

5-4 is a podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks. It's a progressive and occasionally profane take on the ideological battles at the heart of the Court's most important landmark cases; an irreverent tour of all the ways in which the law is shaped by politics.

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Listen each week as hosts Peter, Michael, and Rhiannon dismantle the Justices’ legal reasoning on hot-button issues like affirmative action, gun rights, and campaign finance, and use dark humor to reveal the high court's biases. Presented by Slow Burn co-creator Leon Neyfakh, and hosted by Rhiannon Hamam, Peter Shamshiri, and Michael Morbius. 5-4 is a production of Prologue Projects.

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Recent Reviews
  • Meledy
    Fine, I'm subscribing
    It was McCutcheon that did it. I really appreciate the insightful analysis of Supreme Court cases, and the fact that they are just as critical of issues with the liberal judges as they are with the sadly extraordinarily corrupt conservative judges.
  • Max Hume
    Great, but with one caveat…
    These hosts are brilliant, funny, and affable, but they are REALLY philosemitic. Most of us have Jewish people we know and love, but these guys get really weird about it. It’s just uncomfortable after a point, you know? So bear that in mind.
  • Louisjams
    A wasted opportunity
    It must be said, at the very forefront, that this is a deeply anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish and anti-Israel show. They don’t even try to hide it. Beyond their antisemitism, and regarding their legal view; This show is interesting but really could’ve been a lot better. It’s made by people who obviously care a lot about the issues they’re discussing and have a lot of passion. Still, it’s completely biased and heavily one-sided. There’s literally zero attempt to see any issue from any other perspective, of which there are many. it’s actually incredibly cowardly to never have an opposing view on the show. these are supposed to be intelligent people but they’re dangerously narrow minded. When they don’t have a good point to make they just swear a lot and laugh as if that somehow is an argument. It is not. Name calling is not a way to convince people of your arguments. Obviously, the topic of the show is incredibly important for the country and people have a broad range of opinions on it. They should’ve given voice to more than one view. Also, these guys are so woke they don’t realize that they sound ridiculous. history will not be kind to woke nonsense and one day this whole podcast will look about as relevant as bellbottom pants.
  • discoriv
    Great Post-Trump Analysis
    I’ve listened to every episode, some twice, so I definitely owe them a review. During the Biden administration, they shined a light on the most fascist branch of government. Today, they provide better (and more entertaining) analysis than many podcasts because they’re not blindsided by the already weakened state of our democratic processes and civil rights.
  • Eleezardbethffs
    Tunnel vision
    Usually well-researched, but when the hosts are dug in on a perspective they seem unable to see any holes in their arguments
  • sokobanz
    Money making machine
    Use of your passion for rights for a profit🐩 Have less and less actual court talk more like a rant of one pro palestinian who keep calling war in gaza genocite, one dud kinda in the center and one dude just swearing and calling names with out any articulation. Didn’t listen it for a year, decided to give it a try and quit and never will return. Just echo chamber or crying. Most of this podcast listeners do know all of what they are saying and probably listen it as a prayer. It can’t flip anyone opinion to any degree.this country is doomed if this what we got as an opposition to totalitarianism and nationalism in T2.0 administration.
  • Chocolate Bunny Twins
    I LOVE 5-4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I’m using my mom’s account to do this sorry but I LOVE 5-4!!!!! it makes me happy to hear people analyze the government. my gov teacher doesn’t like it because I brought it up and he got kinda frustrated but I like it so who cares. My point is that 5-4 has helped me realize I’d like to work in government as an IRS or SEC agent !! :)
  • StarryEyedGal
    Smart and informative
    This show literally helped me get out of a late night traffic stop that could have led to a bogus DUI. I knew enough about the machinations of cops to refuse the tests and ask for a lawyer, they didn’t want to deal with me so they let me go. I love the civil liberties episodes especially. Thanks for providing the public with this valuable resource.
  • khen4
    The information and takes we need
    I’ve learned so much and laughed and cried listening to this show.
  • blah 79975
    Lacks all nuance
    This podcasts covers important case law but doesn’t attempt to use logic to analyze Supreme Court decisions. It’s delivered with snark and cynicism. They make no attempt to balance what a reasonable search might be… it seems they believe that any search or seizure is inherently unreasonable. But that isn’t how law works. They think police are inherently bad so they should have no ability to enforce laws. It’s infuriating how poor some of their “arguments” are… they complain about bias but are the most biased podcast I’ve ever listened to.
  • GladiateGoat
    Excellent Pod
    Excellent Pod
  • MexicanZora
    Every episode is a banger
    These three have great chemistry, I’ve learned a lot and have been really empowered to annoy my father in law (lawyer). If you enjoy even half their episodes I highly recommend subscribing here or via Patreon (via web browser). I’ve never had to pause an episode of something to laugh before. (PS - Love and admiration to Rhiannon, always!)
  • djsentimental
    Great Pod!
    Generally amazing pod - I do think the analysis of union democratic support in the current episode was off. Unions whose members are mostly women, POC, or low wage workers still support Dems and understand Dems are their party. Teamsters, fire, and police unions, these are unions predominantly of white men who put their racism front and center and who already have won their battles for wages and workplaces. They’ve been leaving since Reagan. Dems need to do more to keep the unions that do matter, but not every union or union member is going to fit even in the Dems big tent.
  • AustinYoozcheck
    Not just for law students!
    Been listening for a bit now and I've learned so much. They are good at explaining things in a way that's understandable without oversimplifying. You might even laugh
  • Thomas L Gotti
    The smartest, most honest lawyers in the world.
    This is a podcast hosted by some of the only public proponents of realist law. They readily identify the ways judicial oversight is not only informed by politics and ideology, but entirely defined by them. This is cutting edge political theory and defenders of the status quo are very threatened by this kind of rhetoric. Keep that in mind when reading some of the other reviews of this podcast.
  • ThatGuyHumanReveiwer
    Scalia is rolling in his grave
    Imagine, if you will, a group of armchair justices lamenting every decision that doesn’t align with their utopian vision, believing that the Constitution is some sort of living document, one that can be bent, twisted, and reinterpreted until it fits snugly into their progressive mold. That’s precisely what you’ll find in the "5-4" podcast—a delightful exercise in judicial self-flagellation where the hosts, bless their hearts, seem to think that the Supreme Court’s role is to rubber-stamp their personal political beliefs. Instead of appreciating the delicate balance of power and the rich history of constitutional interpretation that has preserved our republic for centuries, they instead engage in what can only be described as legally illiterate bellyaching. They rail against decisions that protect the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the very essence of federalism—because, after all, the Framers couldn’t possibly have foreseen a future where their meticulously crafted document would be subject to the whims of a few podcasters with a microphone and a grudge. In essence, the "5-4" podcast is bad not because it critiques the Supreme Court, but because it does so with such a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the judiciary and the principles that underpin our legal system. It’s as if they believe that if they just complain loudly enough, they might reverse centuries of legal precedent. Alas, that’s not how the law works, but don’t let that stop them from trying.
  • AAndrade-
    This podcast is a must listen, the host are thoroughly entertaining!! SCOTUS has been compromised and Robert’s allowed this to happen. It’s infuriating having 6 men with this mush power!! I come for Peter’s new podcast if books could kill, another must listen🥰
  • Grace Katherine Mathews
    Disappointed dem
    Please do one on Santa Clara County V Southern Pacific Railroad!!
  • Stable genie
    Just mind blowing they do it in front of us where is the media or when is the media gonna blow this up 🧐I’m waiting, thank you for pointing out please tell fellow journalists to make it top priority 😡
  • Buckley0006
    Opened my eyes to what’s really going on
    I have quickly become more knowledgeable than almost anyone I know about the Supreme Court, having listened to this pod for a while
  • Rachel Milwee
    reform the court
    love the pod hate the court
  • Numidia124
    Liberal cry babies
    These people always cry when they can’t get what they want.
  • Seukonnen
    Glib to the point of misleading
    I really wanted to like this show, and enjoyed several episodes on cases that I didn't go in knowing much about. But when they got to a handful of cases I had already read extensively about, I found they were either greatly misunderstanding or breezily misrepresenting important facts & concepts of the case, in a way that ruins my trust in their analysis & does the listener a disservice.
  • hungrymoon
    Just a resident of Stupid Town
    Laughed so hard I snorted. Thanks, Rhiannon 😅
  • Littleworldcunningly
    Can’t wait to hear what y’all have to say about this absolute insanity from SCOTUS this week. I picked a good time to subscribe. Thank y’all for the work you do. Please keep it up.
  • 666Sandsharks
    Constitution dweebs take our rights
    The dweebs on the supreme court are total buttholes but the ones on this podcast are great
  • glocksout
    Important to know
    As someone who grew up with the extreme right, I’m constantly screaming into the void when liberals talk about politics because they’re playing a completely different game assuming the right is playing in good faith. This is one of the few podcasts that understands the structures of American politics with clear eyes.
  • texasroadhousemassacre
    Listening to this podcast on my lunch break in my car after getting accosted by zionists at my job is literally like having access to an oxygen tank. Truly love you guys
  • jhuntern
    strong boys and girls
    the bravest strongest folks metaphorically lifting big weight every ep
  • news_reader77
    Surprised how well liked this podcast is
    Hosts don’t even try to consider other opinions/arguments, so the podcast is filled with boring & rigid “takes” with NO nuance. Also, I’m a liberal democrat, but I couldn’t stand the hosts’ smugness and “holier than thou” attitudes. For a better SCOTUS podcast, check out strict scrutiny - those hosts have their viewpoints but don’t come off as morally righteous & their legal analysis is much stronger.
  • DanSw3
    Simultaneously too offensive and sensitive
    Incredibly cruel for how weak they are
  • premisedefender
    Love letter to Rhi’s laugh
    also, followed Peter here from If Books Could Kill and so glad I did.
  • Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaa
    Perfect mix
    5-4 is a perfect mix of insight, intelligence, thoughtfulness, humor, skepticism, and being right.
  • Ysette9
    Love listening to these smart people
    I have zero background in law and quite frankly have never found it particularly interesting. Naturally, the Supreme Court rulings impact our lives, and I see the headlines. I’ve never delved behind the curtain on how the sausage is made, though we all saw that brought front and center with the leak of the Dobbs ruling. Since then the wool has been pulled from my eyes and I’ve seen the Supreme Court more as a flawed and politically motivated body than the objective cool arbiters they would like to be seen as. This podcast is eye-opening to me at the long history of the Supreme Court as a deeply flawed political body. I appreciate the education and am often inspired by the level of intellectual discussion by the podcast hosts. I arrived here by following Peter over from Books That Kill, and it is a pleasure to learn that he is merely one of three podcast host heavyweights. It is particularly delightful to listen to the depth and perspective that Rihanna brings to the podcast (apologies if I spelled that wrong).
  • acut21
    Legends. All three of them are my heroes.
    Absolutely my favorite podcast ever. Well produced, intelligent without being soulless. Unapologetic and real. I’m probably a bit more moderate that the hosts, but I deeply respect their perspective and it has definitely swayed me on some topics. Peter, if you ever read this… I swear to god, we are platonic soulmates. Never heard someone so sarcastic and cutting… it’s magical.
  • Truth_is_hope
    Important, Accessible, and Entertaining
    Thanks for talking about this. I appreciate your voices of reason - and of snark.
  • MKM0228
    Challenge?? 35 days… 46 cases…
    35 days to 4/25/24… 46 cases in Trump v. US. Can you do it? Challenge accepted?? I truly love your podcast. I’m a regular person with regular degrees and all I want to do is become a lawyer thanks to people like the 3 of you. Thanks for what you do. It’s important work. Michelle McGee Massachusetts
  • Janet?Marty?WhoAreYouPeople!?
    One of my favorite podcasts!!
    Much of the legal system is completely distanced from the general public and when exposed, they generally lack the tools or knowledge to understand it. This pod highlights Supreme Court issues & cases, breaking it down in an understandable way (and in a hilarious way). Untangling these cases can inform the current state of America, and can be combined with other branches of knowledge to foster comprehensive, systemic knowledge which contributes to the creation of societal solutions.
  • Not_Impressed69
    Better than being uninformed - but not by much
    If you identify as progressive, are frustrated by the early 2020s era Supreme Court, and want your priors affirmed with enough detail to pass scrutiny at a dinner party, this is your pod. A greater depth of detail as to this podcast’s failings, while warranted, will not be provided by me. Rather, my review’s effort is proportional to that exerted by the crew of 5-4 to understand and evenly present lines of argumentation that diverge from their preferred flavor of politics. Instead, listeners are treated to smug certainty and vapid dismissiveness. Enjoy!
  • jennaclementines
    So good for my brain
    I crave this podcast. It is so good. I learn so much. Happy I found it long after it’s inception so I have 200+ to listen to. Thanks, weirdos. Also lol to having any bad reviews. That means you’re planting seeds in the minds of people who disagree with you. Well played.
  • Obaolegend
    One of the 1 star reviews said something about “these guys support the trans weirdos”, and I think that perfectly incapsulates the type of people that wouldn’t like this show. I would support this podcast if it was just @the_law_boy twitter, but it comes with a free education on the inadequacies of the Supreme Court. Idk this shows based or whatever.
  • Rizz on Ice
    FedSoc series has been brilliant
    As much as I’ve enjoyed learning the history of some of our highest court’s worst decisions, the new mini series has piqued my interest even more. It’s important for people to understand the sources and methods for how extremely fringe legal concepts get laundered through the courts.
  • Ra63859112
    Trying to cancel out the awful transphobic comment
    Keep fighting the good fight
  • stovie26
    They don’t know what’s coming… but they do
    I just started listening from the beginning and while this show is amazing, it’s like a horrific recap of the last four years. Oh poor friends, you don’t know yet. But you kind of do, bc you’re weirdly prescient. Keep it up.
  • brookeorb
    Shocking they would platform Ryna Workman who was not fired for “expressing solidarity with Palestine”…but was fired for their inhumane and virulently antisemitic remarks immediately after Oct 7. I am so sad that this podcast took an awful turn into hate speech. Embarrassment to the legal community.
  • Theshotgunraider
    You guys actually support those trans weirdos. You must be into some weird stuff. 🤣🤣🤣
  • Mr. Jim Business
    Maintains my sanity
    I love this podcast more than I can say. It is informative and hilarious and really helps me keep my sanity - it is my go-to after having an unpleasant interaction with a right wing bigot. The one star ratings of this show are just hollow attacks by angry conservatives with nothing better to do.
  • Zedhead009
    Terrorist Sympathizers
    Great job having the terrorist sympathizers on the show, guys. Libs want to cancel conservatives for free speech, yet when liberals give aid to killers like Hamas, it’s oh so terrible injustice. Adolescent brained liberal kids.
  • AZDuke06
    These people are absolute snakes
    Listen to the dec 21st pod. All of a sudden the “free speech has consequences!” crowd is upset a bunch of disgusting Ivy League students had some job offers rescinded. You created these rules, now you get to live by them. Get bent.
  • aabfrvr
    All ideology, no intellect
    Shocking that a show by purported legal experts would include so many bad faith arguments. If you can’t support your ideological stance with facts and logic then you ought to re-examine your ideology but the hosts of this show instead choose repeatedly to engage in every form of intellectual dishonesty imaginable. Or maybe they’re just not smart enough to realize that that’s what they’re doing. I myself feel less intelligent after having listened to this podcast. Also the sound editing is trash.
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