The Sharyl Attkisson Podcast

Politics #160

Sharyl Attkisson is a nonpartisan investigative journalist, five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is the New York Times bestselling author of "The Smear," "Stonewalled," "Slanted," and "Follow the Science." She is managing editor of the Sun. morning national TV news program “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson.” Find out why her podcasts and Tedx talks have received many millions of views. Do your own research. Make up your own mind. Think for yourself.

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Recent Reviews
  • Elliot F.
    Real news real interviews
    Sharyl Attkisson is a consummate pro and brings you information that you need to know. Apolitical and thorough, she gets to the crux of the matter for honorable reasons. She cares!
  • South Dakota Deplorable
    Great journalist
    5 stars for the show as you are always top notch! However a 1 star for your choice of Gene Simmons, the man who is on video saying, “If you are willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy”.
  • jbon sr
    Gene Simmons
    Interesting, and according to his boasts, a filthy weather man. Lots of wisdom, with a little humor. Gonna learn more about his advice in ‘25.
  • News all the time
    Pharma, “The Mafia?”
    The points made by Sheryl Atkins, are, unfortunately not refuteable. There is so much truth, with so much backup support, that one has to wonder how the government and big pharma have been allowed to get away with what is going on in the arena of childhood vaccines, and even the Covid vaccine. What happened? How did we become so easily lead? Actually, I guess the answer is clear. Money speaks like nothing else.
  • Highlight portions
    Truth teller
    Thank you for chatting all night and telling truth!!!
  • POTUS 45 Fan
    Simply the best
    Thank you, Sharyl. You are keeping journalism alive.
  • Kelbelle73
    Sharyl always asks the right questions!
    This show is more than entertaining. Sharyl gets right down to the core of each issue she highlights. Each guest and story she covers is unfolded thoroughly. Many podcasts leave me with a ton of further questions. Sharyl always asks the right questions! This is an excellent podcast and worth the time to listen consistently.
  • Bert*1
    Ep 249 protocol 7 *******
    Excellent discussion! So does the new definition of Vaccines mean that all of the new Pharmaceuticals like Dupixent or others that turn off or alter an immune response, and are being prescribed like normal medicine, are immune from Liability based on the 1986 Law giving immunity to Drug Companies creating Vaccines???***
  • Needs copy and paste
    Such good information
    I also got the new book on audible and it’s very eye opening.
  • Zr2corvettes
    Quality reporting
    Top notch reporting 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • omen medic 81
    How is it possible
    That our country has become so corrupt? This sure doesn’t make me feel good about where we are going. This is a clarifying episode. Unfortunately.
  • dpyle39
    The best
    Sharyl Attkisson is hands down the best investigative journalist out there.
  • Wardo Ky.Boy
    Corrupt media fact list
    Fantastic love this! We have real investigative news reporting. If a family member or friend is still confused after Obama, you can send them this for verification. - stopped the Courier-Journal (former respected newspaper 20 yrs ago or more, now on life support by gannet, same w. Nyt, which my 85 yr old father still reads online some. WSJ is not what it was when we’d look forward to it at the door or office in 90’s
  • mmcollins
    Very Informative
    Great show and very informative. So thankful for independent journalism in this day and age. There is a slight problem with the audio mix whenever she is interviewing a guest. The audio dips to a very low level and I can’t hear the guest if I’m dealing with any background noise.
  • Joeynsc
    A real journalist
    I have great respect for Sharyl and her reporting. I did notice that the Dr interviewed during the podcast released on may 12 didn’t understand some basic things. His analogy calling a turbo an engine if I heard correctly was ridiculous. He also said that energy was recycled which is impossible. I don’t know if he is right about his claims. I just think that he undermines anything he says when he says that energy is recycled.
  • Nothings411
    Show 229 - Skipped guest: needs to speak up!
    Show 229 - Skipped guest needs to speak up! I think he doesn’t have anything important to say since he is too soft spoken or volume tuned down as compared to your clear reasonable volume.
  • HHHAA52
    Great, Honest reporting
    Sharyl Attkisson is a wonderful and honest reporter as she researches any topic throughly. She sites her sources so I can read them as well. I feel confident she is reporting her stories in a truthful and unbiased manor. If she reported some she later finds not to be accurate, she will say so. It is truly transparent journalism. In her interviews, Sharyl ask great questions that are intelligent and direct. She always polite but direct. I feel as if I am getting truthful and accurate information. After all, that is what we expect for the news media? One last thing, Sheryl only ask questions, not give her opinion in order to influence the interview. Thank you Ms Attkisson for your fine work. We, the citizens of America and the world, appreciate your work. Keep it up! Well, one more item, the stories on health are amazing! I have learned so much from the interviews concerning COVID. The Army Lab director, Dr Vaughn and more recently the doctor talking about cancer virus. So powerful.
  • Overcomr
    Great podcast… if only I could HEAR it :(
    Too many of the interview episodes have extremely low audio volume AND interviewee’s microphone is panned hard to one channel and interviewer’s is panned hard to the other. (Opening and closing comments are at a normalized volume; the problem is only during the interviews.) This makes those episodes impossible to listen to in a noisy environment, even when using earbuds. Please, pan the tracks to the center and normalize the audio volume.
  • Gideons flower
    Top shelve
    I love both of Sharyl’s podcasts. I can count on her to report the truth.
  • Lee Harvey Benzine
    Excellent episode
    Dr. Wax is a true healer, not a corporate shill
  • Stubbs1989
    I gained useful health information in this episode.
  • Takoateli
    Audio too low episode 219.
    It’s difficult to hear in a noisy environment and also if you’re using earbuds with a phone, and you get a phone call or notifications it last your eardrums if you have volume turned way up.
  • F Barbosa
    Great Reporting and Interviews
    Sheryl is an excellent reporter, she presents facts regardless of where they take her. The information is presented so we can form our opinions and encourages us to search for additional facts. She has done an excellent job investigating Big pharma and the government spying on Americans. I would highly recommend her podcast. Ms Atkisson, please have your audio people ensure the volume is leveled. If you play the podcast at normal level is hard to hear you, if I increase the volume to normal levels, the guests are too loud.
  • DG - NYC
    One of the few journalists left
    Great reporting and interviews with informed guests. And thanks for continuing to focus on many aspects of govt censorship - on every aspect of our lives.
  • Carlpak
    Genuine Information
    I hear genuine information on topics that I can not find on the mainstream media.
  • ldsvenus
    Wow, had no idea. Thank you for this information, the more informed we are the better we can help with our own health.
  • rfk jr
    great show
    love the vn podcast! enjoy the objective reporting. why is the audio so low on the trump interviewed?
  • Media Honor
    Facts first
    Great to finally find fact based information with cited sources for once, not just opinions and propaganda. Well done.
  • YvetteLloyd
    Seeking the truth
    Thank you for having the courage for seeking the truth.
  • ShorePort
    Free speech is not lost here!
    Great podcast always and I’m glad I heard more about RFK Presidential platform. He’s censored in other arenas but not here. Thanks!
  • Winsur4
    No nonsense news
    A news podcast that will take on those propagandists who are ruining and running the major news outlets.
  • yet another new walker
    I wish news stories like this were more common
    I have to seek honest journalism via podcasts like this to piece together what is really going on in our country.
  • Georgia Boy US sailorman
    I am so glad that I found Ms. Attkinsson and her two podcasts. I have finally found a journalist who I believe to be trustworthy and honest and reliable. I am now a follower of her journalism. Thanks for being a stalwart professional.
  • It made me pick a nickname
    Thanks for the interview
    Always enjoy listening to your podcasts. Feel I always learn something and have had the pleasure of sharing it with others who only listen to the one side of every story. Keep up the great work.
  • DeedleDD
    Always Sourced Information
    I appreciate so much that every episode is always clearly backed with data, sources and cited documentation. It is clear that Sharyl always considers the follow on questions we would ask her guest to either support their stance or lead to additional and essential knowledge. I also appreciate the variety or topics she researches all from the perspective of what needs to be known with out starting from a desired position. My trusted news source
  • Powhatan Fan
    No bias
    Wonderful to get honest straight news.
  • The Old LT
    Food for Critical Thinking
    I’m glad this journalist had the guts to leave CBS and is now unfettered to speak the truth.
  • Lew in Chicago
    Great content.
  • Jayofelony
    Sharyl is THE BEST!
    Sharyl Attkisson might be the best (and most impartial) reporter I’ve ever seen. She tackles the import subjects and topics, like our collapsing southern border, our nuclear power industry (which is all but defunct), the “clean energy” myths, the Covid lies, and how our federal politicians have created an oligarchy that revolves around backroom deals and payoffs. EVERYONE should be upset and interested in improving these things. Thank you, Sharyl!!!
  • Steve in Maine
    A huge fan
    I really appreciate this person’s devotion to reporting the truth without partisan bias, which is so rare these days. It’s really odd how when I try to download the show about Wikipedia misinformation, my Apple Play downloads it then immediately removes it, I tried this five times.
  • kimpo$$ible
    When my daughter uses Wikipedia as part of college research, it helps rewrite history
  • Mako887
    Monkey Pox podcast
    With all due respect to your guest, I’m DONE with masks. I’m not spending the rest of life with a mask on my face. When are people going to realize that masks are worthless? Don’t be surprised to see the “masked mob” suffering from pulmonary disorders in the next few years. Stop being a sheep. Roy MARTINEZ Savanna, Texas
  • redwolfhopw
    Great to hear a real reporter actually report. Thank you
  • Badtennis
    Poor review for interview content, not overall podcast.
    Some straighter talk from an establishment figure, who calls out some failed practices, while normalizing overall. Overwhelmingly patronizing gatekeeper opposition. Anyone paying attention knows the depths of the massive corporatized corruption & obvious capture of federal agencies & media. Their misguided & often plain EVIL policies made PLANdemic, SCAMdemic PERSONAL. By MANDATING school & small business shutdown & dangerous failed GENETIC EXPERIMENT SHOTS & useless, unhealthy, fear inducing MASKING of our students, inflating numbers with PCR false positives & LIE of "asymptomatic spread" & meaningless "died WiTH covid" numbers, while suppressing cheap, safe & effective drugs & at home early treatment protocols for risky bioweapon, overall immunity weakening, cellular level genetic altering (GMO) shots & a killing hospital protocol, while banning families from their sick & dying loved ones. Let's not forget show your papers "vax" pass/CONTROL in some places. It's way beyond turning a blind eye to #BigPharma's ongoing scam of millions to make billions on mostly masking symptoms of metabolic disease fulled by insulin resistance from an inappropriate human diet they push or ignore. THEY MADE IT PERSONAL. Fed agencies should be abolished, leaders advising & instituting genocidal policies that disregarded Hippocratic oath, Nuremberg code, and US citizens's Bill of Rights, should go to prison. PREP Act that enabled it all must be abolished.
  • Wingwlkr
    True investigative journalism here
    This podcast is one of my top five and I listen to a lot of them. Long enough to cover the subject but short enough hold my attention. Great work. One small gripe though. I don’t think the background music is necessary.Otherwise top notch.
  • lorcheese
    Essential Journalism
    Clear, measured, insightful journalism. Atkisson reminds us all what journalism can be - informative, useful, thoughtful. Her commitment to providing well-researched, well-documented content in an emotionally calm, spin-free manner is a reminder that journalism isn’t a team sport. I’m especially grateful for Atkisson’s new Ion Awards. What a great way to proactively incentivize good journalism! I’ve been reading Paul Thacker throughout the pandemic - so happy to see him be recognized. I hope will spur other journalists to research and report courageously, honestly, thoroughly, and fairly. We are hungry for that kind of journalism.
  • DustyGator45
    Recent episode on Roe v Wade
    Ms. Atkinson, I listen to your various programs because I appreciate the fact that you don’t inject yourself into the argument at hand, and I admire your dedication to journalistic integrity. However, when I listened to your most recent interview with a pro abortion advocate I couldn’t understand why you would allow him to use your reputation to lie about the issue and ridicule the position of SCOTUS. He suggested that SCOTUS should have taken into account the feelings of the citizenry. That’s how we GOT Roe v Wade! SCOTUS arbitrates lower court decisions to determine if they are within the bounds of the Constitution and all this court said was that the previous decision was wrong because there is no right in the Constitution to an abortion, plain and simple. Feelings be damned.
  • la chapelle
    extraordinary podcast!
    this is the best, most impactful podcast i listen to due to the smart, balances, extraordinarily in-depth researched content. no matter the topic addressed, i feel like the “lights come on” in my thinking about that subject. thank you for all that you put into finding the real truth behind news stories and events.
  • mbapsu
    Reliable Sources
    Great story about the true results of the Maricopa audit. The most honest reporting available anywhere.
  • jfann57
    A true journalist
    Always professional , thorough and trustworthy!
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