Get Out Alive: An Animal Attack Podcast

Science #221Nature #22

Hosted by forensic wildlife biologist Ashley Bray, Get Out Alive aims to have honest conversations about intense human-wildlife conflicts, especially those resulting in attacks. She is often joined by friends, experts, authors, and even attack survivors themselves. Join her every other week as she tells stories of animal attacks, why they happen, and how we can all avoid them.

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Recent Reviews
  • GirlMeetsPod
    Wish I Could Get Past the Weird Vibes
    Seems like this podcast would have good content if I could keep listening through the first 5 minutes instead of getting second hand embarrassment. Overall weird vibes, but if you can withstand it Godspeed!
  • hrbeishwbwjrifusbwbrjfuwh
    Disrespectful and tasteless
    The one and only episode I listened to was 92. The guy was so so disrespectful to the people who died. I could barely finish it because all I heard was him saying it was the victims faults. No remorse. It’s a very cheap version of Tooth and Claw. And side note to the creators, barn cats are a necessity. Without them, rats and mice would destroy the food supply. The cats are normally feral, and find their own way to the barn. They aren’t forced there, I’ve never known of a barn cat being someone’s “pet”. At least educate yourself before you speak on a subject. -Someone who majored in Ag science, and spent their whole life on, and around farms
  • Maura Macs
    Perfect way for time to fly by!
    I found this podcast a few months ago and absolutely love listening to this at work. Im a plant biology research assistant and getting a mix of information with humor is the perfect combination to make the hours fly by! Love how Ashley is able to have great chemistry with everyone (but ofc her and Nick are unmatched.) My goal is to visit more national parks in my lifetime so I will definitely keep all the info i learned here in mind! Thanks!
  • Iheartpodcasts143
    To know them is to love them
    I recently found this podcast and I’m working my way through. I feel like they are my friends and enjoy the conversation between them as much as the stories they tell. The more I listen to them, the more they feel like family. **I keep rearing to the hosts as them because I can’t remember their names at the moment. I don’t think they will mind that too much.
  • Atir73
    Love the show and thank you for the Dan Flores interview, good questions for him and now I’m downloading his books.
  • KittenFoster661
    Smart and funny?!
    Loving the show. Ashley definitely brings in the smarts to the episodes as I’m cracking up at the often absurdity at how in the world folks find themselves in these encounters. I’ve got a longstanding dislike of chimps anywhere on the same continent I’m in, and it’s nice to feel their support. (Don’t stop swearing!)
  • Legolasthegreat
    Not great
    This show is basically a copy of Tooth and Claw: True Stories of Animal Attacks. It’s okay, but it’s sometimes cringe and lacking in engagement. If you’re looking for a good animal podcast to entertain you, go check out tooth and claw.
  • RobertL002
    Tooth & Claw Knock-Off
    Occasionally informative. Occasionally cringe. Most of their stories have already been covered by Tooth & Claw; a far superior podcast. Show needs to find its own identity and stop copying Tooth & Claw. Author/guest interview episodes are some of the better episodes and would be a good framework for setting the show apart.
  • UnfairDurian
    Get a sound engineer!
    I love the show, but I find it really frustrating to listen over speakers (as opposed to headphones) because of how poor the sound quality is. The program itself is recorded so quietly that I have to turn the volume up really loud in my car, only to be startled by blasting advertisements during the commercial breaks. We recently listened to a bunch of these on a long roadtrip, and after a few hours the frustration with the poor sound engineering surpassed the enjoy the episodes.
  • hagekdgrbrhebdkfbnrrk
    good friends don't equal good co-hosts
    guy is annoying. they never stay on topic, episodes could be 30min if they stop going on tangents. just cause they're friends doesn't mean they should co-host a podcast
  • Jersey Girl in Vermont
    Just found this podcast and really enjoying it!
  • frustrated with twitter
    guests introducing their pronouns is exhausting
    Better after male host left
  • ElijahCM.
    I absolutely love this podcast, I started listening 2 weeks ago, it’s my new go to while I’m working. The information you guys put out, and the guest speakers you have are absolutely enthralling. It’s awesome to be able to listen to something I as well as so many others are passionate about, and to hear you guys put it all out in such great taste is amazing! As an aspiring conservationist/ biologist/ ecologist/ zoologist(have no idea what path I want to take lol) this podcast helps give me insight to different fields that are available!! Thank you guys so much for the content I look forward to continuing to be a listener!
  • Lane_Clark
    My fav pod
    This is by far my favorite podcast! I wait every other week for the new upload. I do really miss Nick, half of the reason I listen is because listening to Ashley and Nick feels like chatting with friends. Ashley is so incredibly educated about the biology of animals and comes to every episode extremely prepared and eager. Nick is just there for the ride which I absolutely love.
  • Laura198823114
    Great Podcast!
    Informative and entertaining! The interviews with experts sets this podcast apart from other animal attack podcasts. The hosts are really good at highlighting their guests and not talking over them. I was interested in the early episodes on animal attack stories but the more recent episodes on broader issues have been my favorites!
  • ThatVanGuy
    Waaay too quiet, frequently inaccurate
    So first off: I actually enjoy this podcast. I’ve listened to over 50 episodes so far, and I keep coming back so I must like it on some level. The topics covered are interesting, and the hosts have a certain charm to them. It has the vibe of a couple of young friends just BSing about stuff they find interesting, which I guess is sort of what the show actually is…BUT my god is it also frustrating to listen to. The audio mastering on the early episodes is so quiet that I have to crank the volume on my devices unless I’m sitting in perfect silence. It gets better in newer episodes, but it would have been really nice if they edited the levels on the old ones. There are also a lot of frustrations with the content. Nick is the sort of loud-and-confidently-wrong type of person that would probably make a great salesman, but his role is to be the ignorant foil to the expert so that’s fine. He gets tedious at times, but seems like a good guy. The more frustrating thing is how frequently Ashley, the show’s expert, makes erroneous statements. Some of these (like mispronunciations) are forgivable, but she has made a shocking number of confidently-spoken factual errors in the content as well. One particular pet peeve is Ashley’s CONSTANT mispronunciation of “ungulate,” and the fact that she taught Nick to do it the same way. I mean you’re a biologist, and that’s something you should get right. This could be solved by doing better research, and in the case of off-the-cuff statements it would be good to qualify that they are speculating, and maybe edit in the actual answer after some supplemental research. Again, it’s an interesting show and they seem like good kids, but when discussing this kind of topic and positioning yourself as an expert, I think you have a responsibility to make sure that your statements are factually accurate (or qualify that you’re speculating).
  • May Day hay
    I like the concept of the podcast, but maybe with different hosts. I only listened to one podcast episode (the first coyote killing) and Ashley sound very demeaning. She was just speaking down to Nick the whole time and it made the dynamic between the two very weird and uncomfortable to listen to.
  • Jtri123
    I love this freaking podcast
    I love this show. I’ve listened to all the episodes. Super bummed that it comes out less frequently and I have to wait for new episodes like a peasant, but I’m always anxiously waiting. Great job guys! Hopeful you can get back to weekly someday!
  • ISpankEm
    Really like the show
    I think it would be so much better with just Ashley. Dude adds nothing.
  • PinkChaos
    My favorite!!!!
    I stumbled upon this podcast a few months ago, and it's become my absolute favorite. Ashley is simply the best—her insights are both captivating and informative. You can’t help but love Nick and his contributions to the discussions 😂. Now it's the only thing I listen to while driving. I've even just became an “expert survivalist" on their Patreon. 🎉Highly recommend this podcast for an enjoyable and educational experience! Keep doing what y’all are doing, Ashley and Nick! #FleshieBaby or would it be #FleshyBaby lol idk. 😂🩷
  • NicMed0825
    You guys crack me up. I love the dynamic between you. You have taught me a few new words. Don’t feel bad about pronouncing countries wrong. Listen to the song “World Cup” and you will feel better. Best podcast I have listened to!
  • Frozen23!
    Nick really needs to stop using the F bomb every other word
  • June_7.23
    Extremely knowledgeable and teaches me new things
    Ive been listening to this podcast for about a year now, binged the whole thing. I live and grew up in a very urban area. There’s no wildlife here, and to hear about all these animal attack stories is so interesting. Even when we go hiking, I educate all my friends. There are so many things none of us think about, especially if it never happened to us, we don’t dwell on it. This podcast has taught me so much about wildlife, it even encourages me to go out there and experience nature. You get to really appreciate the wildlife. The way the stories are told is also great. I love how they always mention the victims by name, as to not forget them. Not to mention the way you guys make me laugh! I love it. Definitely entertaining. I
  • Swampscreamer
    Staying Alive
    Equal parts entertaining and informative. Love the banter and obvious enthusiasm for the subject matter. I also enjoy when they bring experts in for a chat. Must love bears.
  • Shanda Ann
    Love This
    This is my absolute favorite podcast. It’s super informative, entertaining, and often hilarious to listen to.
  • Merry yrreM
    So sick of the white apologizing. NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE TRASH! This has gotten so out of hand. You actually sound stupid spouting off. Unfollowing. I’m African American btw.
  • Meeper Peeper1
    Favorite podcast
    Love this podcast. Nick is hilarious. Love your energy level it’s like we are sitting in the room with you guys laughing and having fun. Look look forward every other week to hearing you guys tell stories and talk about how to stay safe. Also don’t care about the tangents I love them and they are interesting. Keep up the great work. Also I heard a story on an ant eater killing somebody and have heard that they maul there zoo keepers so just a suggestion. Kingston Morris from Spotify
  • Shan546
    Narrow minded
    Didn’t care for how much they go off on random tangents but I enjoyed the stories, then I got to the Indianapolis episode…….. Nick are you good? Ashley calmly suggests that maybe there are victims on both sides of war and you’d think she was burning a flag based on his reaction. Randomly went from 0 to 100 in a disturbing way. I feel like it’s not a hot/controversial take to think both Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima were tragedies…..??
  • Harvey Butthole
    Steve Irwin would be proud
    Keep up the great work you two, I’ll see you on one of Forrest’s shows one day I’m sure of that
  • Maverickx27x
    Wild stuff
    Ashley and Nick are interesting and informative in a creative way. I’m learning so much about these animals. Kind of dark scary stuff but presented in a fashion that educates without being intentionally trying to frighten the listener. Keep up the good work !
  • Mcpaisty
    Interesting topics
    Hosts work well but show seems amatuerish. Volume changes throughout and you can clearly hear Ashley eating something mid interview.
  • KristenMDyer19
    Great potential
    Absolutely love the all the research put into the show. Ashley is great at telling the stories, however Nick can be a bit too much. He tends to get obnoxious and loud and interrupts the story often. I usually have to listen in two parts because sometimes it’s just overwhelming. But still great stories.
  • caitlin223
    Love y’all
    Love the dynamic with this one! It feels like sitting around with a few good friends and you’re just hanging out. Also love nicks unfiltered opinions, especially after episode 43. Definitely agree with him on that one 😂 can’t wait to hear more from y’all!
  • Ceallach21015
    Great podcast!
    Found this podcast by accident, ended up listening to and enjoying it a lot. Always has very good information and the interviews are really engaging. Ashley and Nick work really well as cohosts, and having moments of levity in the midst of a story about a guy getting his scalp torn off is definitely a plus. I love the conversational style, keep it up y’all!
  • knggil
    I appreciate the realness of the podcast. Ashley and Nick, never stop your banter. Ashley does a great job with her research and finding people to interview for the podcast.
  • siandmc
    Nick and Ashley are awesome! I’ve been annoying everyone by telling them new facts i’ve learned from this podcast. so interesting and informative and entertaining banter!
  • Frost1971
    Thank you for providing a podcast that fulfills two of my brain's favorite things.... education and entertainment. You have great conversational chemistry and are an auditory delight. Kudos to you both for being true to yourselves and providing content in an engaging manner. One of my favorite podcasts.... thank you so much. Dani
  • Belljar007
    Nick is hilarious. The other host is a little too chatty but knowledgeable about animals.
  • SlyJon
    Good topics
    Good stories. But They have a tough time staying on topic. And the yelling and screaming is difficult to listen to.
  • marcelmeshell
    Hilarious and informative
    Ashley and Nick strike a perfect balance between being funny yet sensitive, while educating us all on how we can be better neighbors to wild animals. Love this podcast!
  • Dwoo2021
    Almost got me on board
    Cool facts and story telling but I’ll pass on the constant cussing.
  • Tangerine in my pocket
    Why though?
    Why does Nick always have to make things awkward? Feels like his input never really fits and is narrow minded. New co-host please.
  • Vdisawesome
    Interesting topics
    Very interesting topics and I like how she approaches animal attacks. Definitely like her when there is a cohost, although I don’t know if Nick os the right fit for all the episodes (his “bro” personality is a little too much sometimes) BUT Ashley is very knowledgeable and the guests are also knowledgeable which I enjoy.
  • AwesomeRN492
    One of the most underrated podcasts!
    I really enjoy this podcast and eagerly wait for each new episode. It’s so educational and fascinating and I really like the emphasis on preservation of many different species. This podcast has help me understand animal behavior better, and be less afraid of them (I’m looking at you, snakes!). There’s lots to learn and who knows, one of these episodes could save your life one day!
  • OnePinTones
    Is better than I hoped
    This was recommended by a co-worker though I’m not very outdoorsy, I love every minute. The storytelling is amazing and I get so absorbed in the incredible episodes. Banter back and forth is great as well as the stories picked. It inspires me to get out more to my local parks. I’ll listen as long as you keep making episodes
  • hikergirl82
    Great podcast!
    I really do love the back and forth between Nick and Ashley. This last podcast where Ashley did the podcast by herself I didn’t like as much. I generally like the podcasts with more than one person better than solo podcasts.
  • SSWWS3
    Co-host ruins it
    He doesn’t stop talking and criticizing! He keeps interrupting and I just can’t get into the story.
  • sirbow
    Hilarious and informative
    I just found this podcast and binged it. It’s like listening in on two friends having a hilarious conversation about animal encounters and attacks. If you don’t enjoy dark humor or you don’t like humor to cope with trauma, this isn’t the podcast for you. Ashley is full of facts and Nick is delightfully blunt and sassy. All bad reviews of this podcast were most likely written by chimpanzees or chimpanzee sympathizers.
  • StitchSurfs
    My Favorite Podcast By Far
    Both hilarious and educational! If you’re into nature, the outdoors, or cautionary tales about playing poorly with wildlife this podcast is for you! Where else can you hear real life survival stories from people that have been attacked by bears, chewed by chimps, grabbed by gators, or savaged by wolves. There’s nothing else like it online. Highly recommended!
  • LisaB0131
    Informational, interesting and fun!
    Ashley and Nick have developed an incredible podcast discussing an array of wild animals, attack stories and information on how to prevent an attack and/or survive one. They provide exceptionally interesting stories about animal attacks in the past while also bringing in professional guests that provide further knowledge of the animal of the week. They keep it light and fun while also providing great educational content on such interesting animals. Give it a listen, follow, subscribe and protect yourself from attacks so you can get out alive!!
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