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fvooI heard the episode of calisthenics for beginnersThere was no real coverage of calisthenics for beginners. Even covering “understanding” it as the name suggested was missed. This was more like a super casual conversation with 2 people that already know a lot about calisthenics and wanted to “nerd out” about the history and other cultural aspects of calisthenics and the book of the guest, but honestly I didn’t learn much at all especially as a beginner looking to start.
Hp54678Unlocking the Secret - Zach BushLove this thank you! I live in a cold, northern area and have no longer had the ability to have the energy to be well - chronic illnesses. I agree we can help ourselves by just being in nature - I do this during our warmer and cooler months. The bio hacking industry is another example of playing on consumptive nature of western society. During the winter - I have no real option to be in touch with the ground except through snow and my outerwear. My energy is not such I can be out in the cold for long. In this breath - I am thankful for my biomat, my grounding bedsheet, my prana mat. We are needing balance in life - not all of us live in an environment in which we can access running water in rivers, the rich ground year round. We also need balance within our lives - seasons of quiet, shutdown and seasons of productivity and energy. Thank you for the work you do.
@MichaelUnbrokenFantastic Podcast🔥🔥I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Ima listenerA Must Listen to Show!This show is awesome! I highly recommend giving Kerwin a listen. Super engaging!
Trevor OldhamExcellent Podcast - Highly RecommendKerwin Rae is an excellent podcast host. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking to better themselves.
PdqxyzEquality PodcastHave been listening to these podcasts for a few weeks and have found some good content. Unfortunately, I was incredibly disappointed in the episode on equality. While the guest may have been interesting and informative, Rae’s single focus on reverse sex discrimination was distracting. Even after he was presented with evidence that it’s clearly not a systemic problem, he insisted on beating the subject to death. Very telling re his biases. Hopefully, he learned something. Not sure I’ll be back.
cozislandgirlPeter CroneWow! Just wow. This was such an awesome podcast. I needed to hear this so thank you
Allan WichSex TransmutationOften a topic misunderstood or awkwardly applied. This podcast gives you f sad one insight on understanding, creativity and application. Transparency and self awareness with this can add value and depth to your relationship. This discussion is a fun, interesting and relevant platform for many emotions and behaviors around healthy sexuality. Well done Dr. Chavez, great steerage Kerein!
BigdelyUnstoppableKerwin was impressive when I first caught a video a few years ago. Now he is wholly on fire with balance, productive content, authenticity, and the desire to show others a path to freedom. I feel this is a great place to invest time and energy!!
@elena_was_hereSharing the loveThis is my new favorite podcast! Kerwin focuses on topics that help awaken your conscious mind and helps empower you to become a better human in all domains of life. Possibly even an enlightened one. And now that you can be a more awakened human, you can help educate others. Thanks for the new knowledge and sharing the love on this planet kerwin.
mollers1220Grant CardoneWell handled but not the style type that kept me focused "all" other guests I enjoyed more and got loads more out of it.
PruearmUnstoppable is brilliant!Love listening to the podcasts. It’s become my favourite podcast for so many reasons. As a start up business owner and someone who loves self development this podcast is the best! Keep it coming!
ThreegirlsanddogStart your day here!I have found that when I listen to Kerwin’s podcasts before I start my day, it puts me on top of my game and gets me feeling “Unstoppable “!
MgaypantssssMotivating!His podcasts are so uplifting and motivating, I am finding myself seeking out more and more forms of personal growth like this! Kerwin is so funny and entertaining I have love every single one of his podcasts! Keep them coming!
Brianadams150Great topics, Great content and a Positive attitudeKerwin’s podcast Unstoppable has quickly become my favorite podcast. I’ve always enjoyed gaining knowledge through listening. Kerwin has found knowledgeable, interesting individuals to talk to and interview. I love the variety of subjects and the inspiration of the peoples lives. Thanks Kerwin for doing what you do.
MarkBedardJames WhittakerYou are great to listen to- I really enjoy your perspectives. BUT—when you have these great guests on your podcasts, I kinda wanna hear THEM speak. I hear Kerwin more than the guests.
muthaofa_kingRelatable! I’m a fan nowI have listened on and off to Kerwin for a bit now and I can say that I really do get something out of each session I listen to. Even when life gets extremely fast paced and it’s hard to stop and breathe, it’s nice that I can pause here and there and get a little extra boost if you will, from Kerwin’s expertise and interviews. I like that he is a straight shooter and knows his stuff! Thank you Kerwin for existing and using your platform to help many all over the world! Blessings!
MrsFab1234AMAZINGIt is absolutely amazing. Worth every minute. You have been and will continue to be a must for myself.
Antony916Thanks for Da Love!!!This was my first podcast and there was a point where I was driving picking my kid up from school and it went into the 3 minute meditation ... that was interesting😵😵 Thanks KR
CarrieDawnTAmazingKerwin has an amazing ability to connect with others through motivational speaking and his own desire and passion to continue to learn and grow. Listening to him speak, question and listen to others is what harmonious creative connection looks like...🙌🏼💞☀️🌎
Luvvs11Regarding Raising Your ChildI absolutely agree and appreciate this message. Parents need to work on themselves and acknowledge what they are projecting on to their littles. I Love all of the information you are sharing 💕
Joshua HudsonLIFE Changing Insight for Anyone...There are fascinating lessons and perspective that can be learned from insanely difficult and painful experiences. But the truth is, something bad doesn't have to happen for you to learn that... Kerwin is the ONLY person I've found who's been able to perfectly articulate the truth about such experiences - that there is actually good in them, and you can mold them into a tool to help you grow. For anyone who's struggling. For anyone who's lost. For anyone who's trying to start a business. For anyone who's trying to grow. And for anyone who wants to take their game (in business and life) to the next level. This is the guy to listen to. I consume a TON of business and personal growth related content online in video and audio format, and Kerwin has phenomenal insights into so many areas. Plus he's entertaining! Can't recommend him enough as someone to learn from.
Tabitha D JonesInspired!Amazing work here Kerwin. Lisa and Teesha absolutely my favorite interviews, can relate so much to Lisa. Keep being awesome!!! :0)
Vany2017Diferente point of views on how to growI thought interest that the 2 of you have different views on growing through suffering and without suffering. To me the 2 path became one when you realize that the accident or “suffering “ was nothing else than a oportunidade imposed from your body for you to STOP . Stop your work , your normal life agenda and focus on YOU . On reflection the real pleasure of live the value of a friendship, the value of just being able to wake up , get out of bed and walk . Is very hard to do value those things when you have them all . That’s were the “accident” play a role . With it , you can justify to you and to the word why you stopped . I guess she is on a level of conciseness where she can “stop” without the guilty of doing it, consequently without “accidents and suffering “. To me is a wake up call that YES we can grow without tragedy, we just need to give us the time to appreciate like. Thank you
cha cha rodrigezKerwin Rae stalks me! 🤣I recommend starting everyday out listening to Kerwin Rae. This new Unstoppable series is great. #mindfulness #bethechangeyouwishtosee #kerwinrae #unstoppable
E.W.L.99Kerwin is top notch !He effortlessly breaks down strategies and concepts. Shows the listener the correct way to think about all kinds of items. He truly proves that not all superhero’s wears capes!
LKMonsantoTruly InspiringI’ve been following This man in social media and I’m glad now he’s doing podcast to listen on my way to work! Great way to start the day and super motivating
SweetrissiBlessings to KerwinThis podcast has so much value to all who listen. Thank you so much for this wonderful connection. Keep spreading light.
K. McKayMy perspectiveKerwin’s info and podcasts are great! His “no bullsh**” ,cut to the chase, recordings are great! Often times the inspiration you are looking for when you least expect it.
Jordan LeVinessLife changingKerwin and team have changed my life and I haven't even met them (#usaproblems). I consume Kerwin Rae more than anything else.... Wow that sounded terrible, but I'm not going to erase it.
ray4efStraight to the pointPerfect blend of knowledge, attitude, and straight forward delivery
cozmo717Love kerwinIve been watching kerwin on Facebook for about a year nos. So happy for the podcasts since im in the united states and cant go to see him live !
KhokhlanFinallyGlad to see you’re in the audio Soave more heavily... this one took too long!
veggienerdGreat listen!Awesome context, amazing sound quality, Kerwin is a legend. 10/10 would recommend
mikey millionsAwesome. Period.Kerwin is the man. So glad I get to be the first to say that this guy is on point 24/7/365.
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