Not Stupid


Not Stupid is the podcast that helps you understand the news of the week and the stories in your social media feed. Julia Baird and Jeremy Fenandez chat about the stories they are obsessed with and the stories you may have missed.They look at what shapes our politics here in Australia from Anthony Albanese to Peter Dutton. As the Federal Election looms they’ll unpack and explain some of the big issues that might affect your vote. Jules and Jez also try to explain what’s going on in the world. They both follow US politics closely and will be watching to see what the next Donald Trump presidency means for the US and the world. But it’s not all about politics. If it is in your Facebook or Instagram feed (or even on X) they will talk about it. They look at the pop culture figures who are shaping our world from Elon Musk to Mr Beast and Ariane Grande. There’s also a focus on the issues that affect you like the cost-of-living crisis and the duopoly of the Supermarkets Coles and Woolworths. They’ve also looked at microplastics and bushfires, looking at how climate change is affecting us and what impact humans are having on the environment.The show will also make you laugh or cry. And on a good day, maybe both. They talk about poetry and history, about films and cakes and everything in between. Julia is passionate about grace and forgiveness so they talk a lot about that, but also about resilience and what makes us human. At the end of each show, Julia and Jeremy talk about their “pick of the week”. It’s something that has made them think or giggle that week from the silliest Guinness World Record attempts to great books and silly Tiktoks.

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Recent Reviews
  • @jeffsolof
    Two people I’d love to hang out with — I think you will too!
    Julia’s is a familiar voice from her days with Newsweek and The NY Times, but Jeremy’s is new, at least to me. The two of them are a perfect pairing, discussing whatever’s bubbled up most recently in the news, and other topics that strike their eclectic fancies. The best part comes toward the end, when they each call out one story we wouldn’t want to miss. If I had a magic wand, I’d use it to have coffee with them every morning, just to hear what’s on their minds. Failing that, their podcast is the next best thing. And there are unlimited seats at the table!
  • CN Oz
    More Linda is a good thing!
    Sometimes the 24-Hour news cycle is simply too much to absorb. Linda has a soothing, knowing voice that sets the tone for what is a very nice, somewhat removed perspective on some of the key issues of a given week. Think of it as “Insiders” with David Speers for the aural medium with some non-political important issues to complement what is always her great political news. A very welcome addition to ABC podcasts.
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