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munchiekatrepackaged tv showsIf we're going to pay for premium content you should be giving us shows that we haven't aired on dateline. These are all just shows that I've been broken down into episodes that dateline fans probably have already seen or heard.
A Kansas FanWhat a WebI couldn’t pull myself away!!! What a deadly web that was weaved! Excellently documented! Keith Morrison at his finest!!! Don’t miss this Gem!!! The best podcast ever!!!!! A Kansas Fan
Houston HolidayEvery character aside from the fathers and younger brother are despicable.What a greedy, mentally ill tribe of well educated but worthless grifters. All have educations and advanced degrees from prestigious universities and seemingly talent in writing and acting. Yet, rather than continuing to use their talents and education, they are fighting for the old lady’s property before she’s dead and as she is used and played by her daughter, older son, and granddaughter. Instead of working, they are living off of the old lady and fighting over a modest inheritance. A bunch of drug abusers, grifters, and narcissists. Kelly and her daughter, Tucker, certainly have borderline personality disorders. Awful and unlikable grifters. I hope the old lady burns thru the money and no one inherits a dime.
cam toddleLove it 😍The story pulls you in but the narrator makes it come to life within the imagination as if I was watching the show!!!
Mandi w an IExcellentThis is a good story that Keith makes even better with his narration. He’s the best!
Jjjjjjjjska siqldnLoved itGreat podcast. Anything Keith Morrison narrates is always a fave for me:) great work as always!!
Aaron MarcizzleA Lot Of Created DramaThey really had to expand the bookends of where this story began and ended to make what’s online as a two minute video of the crime into a podcast. Not sure why her acting and the film and the characters you meet first are even part of the story.
Charles WashburnJROkThe mother and daughter were so obviously lying it was frustrating to listen to.
MamoscickiKeith Morrison my favoriteI get memorized by his voice and can hear him all the time! He is a great story teller and amazing reporter!
CrissleStanTW needed/Pro-copAbsolutely could have gone without hearing the victim’s final screams in ep 6. Also, the writing demonstrated a clear bias in favor of the police and no meaningful attempt to explore the psychological state of the perpetrators. Narration read as overly smug.
Shaney slowKmKeith Morrison…simply the best
fanwheelSo repetitive and boring- skip it!This is the worst Dateline podcast. This story could’ve been told in a single episode, 2 tops. Even Keith Morrison (whom I usually love) sounded bored, injecting “My Oh My” a few too many times. Every episode seemed to replay the same footage. I stuck it out to wait for the “twist” and there really wasn’t any. [SPOILER] They never explained why Tucker sent in her own incriminating footage of the shooting. Definitely skip this one!
scalzmoneySpreads Out Good Material Too FarThe audio of the police interviews and the audio from the phone recording of the actual crime are so excellent that they almost make up for the side story of the father and daughter making the movie. That story could have been told in two or three sentences. The connection to the crime is a good one but full episodes dedicated to the indie filmmakers were a waste. The mom in this story is so CRAZED that I bet if she'd done the shooting she could have talked her way out of the charges.
CrazieK4Love Dateline, but…I struggled listening to this podcast, it’s very repetitive and I agree with another review, could have been 2 hours or less episode.
Nav SaintLove Dateline, love KMBut I feel this could’ve been a 2-hour episode. Dateline has done soooo many other shows that would be amazing as a special series - but this one was a snooze. Sorry!! Still love you, Dateline!!
Radpro1Love love you KM!!You have the best warmth voice when you tell a story. It feels like I was there watching every thing live,, you don’t missed to tell every tiny details of your stories.. you are always my favorite! Thank you 😊
74redvetKeith MorrisonI’ve listened to KM for years!!! My family teases me about how much I love his stories. His voice is so melodic that I will listen to rebroadcasts just to hear his voice. Great story teller- rock on KM!!
smpribbKilling on tapeThis is true crime so it’s understandable there is video evidence but you may have any to give a heads up on episode 6 that you will hear the man be shot. Not much of a warning.
stewbenAwesome!!Season Two please !!!
Hermiome's shadow❤️❤️❤️for all you true crime junkies, listen to this if you want an absolutely bone chilling story. More things like this need to be told. Thank you dateline. Keep digging up the truth and SO HELP ME if you fire the amazing narrator Keith Morison His voice makes these stories all the more chilling
vAsOunderOn and onWay to stretch out a 30 minute story into 6 episodes! Wow!
minwheeKILLER ROLEWhen will Season 2 be released?
JackarooI love these PodcastsI love Dateline’s podcasts! I need more!
blondiee75Amazing.I can’t get enough of these Dateline Podcasts. They are my my absolute favorites.
coollonitaFantasticGreat story, I mean honestly Keith could probably tell the most mundane story ever and make it extremely compelling. This genuinely was a great listen though. I had never heard this story before. I mean some of the “characters” you absolutely HATE and some of these episodes aren’t are enough to make your skin crawl listening to, but Keith really is so soothing it makes up for it.
sandralynn 1215AmazingHow does one man convey so many emotions, suspicions, derision, skepticism? His voice is a work of art. If I ever hear him ask “Can we Speak to you?” I am heading for the border 😂
TN Farmer MattKept me in suspenders the whole timeWow what a tail, as if Dateline wasn’t suspenseful enough? This one knocks it out of the park. I thought I knew what drama was, buckle your seat belt and ride along on this twisted tail. The ending was not what I hoped for, but Justus is always served cold. But that’s life.
nelly sanz JimenezI love this potcastKeith Morrison is the best narrador ever ! His voice get in to the story he is just great!!
Laura Rose 1106Great podcast!I love these Dateline podcasts where it’s one story. And I adore Keith Morrison, he’s the absolute BEST!!!!!
CharmaineLoveSpoiler AlertThis is a moderately interesting podcast that was about 2-3 episodes too long. At one point in episode 5 I thought my phone accidentally started playing a past episode because the host was repeating information verbatim for over a paragraph. Give your audience a little more credit for being able to retain information given in a previous episode. The producers of this were incredibly irresponsible by playing live footage (sound) of an actual killing and the subjects subsequent demise. Maybe they think we’re all desensitized by murder based on Films & TV of today, but there’s a HUGE difference between an actor portraying a death and listening to an actual real human take his final gasps of air. Incredibly irresponsible and very triggering for people who would never expect Dateline to be so callous and benefit from something so horrendous. I’m still in shock the producers did not give the audience a warning, not only did they play the actual murder, the producers repeated it more than once. Gross and completely unnecessary to tell the story. Sensationalistic producing at its absolute worst. Dateline should be ashamed of this and Keith Morrison should have refused to allow this into the podcast. Finally, the ending is dissatisfying-this time not productions fault but because of the ineptitude of small town prosecutors that just let things go. Not only should this girl be in prison for life, her mother should be as well. Sick people. Nothing about this podcast was great. I wish I had listened to my gut and turned this off after the first boring chapter.
SanchitasgKiller role.I absolutely love Mr Morrison telling any story. Makes the story come to life. This podcast about the mother and daughter is disgusting and disappointing. But listening to it on podcast was entertainment
UserUserUserUser4I hate these womenThe two women at the center of this story are so obnoxious and unlikeable that I found it hard to enjoy this podcast. This could’ve been done in three episodes (probably even just one) without subjecting the listener to their incipient dramatizing and yelling. Two episodes in and it felt like the story was dragging….just get to the point instead of dragging out and replaying those absolutely insufferable recordings of Kelly and Tucker overacting and yelling. It’s an interesting story with a completely unsatisfying ending for everyone involved except one person. There’s probably a better way to package and produce this story.
Russel Nash 1965Keith MorrisonKeith is the absolute best story teller, host, reporter on Dateline. I love listening to him. He tells the stories with perfect emotion in his voice, and his interviews are always interesting and very professional.
GallowrotLong and drawn outThis is a fantastic story but this podcast series is very long and drawn out. This series is six episodes long and they could have easily told the story in three episodes. Half of the series is filled with the exact same sound bytes with a little bit of new info tossed in. Could have easily condensed this.
leannwestinTRIGGER WARNINGI’m primarily writing this review to warn potential future listeners that they will play the full audio of a man dying without any warning in episode 6! It is so offensive to me and completely unethical. Also, as many other one star reviews have pointed out, there was about half a story here. I actually kept finding myself wondering why this was really a podcast when it’s about someone who killed someone and then was in a movie. Incredibly meh.
TrnnesseegalImpressiveKeith Morrison always weaves his was through these intricate stories!
Jules Soet KingInterestingAlways surprised by people!
frenchiecolleteConfusedA tad confused by all the positive reviews. It was pretty boring and repetitive.
Rhoda Land of enchantmentFaithful listenerLove to hear it!! On my way home from work I usually can squeeze a episode in… it’s like I’m there the way the story is told!
ihaterain2019Killer RoleI found this to be a good story but I did get frustrated with how many things were constantly repeated. This story would have taken half of the time if the producers hadn’t repeated the same recordings and other things MULTIPLE times.
SagitchickGreat podcastLove Keith Morrison.
Kelci 😘Dragged outThis could’ve been one dateline episode. It was very repetitive, I found myself wishing they’d get to the point.
morestoriesfromkeithpleaseSets the standardKeith Morrison consistently delivers the story in an intelligent, coherent, interesting and informative manner... truly the epitome of professional narration. The absolute BEST.
msyers13I also love to have Keith Read me a bedtime storyI read the other review and needed to join in the praise. As adults, we don’t get bedtime stories often—except when Keith gives us a cautionary tale about murder. I know it sounds strange, but nothing relaxes me more. Btw- did you know on the dateline podcast, there is a recording of Keith M reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”?
OH! I-OKeith Morrison voice is perfect for podcastsI listen to this case over and over not exactly for the story although it’s crazy. I listen to it to hear Keith tell me a bed time story. It works better than my sound machine and a dose of melatonin. I am just sure to set my sleep timer so I don’t have crazy dreams about this unbelievable case.
ughhhallnicknamesaretakennRecommendAnything with Keith Morrison is the best, but this story is wild
Nerdalert111Love Dateline!So happy that DateLine now has a podcast! Keith Morrison could read directions to the assembly of a bike assembly and I would listen.
FirstTimePodcastListenerInteresting Story…Ok StorytellingThe story is very interesting; however, the way in which the story was presented was difficult to listen to at times. Several parts of the story were told repeatedly which made it drag on at times. A part of the story would be replayed later on a different context which made the story disjointed.
Gabbers-09Wow! Unbelievable!Binged this because my instructor at corpsman school his brother is the detective on this case! Love true crime and this was another good one from dateline!
nliepeLOVE ITBinged this and loved it, I could not get enough! Amazing narrator
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