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LsbarnettGreat show! So informative!I really enjoy this content. Cutting edge and so relevant. Charlie isn’t afraid to speak the truth and has the knowledge to back up all his claims! 5 star!!!
T🇺🇸R🇺🇸U🇺🇸M🇺🇸PThanksLove this show. Thanks for standing up for what’s right. God bless you all😁. We need more people to get out of there comfort zone and take a stand. America can become a great country again IF we put God first. Satan will try to destroy anything that God builds up. But my God is so much bigger than anything or anybody. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords
SLoomis78A special placeFor MAGA men to cry over how masculine their women are.
Ethan Ferraro28A great podcastThis is the best podcast out there, I’m 15 and can beat any one in a debate because of you, thank you so much Mr.Kirk
CryptodnutCharlie KirkThe most important voice out there and a great contributor to the youth vote swing in 2024 election. Also fun to read the one star rage here
Sas 687Sports Betting AdsPlease stop taking advertising dollars from online sports betting!!! My family has had real problems with gambling. It just keeps getting easier for people to gamble anywhere now. Advertising on your show doesn’t cause gambling but it is supporting it. I love you, your show and your work. This really surprises me.
Small Time DudeKash has work to do, Finally, an F.B.I. Anew!A Jan. 6th. Laundry woman, discovering the bomb, on cue! A selected high tech lady, doing her part, a skew! Doctored video evidence, public’s wondering too! This situation, many questions, not just a few! Amazingly then, they made 1500 arrests! The pipe bomber, yeah, and an ongoing difficult test! Both bombs discovered, wow, in a 15 min. Jest!😎 Much work to do, Kash, with his dedicated guests! Yeah, and another questionable Dude! Adam Schiff’s so-called evidence in “plain view” Adam, your contentions, will again, insult you! When Kash investigates, the “smoke you blew”! Orange suit and chains, delayed justice becomes true, With pardon, how? b/c telling the truth, some can’t do!
Joe bro31Charlie is sadCharlie sold out. Used to speak truth but now has kowtowed to the republican propaganda machine. Used to be a free thinking. Conservative but now is a MAGA apologist. Sad
edwrd reysSoundI love the podcast man. But compared to other podcasts that I listen to, your audio is quite low. I hope you fix it.
Jdubs89Charlie isQUEER!!!!!
USA-GuyAmazing podcastLove everything you do 👍
DJTIsABottomVirginEvery time Charlie Kirk tells a lie, his facial features shrink even more. #littlebits
Making America greaterYou asked for a title illegal alienI love the fact are American hockey team kick butt there in Canada, You're absolutely right Canada would not be here if it was not for the United States. Russia would have tried to take over and we would've had to save them if ... they don't have the military muscle
jwo1992EmbarrassingA podcast for incel men project their insecurities onto other groups of people.
FitnessPro6520GratefulWhen I was navigating social circles, I was told Charlie was a “white Christian nationalist” and I’m glad I didn’t let it stop me from listening. I’m very grateful that conservatives and republicans are starting to care about health and food quality! If it stays this way, you’ll keep independents!
AmCanDebAn awesome young man!A podcast that’s definitely worth the listen!!
Corvus AndurilNeeds Fine TuningCharlie Kirk, I support everything you stand for but you gotta fine tune your podcast. Posting 2-3 times a day forces us to listen to 2-3 intros/outros everyday. Not to mention all the ads. It's a lot of wasted time. I also think the interviews are low quality content compared to just monologuing. You have tough competition in the podcast world. If you want to stand out, you gotta fine-tune.
mkornegay2Charlie is great!!I love Charlie’s fire, grit and sarcasm. He’s a major influencer and he’s right on time… every time.
SoonerCWDisgustingAn awful person. If you listen and like him, you’re awful too.
bbdornWould like one longer podcast rather than 3 short ones.Thank you Charlie for all your hard work.
Hollyn WellsYou are a favoriteThank you for your strong, clear voice and bringing the truth to light. Thank you for all the work you have done on college campuses. My cousins two children attend Penn State and came to one of your rallies.
cgnatMic differenceWe love Charlie. But, when we listen in the car, some voices are loud and others are practically mute. Maybe it’s the jeep. But, the volume differences are significant.
Jason-in-RaleighAmazing, but audio stinksCharlie and team are the hardest working pro-conservative movement in existence. However, Charlie’s mic always sounds so bad. Can’t they hire a 3rd party audio company to fix?
alimak20Fave podcastThis is my go to podcast, I love Charlie and what he is doing. I always learn so much from him and I literally can't wait to listen to this podcast!
Perma LinkThanks for the conversations why are high schools failing upwardsWhere is our Governer Mike Brawn! High schools are all DEI. Promotions were all made the week before Trump took office. Your requirements are to be athletic to teach with out a degree. Indiana high schools needs attention from Administration. Why Cubans, Hati, all take custodian jobs? We can’t understand half our staff workers. We do need to talk more about social security running out in 2032. Many of us are sitting on the edge of retirement because we went to work in very young teens, we’ve been paying in for 45-50 years. How are we to survive, when our bodies have been worn down? Were doomed and it’s beyond not right for government to let this to happen. Are we the population that is doomed to “ take one for the team”? Why? We need to keep the conversations going. I appreciate these young men and their insight. If Junior Highs and High Schools Right now in January we’re to begin with requirements to teach these children cross training in schools and hands on tech. We could see a potential uplift in this generation. However we tend to concentrate more on sports, more of idealism the all star instead of academics. Fit it good to a degree, but the pump up of sugar water, poor nutrition in schools and homes, has dumbed town our blue city schools. We’re lacking discipline of our schools to turn out the best and brightest and just trying to get them out the door on to future that do not qualify for the graduate to survive.
OdyseygolferThe New RushThank you for all you do in supporting your beliefs.
MM6597Love this show!Love the truth in this show! Love your fight!! I don’t go a day that your show plays that I don’t watch! I watch you on Rumble & sometimes as a podcast.
linzdelYikesHope you apologize to the Deaf community. Your comment in regard to ASL interpreters was disgraceful. In general, you seem like a very arrogant young man. I cannot tolerate listening to your podcast. Happy to give you one star. I’d like to add that I’m not a liberal out to give conservative podcasters bad reviews. I am actually a conservative. Charlie is one of the worst conservative commentators. I much prefer listening to the Daily Wire guys.
Casey 5IncredibleNo dribble all pertinent information. I’m so grateful to have this podcast in my ear.
MoosheCosmoLove the Show, BUT…I love the Charlie Kirk show, but when he gets together with his buddies and they have group conversations (e.g., Greenland Thoughtcrime episode), I often find myself skipping to the end because it gets so annoying when every other word is LIKE. I only made it about a quarter of the way through the four mentioned episode before I shut her down. Like Like Like Like Like Like “Like Like Like” only distracts from great content. Charlie’s team members aren’t 16 years old anymore. Charlie says that picture-in-picture liberal press conferences, with a person doing sign language, is annoying. I agree with him on that too. Likewise, I can’t understand how Charlie and his team don’t get that it’s terribly annoying when adults, in the communications business, carry on like teenagers. I would believe “Like Like Like” can negatively impact their credibility with new serious adult listeners. C’mon guys! You’re better than that! Otherwise, the show is a 5+ star show.
MosquitoSwarmWhat would the Founding Fathers say?I don’t know, but they would NOT approve a convicted felon for President. A traitor wrapped in a flag…is still a traitor.
natmcq37Charlie KirkThe most consequential influential courageous bold bright godly patriot I’ve seen in a generation! Keep it coming Mr. Kirk!
spinmomof5You’re the man!Great work all around!
CarlierayCatholicsYou should pray for Catholics the Babylon church they need to wake up before it’s too late. There is only one father he goes by GOD The sabbath is Saturday the pope is not in the Bible and it’s pretty OK to read the Bible, why do you think your not allowed to as Catholics? If it’s not in the BIBLE it’s just made up man made nonsense. Please wake up Catholics we love you🙏🙏
gadoury62Michael KnowlesLove you Charlie but you were VERY disrespectful to Michael Knowles and Catholics in general
t_galidInaccurate about H-1Bs but otherwise 5 starsI appreciate & support Charlie Kirk, his wife, their God & their causes 100% … but his recent podcast on H-1Bs is just plain inaccurate. H-1B workers CAN transfer to other employers, and they MUST be paid the prevailing wage for the role wrt the requirements for the job and the worksite. They’re NOT underpaid slave labor. A more valid gripe is that they may potentially be paid MORE than a US worker in the same role bc of the required gov’t leveling wage the employer needs to meet. Managers often complain that they CANNOT find a U.S. worker for the role & the BEST candidates ARE H-1B holders due to their achievements, expertise, drive, and respect/ behavior in the workplace. Employers desire to keep them so badly that they sponsor green card applications for them which is costly and lengthy. Sadly, there IS a gap at high levels in the tech space that US workers just can’t fill for whatever reason. That being said, I sincerely feel for my fellow Americans who feel displaced by H-1B workers. Side note: Indian H-1B workers wait 15+ years to get their green cards as they pay taxes, put their kids thru U.S. schools, and achieve their American dream - the legal way. They slog out the long game bc they love America. I can’t say the same for someone with a high IQ who just landed here, to your suggestion. Charlie, PLEASE fight illegal immigration and leave legal immigration alone!! For sure, business immigration can be overhauled for the better, but let’s not dump on legal immigrants who have been keeping the economy going LEGALLY.
bigmikecustomsteelWelding and listeningI love to hear Charlie Kirk in my ear as I’m working as a welder to build America back up and the wisdom that he brings to the table
iPreach 🎤Don’t be to happyThings might seem better but the Bible is truth, can’t ignore signs. This whole trump thing will get worse not any better. Don’t get to excited people . Charlie wants to block people that talk about the apocalypse or end days. What kind of Christian is that?
Lady Penelope Farnsworth-Higgs"Bloke on a Soapbox: A Clanging Symphony of Nonsense"Ah, “The Charlie Kirk Show,” a veritable cacophony of bluster and bombast masquerading as intellectual discourse. One scarcely knows where to begin dissecting this hodgepodge of hyperbole. Listening to young Mr. Kirk pontificate is akin to being trapped in a never-ending pub rant, delivered by a chap who’s had one too many and fancies himself the second coming of Cicero. He brandishes his opinions like a blunt cricket bat, swinging wildly with nary a care for nuance or, dare I say it, accuracy. It’s all rather exhausting, really. The format is alarmingly reductive—an echo chamber of self-satisfied nods and jabs, with no room for that quaint concept we call a “proper debate.” Instead, we are treated to the same tired talking points, recycled with all the subtlety of a bulldozer in a tea shop. And the humour? Oh, it’s positively arid. One might expect a smidgen of wit or irony, but alas, the jokes land with all the grace of a soggy crumpet. In conclusion, if you’re the sort who enjoys loud noises, sensationalism, and the intellectual equivalent of Marmite on toast left out in the rain, then by all means, give it a go. For the rest of us, it’s best avoided—much like the unseasoned chicken at a dodgy carvery. One star, and that’s being charitable.
Christine19God bless Charlie KirkJason is always so great! Thank you for having him on and for always speaking truth.
wailboyHey chuckWhat about Mike Flynn in that cabinet somewhere 🫰
BuckfishesHow Charlie Kirk just helped save America from a cliffCharlie Kirk and Turning point , it’s staff and volunteers with grass roots efforts second to none actually turned Dems into voting Republican! That’s as good or in this case better than an NFL team winning in its own division! A double whammy! Congress played divide and conquer for 200 years on us and Charlie just Brought us back together United for the good of our country! The bosses are back in and our employees many will be fired or Quit! Thank God for Charlie Kirk! God blessed us with this crew ! Thank you from Bucky Cox ! Oh yeah one more thing I want to work for DOGE as the Western division here in the east Valley Az
jjnicole73AnnointedCharlie Kirk is anointed by God. His hand is on Charlie’s life. Keep doing the Lord’s work!
PissedOffAmerican19762024I love the campus tour you did.
Dmd337I Respect You, Charlie.First of all, wonderful job to Charlie & his team. It is our RIGHT, as women, to stop having premarital sex with random men. That is how we take back our reproductive rights & freedom. Being promiscuous & irresponsible with our bodies is not freedom.
StephanieLynaeBI wish to meet you someday.I have had no greater respect for a young man than I have for this man Charlie Kirk who does these podcasts. Many a time I ask questions about politics, and even about life-Charlie never fails to answer them. GREAT show. I love you, Charlie Kirk! NEVER back down!
CoastiestevieHighly educated man for social issuesLove Charlie. He’s very skilled and knowledgeable in the areas of social issues and politics.
Electoral PatriotBasedOkay
kyloginThought crimesAbsolutely NO green bean casserole!!!
WilhomenahMillenarian-ism heresy ruined the show.I used to listen to the show regularly for years. I like Charlie a lot. But over the past year or so it became increasingly disgusting that he was on board with the genocide of the descendants of our blessed Lord. It used to be understandable that he could be ignorant on this issue, but that is harder to believe in 2024. I like Charlie and I hope he will realize the heresy of millennialism and embrace the traditional Christian faith handed down to us for 2000 years. I’m praying for him.
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