. You should want this to go away and help England win
  • iLOXY
    #1 Footy Podcast
    Consistently delivering great insight into the forthcoming fixtures, and solid review of the played games. A good chemistry shared between all hosts, and especially enjoy Chris Sutton’s hard-nosed critique of players, managers and the footballing institutions.
  • IniestaRocks
    Thursday’s European Show
    A must listen show each week for European football. More than discussing the games played, the insights given are first rate.
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