Establish The Run Fantasy Football


Renowned fantasy experts Adam Levitan and Evan Silva cover fantasy football, DFS, prop betting and sports betting. This podcast is for fantasy players serious about finding their edge!

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Recent Reviews
  • Rick#############
    Seemless transitions
    I primarily listen to this show because of Adam’s flawless segues between games and solo pod, but Evan is also nice.
  • trendingboys
    love it
    amazing product love evan silva & co
  • Wellthenfine
    Tuned in for the first time today to hear a Boomer whining. No thanks.
  • ChiTownIan
    Best in the Business
    I’ve been following Silva for more than a decade going back to his Rotoworld days. Always found him to be smart with a knack for understanding football and how real life circumstances are likely to impact fantasy performance. I was a year 1 subscriber at ETR because of him. At ETR, he and Adam (whom I did not follow closely prior to ETR, but whom I’ve now listened to and read for a few years and have grown to respect as another smart guy) have surrounded themselves with analytics-minded people who are very smart, thoughtful and passionate. I’ve learned a ton listening to them all the last several years and especially appreciate their willingness to explain why they are making certain guesses/projections, where the uncertainty lies and the range of outcomes associated with those projections, the detail to which they explain DFS and best ball strategy, and their willingness to admit when they are wrong about something and explore the reasons their projections went wrong. Really smart group and I’ll continue to listen to them this season and, I am sure, for years to come.
  • fdp60093
    No need to promote fascist Elon Musk and his propaganda site Twitter or X or Trump Cult Another example of success leading to an abandonment of decency and morality
  • You'llThankMeLater
    You. Are. Not. Special.
    To the commenter below crying about racism, here’s a philosophical shift for ya that has been true in every corner of the world since the beginning of time: People have the right to hire whoever they want. If they don’t want to hire you, that is their right. If YOU want to make those decisions, then get off your *** and start your own business. Too much work, easier to just complain? Fair enough. But if you want to be hired, it is on YOU to act in a way that makes people want to hire you. Who gives a **** about your skin’s melanin content, guy? This is such an odd time where everyone thinks they have a ‘right’ to be liked, and respected, and handed opportunities. Nope. Gotta earn all of that. And until you figure THAT out, I’m not sure anyone is trying to “steal” from your precious culture. When the outcomes aren’t working for you, CHANGE…YOUR…APPROACH.
  • BobbyTCooper
    Ben hitting his mic
    I like the show but can’t listen to it when that Ben guy keeps hitting his mic over and over and over and over and over and over and over. He can eat a banana with his butt.
  • Kerikinsb
    Best FF Podcast!
    Full 3.9” Evan is back!!! Thanks for the great work guys! Fun mixed with tons of great takes and information!
  • VictorP915
    Won 5k on FanDuel because of them!
  • Tony77665
    The Best
    I have learned so much about how to play high level DFS from this podcast. Amazing, just a wealth of knowledge.
  • DB Dubya
    Entertaining and informative 🔥
    Always been a fan of this show, but the Adam Schefter interview was awesome. Always nice hearing the inside scoop on how things work.
  • Chief102
    Whining Evan Silva is so bad he torpedoes the whole product. Listen to the free stuff. Whatever you do don’t pay for a sub
  • harrymezzo
    New customer - very satisfied
    I’ve been listening to Evan Silva from Establish The Run for fantasy advice for over 10 years starting with his Rotoworld days. He has helped me win multiple fantasy championships over the years and gives a great perspective. I am definitely going to renew my subscription to their rankings and keep listening to this podcast
  • Yiphgd
    Pat Thorman
    I’ve followed your advice heavily from the Establish the Run podcast for several years. I’ve finished 9,11,11,13,14,14. #WakefieldStrong
  • kepper is awful
    Silva's the man, Levitan's a fan
    Silva still brings it. Leone's funny. Levitan somehow hasn't gotten the memo that no one cares about your redraft/bestball/dfs teams.
  • thejulionation
    Great shows.
    When you wanna grind you NFL weenie down to a nub. Listen to these pods to help ya.
  • mhart2390
    Great show butttt
    Please change the opening and closing noise. It’s painful to the ears and causes anxiety! Otherwise keep up the great work!
  • Coach_Cohen1
    Adam and the crew are the best in the business no question! Nobody better than ETR in the DFS/Season long streets. @Coach_Cohen1
  • chdallasfan
    Establish the Run is Awesome
    Establish the the run is a fantastic show to help you out with your DFS and Fantasy Football Strategy!!! Follow them and do yourself a favor!!!
  • Martin OD
    Excellent content
  • Booyah34577
    Great listen
    They know their stuff. A must during the fantasy football season!
  • @Pat_Thorman
    Hands down best in the business
    I’m entirely biased, but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong
  • PowerSpy19
    Best content in the DFS and FF streets
    Title says it all for this review. Great work ETR team!
  • Its F1 not McGlovin
    Great pod full of actionable info!!!!
    Bottom line - This is a must listen podcast if you want legit insights on what you need to know going into the season!!!
  • Number1clowner
    Very insightful listen!
    Happy y’all are able to blend the important info without being boring. Listening prompted me to purchase the draft kit. Appreciate y’all!
  • Tiggiesmallz
    Hands down the best football and betting content around
    I could leave a long lengthy review but I’ll keep it simple with it literally does not get better than this for fantasy football and betting content. I listen to a massive amount of fantasy football content and ETR is my clear cut #1. It’s not even close
  • Natetfromdc
    Good Analysis but Silva is so fragile
    I like the guy but I once said “I’m not sure I agree with you” and he blocked me and started flaming anything I said anywhere. Because I disagreed with one thing I said and he crumbles into a puddle of tears? Good guy but way too weak to trust with anything.
  • Mr Moneyshot
    Best content
    I’ve been following ETR since 2019. Best fantasy football content all around, no question. They are also a group of guys who genuinely love doing what they do. In addition, they have so much fun with every podcast. Listening to Evan, Adam, Leone and Dink just puts me in a great mood. I’ve also had a lot of success in DFS and seasonal. ETR has a subscriber forever, no matter the price.
  • wiggl45es
    Best Fantasy Content
    Covers the meat of what matters in fantasy football with an informative array of guests and data-driven opinions. Have to wonder whether Adam continually being baffled by the pronunciation of Chig “Okonkwo” is a bit at this point.
  • SmarmyPlankton
    Levitan Solo pod rules
    Where else can you hear someone close a podcast with this line “taint play… …let me know if you want action”
  • AGT-123
    Podcast Edficiency
    Market Monday packs more usable info in 12 minutes than exist in most hour-long pods.
  • Bobbybottleservice
    Levi tan lower the adderall dose chief
  • feeecoin
    Lance Z is a national treasure
    LZ for lyfe
  • showboat_goodman
    My new favorite word
  • Apple Podcasts Listener
    Love ETR
    You guys are my favorite fantasy analysts and the show is informative, enjoyable, and hilarious to listen to, especially the solo pod. I look forward to every episode. But for the Establish the Bets episode on Friday, please get someone else on other than Matthew Davidow, he’s so tough to listen to
  • JayCee162
    Best in the industry
    I’ve been following Levitan and Silva since 2005 back at Rotoworld. They know football. I’ve become a better fantasy player because of them. Keep up the great work fellas.
  • Gld2th
    Stands Alone at the top of the industry!
    ETR is easily the best in the industry and adds levity to make their content more enjoyable and entertaining. Don’t stop grinding cocks or change your delivery (regardless of what the boomers cough* Flipstop cough* say). You’d lose a lot more fans/subscribers if you changed your approach!
  • colossalkoala
    Solo Pod
    Love Adam’s solo pod. Mix of sharp takes and funny bits. Also, climb Long’s Peak next Adam. Probably the most intense you can go without technical climbing.
  • Flopstip
    Stop with the sexualized language
    Really enjoy the football content. But the “grinding cocks” and so and so is a virgin comments are off putting. I think you are probably alienating some listeners (like me). I would consider purchasing your content if this was not so annoying.
  • JD Kay
    Best of the biz
    Been following Adam and Silva for years. Glad to see they are doing their own thing. Love the fantasy insight and info going into Sundays and the solo pod is a must listen to cap off a winning week or as a good laugh following a rough week. Keep it up fellas.
  • BCelts32
    Best in the Business
    Adam & Evan are the only fantasy analysts who’s opinion I value. Entertaining also. Would give 6 stars if I could. Thx guys🍻
  • Alan Seslowsky
    Appointment Listening
    Evan and Adam use both advanced stats and decades of observing football as a basis to develop well formed takes. They have an everyman approach filled with humor and entertainment that makes ETR's podcast appointment listening. Even the off-season content (dynasty) provides thought leading analysis, rankings and entertainment.
  • SlightlyDisgruntled1880
    The Greatest
    I took a fantasy football hiatus from 2015-2016. Since I started playing season long with friends and coworkers again in 2017, I won every single season but one. My team this year looks promising too. #AmonRa Levitan and Silva are the best. If you disagree, you’re a loser.
  • SteveBoyntonVT
    Best show in the biz
    I’ve been using the ETR tools on the website and listening to the pod since you guys started up, but just now found out how to write a podcast review in 2022. Love the banter and obviously the information is the stones. I’ll keep listening until Silva bets an under.
  • Margaritaman69
    Real deal football advice
    One of the best football pods out there.
  • Rissa30
    Love it
    Silva and Levitan AFC/NFC breakdowns are great and the DFS content is awesome. Bob in Jacksonville is wrong.
  • tribegymnast
    Beware of Bad Takes (aka Bad Reviews)
    I’ve followed Evan (and consistently dominated my home league) since 2017. His Matchups column (formerly on Rotoworld, now at ETR) sets the standard by which ALL weekly game-by-game write-ups are judged by folks who make their living off fantasy football (analysts & high stakes players) and casual players alike. (There’s reason JJ and others speak well of Silva & Levitan and the reason is not pecuniary.) The free ETR content, like this podcast, is always helpful. The stuff behind the paywall is next level in depth and breadth. I have used it to beat my friends and make money. Period. (Full disclosure - I am not a subscriber this year because my daughter is attending a shockingly expensive private school.) As humans, we all have blind spots and neuroses that arise from ego. To call Evan Silva a “Fake Sharp” (particularly while misrepresenting both a singular take & the quality of that take through 2 weeks) is to expose one’s own neurotic pain and monumental ignorance. We can all cultivate compassion for such unfortunates and ignore those reviews. Evan, shout out to you for reading these reviews, especially the negative ones. You are among the best because you are willing to look deeply & honestly at where you may be mistaken, account for your takes/mistakes, and move forward. 🙏
  • Bob in Jacksonville
    Fake Sharp Silva
    Decent pod, but not as smart as they think they are. Silva spent all summer bashing Davante Adams and he’s about to eat crow. Free content is fine but wouldn’t give these donkeys a dime
  • ForeLord4
    Levitans goes full tout sellout over L12 months & can’t be trusted
    Once a good listen, Adam has gone full sellout on us. He needs a steadier income for his recent home purchase and has completely sold out to take affiliate money via ETR subs. He now front runs his clients on stale player props and rapes and pillages the lazy doesn’t know any better subscriber. Somehow he has the balls to give betting advice. Sad sad turn of events for Adam over the last few months. Ask yourself “what would it take me to fully sellout?” Next ETR podcast title “HOW TO GET AS RICH AS ELON MUSK”
  • Jordanian Jackhammer
    Best fantasy podcast for multiple reasons
    1. These guys are actually humble and truly consider the perspective of others 2. Straight to the point, shorter episodes, less frills 3. Intro is pretty cool
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