The Clearing

True Crime #173

When April Balascio was 40 years old, something she’d feared for decades was finally proven true. Her father, Edward Wayne Edwards, really was a murderer. The Clearing is about what came after April called a detective in 2009 to tell him about her suspicions — a call that led to her father’s arrest and eventual conviction on multiple murders — and tracks the emotional journey as she and host Josh Dean dig back into her childhood, unravel the truth of her father’s life, and overturn a viral online narrative that had turned Edward Wayne Edwards into a kind of serial killer caricature. Produced by Pineapple Street Studios in association with Gimlet.

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Recent Reviews
  • Texas365
    One of the best podcasts I’ve ever heard. Atmospheric, sensitive. Recordings are either clear or repeated. Score is lovely. And I fell in love with April and her strength. Well done gentlemen.
  • Momaha9
    Great score
    Loved the storytelling. The scoring really elevates the whole podcast.
  • 654258996
    Listened to three episodes
    Could’ve been an interesting story if presented better. It needed another host that new how to professionally speak and communicate. The host kept mispronouncing Louisville and his delivery was a sleep inducing monotone.
  • LJS2rt
    Very compelling story, and the storytellers recognize and protect the dignity of the very many victims. I’d subtract only half a star because the music is strangely inappropriate at pivotal, poignant moments—when you’d expect a cello or a piano, there’s a dippy clarinet or oboe.
  • Alg7979
    Incredibly captivating
    Well written, clear and concise presentation.
  • Kriss14d
    Do recommend!!
    I am so glad I decided to binge this podcast, very well done and so very sad for all people involved!! I loved it and I would recommend this podcast to anyone that likes true crime!
  • Churchill mom
    My current obsession
    This podcast has absolutely fascinated me. It is so well paced and presented that it’s difficult for me to set it aside. I’ve listened to many podcasts about killers and the fact that I’d never heard of Ed Edwards just blows me away. I also now follow Matthew Dear’s music. It’s wonderful! I’m currently watching the documentary “It Was Him…” simply so I can put some faces to the names in your podcast. I’m completely hooked on following whatever murders may be cleared up in connection with that monster. Thank you for allowing me to be aware of him.
  • Nikks456
    Will be checking out other pods by this team. Really well done.
  • M. Lives
    A Must Listen For True Crime Pods
    In a market saturated with true crime podcasts, unique ones can be hard to find and GOOD unique ones like unicorns. Meet your unicorn! An abused daughter discovers as an adult her father is a serial killer and sets about trying to solve his cases and get closure for the victims’ families. On its surface, that’s what this podcast is about. Look deeper and you’ll see it’s how human beings cope with trauma and make sense of a senseless world. The way murder has impacted the lives of those affected by it is something glossed over in too much of true crime and this unflinching look, particularly how the daughter of a serial killer bonds with the families of her father’s victims and suspected victims and they move forward, is extraordinary. The reporting throughout is quite good and we’re not just left with more information about a killer and how they work but how those left behind pick up the pieces.
  • Pittiesandplants
    I don’t often write reviews for podcasts, but I also don’t binge listen or cry during them either. I found this podcast on Sunday and was finished with it by Sunday. I give the biggest credit to April for doing the right thing. The last episode had me in tears listening to a father describe his son and what was lost. The fact that the two have gotten along so well is spectacular. Great job to the whole team on this series!
  • TrishaAKimmel
    Everything about this podcast was excellent. Bring us more like this Josh Dean!!!!
  • jsspain
    This is one of the best true crime podcasts I’ve ever listened to. I am sad that I finished it. I wish they would do another. Very well put together.
  • CJ Perks
    Too fast
    These people that do the podcasts are trying to hard and need to talk a little slower and stop enunciating so much .
  • Reeviewzz
    Very Intriguing
    This whole case is so complex but it’s very well put together. It definitely challenges you to think very hard about all the elements of a major crime and those intimately involved. Quite fascinating. Nicely done!
  • A_digression
    Compelling, Interesting, Thought Provoking
    The podcast deftly balances the pain and struggles of all those involved—culprits, victims, victims’ families, investigators, journalists, and April. There is much of value to be contemplated in everyone’s stories. The podcast, while thorough and detailed, does not seem exploitive. Even Edwards is humanized, which makes his role in all these lives more desperately awful.
  • cpete711
    Great podcast overall
    Currently on the 4th episode. Wondering how retired Detective Cameron was a detective at all? Maybe some of his old cases need to be looked into. Outrageous leaps and very illogical. good lord…
  • KateJessie
    I cannot express how much I admire this woman. This podcast made me cry and made me laugh. The family members of the victims and this amazing woman far outshined, in love and light, what the dark and evil E. perpetuated on innocent people. This podcast was done beautifully and the narration and sequencing was superb. Thank you.
  • Leah Dumas
    First of all, I love Josh’s voice. I love this podcast and wish there was more or more seasons!
  • Kquigl33
    Simply Amazing
    I’ve been listening to true crime podcasts for several years now and I’m typically a pretty harsh critic when it comes to the way a story, with such sensitive content, is told. I’m honestly at a loss for words with this one. Such a work of art and will forever be in my top 10 favorites.
  • ElleField
    The story is incredible. The storytelling is incredible. The production quality is incredible. I only wish that I could go back and listen to this podcast again for the very first time, over and again over.
  • no support to improve
    So good
    I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts. This one stands out. So well done and riveting without being misleading or glamorizing.
  • mariam1359
    Great listen
    What is the music at the of the podcast? I really like the song. Great podcast! Its crazy why people used to get away with before technology. People still get away with things but hopefully not as crazy as this
  • Hsrfgghhffgbh
    This is amazing! A must listen!
    I am a fan of podcasts but honestly this one is a podcast I would share with those that do not understand podcasts because it is so well formulated and well thought out. I deeply enjoy the level of information and detail and the story telling that ties everything up neatly.
  • Scent Lovah
    Super interesting
    Highly recommend this podcast for anyone interested in true crime. Curious why it’s moving to Spotify exclusively.
  • bootleg18
    Such a heartbreaking story but also very lovely. Absolutely loved the ending! 🥺❤️
  • Kathyinil
    W O W W O W W OW
    Beautifully produced! Hard, well told story. The last scene could not have been more perfect and poignant. A lot of courageous people represented here.
  • Slow burn.
    Love the show sad it’s going to Spotify, I won’t be following. Really not a fan of the platform.
  • Dee62890567
    How amazing is April?!
    Totally blown away, listened to this podcast in one day. April seems like such a genuine, sweet, empathetic woman; I’m touched by her existence. She always seems so warm with great manners when meeting anyone. Ugh what a woman! My heart aches for her, she is a hero for trying to get real answers for victims of her father
  • SelenaKyle
    Compelling. Will stay with you for weeks.
    I was riveted by this podcast and it stayed with me long after I stopped listening. April is an amazing human.
  • Scarpetta19
    I listen to many podcasts involving serial killers. This is the first one that was done so skillfully with thought, compassion and realism. It touched me in many different ways. I’m grateful!
  • NurseRebecca
    Incredible true story!
  • LaurenRachelle
    My God, was this excellent
    When it ended I had chills. Healing happens ❤️
  • gmkroll
    Five stars
    Started this podcast not realizing it had ties to Wisconsin and the Concord House, where I too have been for a wedding. So well told! I especially loved the very end with April and Tim’s dad. It was so sweet and brought a tear to my eye. I hope they are both a little more at peace. Would love to hear more from you all.
  • rachelhollie
    Great podcast
    I stumbled on this podcast on accident and I live in Watertown, WI where April lived at one time! Mind blown!
  • M-C Monster
    My brother suggested something good
    I’m always skeptical about podcasts just as a general rule, that being said; this one is like a little diamond that I was kicking around all I had to do was look at what I was kicking. I was trying to get my brother interested in a tv show and he countered with this, a truly excellent podcast!
  • 444kendra
    Great! Well done.
    Well done. I hope it helped April come to some healing. What a brave woman!
  • Randytex
    Well Done Production
    Very well done podcast! Great story and it flows very well. Interesting story about Edward Wayne Edwards, who knows how many victims he had. Similar to Israel Keyes yet very different personalities. I thought it was crazy the way he tried to set other people up to take the blame.
  • Reese the kid
    So good!
    I am so glad that April has found some peace! Excellent job reporting by Josh. 5 ⭐️!
  • @ErraticStaticVintage
    Excellent investigation. Lots of integrity. I appreciate the narration and tone too- it is not sensationalized and rather his journalism style treats everyone with caution and care and thorough deliverables from thorough investigative thinking. I wish there were more crime podcasts like this!
  • **Tbird**
    I could not wait till the next episode!! Great job!! Stephanie Texas
  • S DiGi
    I just found your podcast yesterday and couldn’t put it down. Amazing job!
  • Name124674476
    It’s about people
    Great series, you can hear the passion from everyone. This wasn’t about Edwards, it was about people. Fantastic.
  • Denver Crime Junkie
    Fantastic Storytelling
    I love the storytelling! And, fantastic host. It’s one of my new favorites.
  • bkdaemon
    Not a bad listen. Too bad you can’t leave your disdain for “fringe” radio out. You probably believe Biden actually won the election
  • marvacuna
    Good story missing good storytelling.
    I listened to the entire season just because I like true crime. About 3 episodes in I knew it was going to be difficult to finish because the storytelling is just not there. The story is great, but (as mentioned by others) the arc is weak, the narrator’s tone doesn’t invite you to stay, at times I was bothered by the joking, and by episode 5, I was super annoyed by the jingle! It’s a crime podcast and the jingle sounds like something for a morning telenovela. Bad choice in music throughout, IMO. Not something I would recommend to a hardcore true-crime-fan.
  • pt082314
    Lots of better crime podcasts out there. This one suffers from the narrator’s persistent downward inflection and monotone drone, which made it very frustrating for me to listen to. And the entire series arc is severely lacking in suspense, making it ultimately pretty boring and dull.
  • Ali184729
    My favorite long-form true crime podcast
    This is the perfect true crime series. Some of my issues with other true crime podcasts are that they tend to be drawn out and repetitive, or spend entire episodes on minute details just to get more episodes in and become boring as a result, but the pacing in this podcast is great and every episode is engaging. I also find that a lot of the investigators/hosts in other true crime podcast come across as pretentious, like they’re doing the world a favor by exploring these cold cases. This host isn’t like that at all, he’s both entertaining and empathetic to April as well as the victims.
  • msr0
    Aggressive Long advertising is too much
    It’s a really good podcast, that’s my only issue. I understand everyone needs to make money but, too much advertising is crammed in. I read other reviews and I disagree about the narrator. He’s fine. I will listen to the rest but, I’m not going to Spotify to finish it because, Spotify takes advantage of artists.
  • heybrownberry
    Excellent Recording and Storytelling
    For once I wasn’t disappointed about events not wrapping up perfectly because that’s not how life works. In every episode I was hooked by the storytelling. I love the introduction of new voices throughout. Very well done!
  • Geumpyhistory
    So worth it
    This show is so bingeable, but also great for just an episode. The stories are narrated in a way that makes it easy to follow, even if you have to come back to it later. Professional, but not super dry. Honestly, a great listen.
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