Dateable: Your insider's look into modern dating and relationships
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SaraswatinoelTruly life changingThis podcast has been life changing! Gave me courage and the language to end a situationship yesterday and truly embrace my glow up era. Wish I found them years ago! Thank you!
CBmdTOBEModern wisdom song??Why have you ripped off the theme song from the Modern Wisdom podcast? I have been listening to this podcast from day one and love every episode. Unfortunate that the theme song has been replaced with the same song used on modern wisdom… a bit of a shame
YogiAndy108Overall good.They have always had some great content, but recently the amounts of adds have been a turn off. 8 mins of adds for a 20 min podcast? Just have to utilize the 30 second skip button to get through the adds and 15-20 mins of banter and promotions at the beginning too. I guess this is how they are making it work podcasting full time
Daisy8_8Hosts voicesSome good content I’d like to continue listening to- but I can’t get past the nasally and mucous-y sounding voices.. too many commercials.
Lm4byzEditing?Friendly suggestion. After each recording, do some good editing. Way too much off-topic chatter that gets boring and takes away from a focused message. Good luck
Lexie NoelMust listen!!As someone going through a breakup that I don’t understand or want this podcast has helped me start to change my perspective and open my eyes to the real side of dating. The vulnerability and raw advice and experiences are so helpful and I am so grateful for this podcast!!
Experienced User 555Highly RecommendThis podcast is the best thing out there for tips in our modern dating world. There are longer episodes and shorter brunch talks that focus in on specific topics and questions. I started listening about 6 months ago and there are so many topics they already covered. It’s packed with practical advice and really helps boost confidence knowing the struggles are widespread. GO GIRLS!
Lil' JJ 14Secure dating approachesThis podcast promotes an intuitive, fun, and courageous approach to dating. I’ve appreciated the perspectives, enthusiasm, and humor and is a welcome companion as I continue my dating adventures. I am a new listener and I appreciate the catalogue of useful episodes from years past. I’m also excited to read the book once it’s released in January! My question/request is for a follow up episode to the April 2021 ‘How to make dating fun’ episode - bringing levity and excitement to dating is so important for preventing dating burnout. What strategies or questions do you have to help us keep dating fun, pick unique date ideas, incorporate play into dates, ask good questions, etc.!
PhoebonacciPerspective Shifting!This podcast has helped shift my thought process from what I’m doing wrong to what I’m doing right in dating! I just listened to the interview with Lily Womble and hearing these women talk about relationships with so much balance, care, and playfulness is healing both of my expectations for myself and for a potential future partner <3
JuJu_JuliaTTSO GOOD!This podcast has been so helpful. Yue and Julie give so much insight without judgement and bias. I would often tune into an episode whenever I was feeling anxious about my current dating challenges and would feel calm afterwards. I’m grateful for their work!
Werk it5 minutes of ads per episodeI had enjoyed listening to podcast but recently it’s about skipping first 3 min of ads and then another 2 min of ads in the middle. No longer feeling connected to content.
Lou CassLove it!Personable honest funny and informative. Julie & Yue provide all this and more! These cool ladies slay DATEABLE. So eXcited to read their new book dropping in January 2025! Yes I pre-ordered it already! Thank U Julie & Yue for keeping me….DATEABLE!!
3rsh3Long distance adviceNeeded advice for a long distance relationship I just started. Found their ep interviewing sammi and david. So so helpful, I shared it with my person and we’re planning to talk about it soon. Great podcast. Thanks.
bjaynejoveHost’s Voices Aren’t For MeContent is good but I can’t get past the hosts’ nasally voices. You two should take some Mucinex and clear your throats before recording.
KT-BAMFDating & ParentingI love your podcast! What I’d love to have discussed on the podcast is dating while parenting. I’m a single mom of a 6 year old and 8 year old, 50/50 custody and struggle in the dating world. Trying to meet a fellow parent for a date usually ends up with scheduling conflicts that are seemingly permanent due to parenting schedules. To be honest, I’m finding that most my age (late 30s) just want sex. I know that these missed dates weren’t meant to be but it’s been hard finding someone, parent or not, that wants to be my partner and support me while I raise my kids, and be involved in their life too. I’d love to hear from fellow single parents who have to juggle parenting, work, self care, and possibly searching for a new partner. I’m not sure “waiting until the kids are older” is necessarily the best solution. How do you stay motivated when you can easily put this on the back burner and focus on a million other things? Would love your thoughts and feedback! Katie
LNStewartLove.I’ve been listening to Dateable for a few years now and I’m so grateful for Julie & Yue’s authenticity and insight. It’s helped me through so many scenarios, dating is not easy to navigate. In the midst of my recent breakup, I reached out via Instagram for episode recs relating to my situation and Julie not only wrote back with amazing episodes, but gave personal insight & encouragement on my situation. She was so thoughtful and it genuinely meant so much to me. Their content is so relevant and important, thank you ladies! 🤍
Lucy M.PSo good!This podcast is brilliant! Yue and Julie bounce off each other so well and the advice and insights they give are helpful and applicable.
KnottyFroggyLove the show! -question for brunch talkI’ve been sleeping with someone on/off for 15 years. It’s always good and uncomplicated and I enjoy this person and the time we spend very much. Recently I’ve been seeing more political posts from them and we absolutely are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Now I’m very turned off especially when they post on topics of women’s rights etc. How can I and/or should I overlook this? Because…hell…because I want to get laid! Thank you ladies so much.
RachsessLove these girls!I am in a relationship, but have found that I can relate to the topics. Most of the topics very relatable, or at least entertaining. It’s time to start doing tours girls! SOMEONE PLEASE TEACH JULIE HOW TO SAY EXACTLY! This is literally one of the most annoying things I’ve ever heard.
JacksonBRobinsonGreat show!!!As a slutty, polyamorous gay man, I did not think two straight women would have anything to tell me about dating, but this show has given me a lot to think about as I’ve made some changes in my approach to dating over the last year and has been one of several things that’s helped me get to a much better place!! They cover a really diverse range of topics that have helped me recognize some of the patterns that were not serving me. They stay pretty true to the accurate but often overwhelming idea that being authentically yourself and approaching others with curiosity, vulnerability, and empathy is the real way to find your person or people, while also bringing in practical advice that makes that huge undertaking feel more manageable, and they do it in a way that explores a vast diversity of ways that we desire to love and be loved!!
Di-explororVerbal abuse and datingI’m learning so many useful tips on dating from your show! Thanks for your objectivity and helpful advice. My question; I’ve been dating my partner for close to two years and I’m concerned about his yelling. He typically has unusually loud outbursts for road rage and he often screams at his dogs for what I consider silly stuff. Case in point dog is barking at birds and got screamed at to shut up.. ouch 😭 He has never screamed at me directly, however I’m very concerned about his lack of regulation. How can I navigate this path. I consider my partner to be otherwise reasonable. Help!
SamFensterBest dating podcastStarted listening to this podcast on walks to dates with new people and truly helped get into the right mindset! Went on dozens of dates in SF that went nowhere and this podcast has helped me realize that it was all part of the process and, with a couple adjustments, dating has become quite fun
Chicago JamHelpful adviceI’m a fairly new listener and enjoy your podcast. I would love to hear more about dating from the perspective of people are of a different generation than you. For example, some of us who dated before digital dating find the new way to date unnatural. It feels like an interview process. I personally struggle with the speed at which men want to move to sex and how to make this progression easier and more natural
JTF1100Too many ads16 minute podcast with >9 minutes of ads. Annoying
tlv2pdxDown to earth and practical advice.I get so much from the podcast. It gives me hope. 💘
cgc 17My emotional support show!As an almost 34 yo female with limited dating experience and mostly married friends, I love listening to dateable to remind myself that I’m not alone in my experience! Yue and Julie give me the courage to put myself out there and to try to overcome that voice in my head telling me it’s too late to find love! Silly question for you both. I recently had a 2nd date with someone that was going well… until he forgot my name! We were bowling and he typed a totally different name into the computer for me. I obviously corrected him, but couldn’t shake that him calling me the wrong name gave me major “ick” factor. What do you think of the “ick?” Is it something you can get over?
rin wuA newbie dater’s dream podcast!As an inexperienced dater, listening to Dateable has been such an eye-opening experience. Listening to Julie and Yue chat is a highlight of my commute, since it always feels a chat with friends. The advice they give has been so helpful in contextualizing my past experiences and making me feel ready to take on the dating world. That said, I do have a question for you! At 27 years old, I’ve never had a long term relationship, or really entered the dating scene at all save for one hinge date a year ago. I never cared that much about my love life until that dreaded quarter life crisis, and though I know I’m still very young, it’s hard not to feel like I’m behind in life. I’m also very rejection avoidant due to some experiences in my younger life, which makes it hard for me to put myself out there, especially on dating apps. I find it particularly difficult to chat with people over text as it’s not a skill I have developed nor something I particularly enjoy. How would you suggest I overcome this fear of rejection/fear of dating apps? I’d like to rip the bandaid off and just get some of the awkward first experience over with, but it’s easier said than done.
light beGreat, first impressionSearching for an insightful podcast about dating, I find over 95% to be inefficient with my listening time. This one gets to the meat of the program swiftly and delivers thoughtful information in an organized, digestible way. On my first listen here, I consider my time well spent. The eloquent host clearly explained her ideas which happened to provoke me to give serious thought to my own status and to think about how to learn the most possible about the true status of ladies I may date. This topic is compelling, original, and quite useful. I'm subscribing and looking forward to more. Where can I contribute questions or suggestions for topics? I do have a unique dating obstacle which may open a larger topic for listeners about best practices / ethics in online dating. I've conducted some informal research I'd like to share for your consideration and comment. Glad I found the show. Truly single now, after 20 years of marriage. RB
Mrs. BirdSo HelpfulI’ve been listening to Dateable for about a year. It has really helped me (and all my friends) work through some of the common pitfalls and think through our decisions when it comes to dating. I’m at a place, where I’ve learned to say “No.” to things that don’t feel right, where I used to entertain possible relationships for too long when I knew something was off. I’m in a position now where I have some really great partnership options, and my compatibility meter is going “check check check,” but I’m not sure if I’m attracted enough, mostly because I can find these people attractive in their own ways, but I still feel like I’m holding back or something, and that I’m not sure. I’m not sure if my anxiety is a clue that I should keep with the no train until I find someone for whom I feel completely relaxed — OR — if I should give these great options a try and if after some time it’s not feeling right or enough, than I can step out. It’s like I feel like I have to choose whether this person is “right” for me or not after a few dates. Should I give it more time? Am I crazy for thinking I could be certain about someone in such a short period of time?
Hdj42Insightful, Informative, Hilarious and RelativeThis podcast is by far one of my favorites for navigating the world of dating and relationships. The insight, perspective, and advice are relatable, practical, and most importantly useful. Regardless of your relationship status, age, gender and lifestyle, there’s an insurmountable amount of advice and insight you can learn by listening. I love how a part of our lives we take so serious can be discussed with humility, candor and a sense of light heartedness reminding us that yes, dating is hard but if you take the time to self reflect, learn from others, and realize you’re not alone in the journey, successful relationships are actually achievable! Please keep posting, ladies! You guys are the best and so enjoyable to listen to!
FoolishMortal33My favorite podcast, and not just for dating!These two gals are hilarious and an amazing resource for learning and perspective when it comes to dating, life, meeting people… I look forward to listening to every episode! I find that when I listen in, I am reminded of why I’m dating the first place, what I want out of it, and how I want to show up when I’m in it. It’s been incredibly supportive over the past year for me personally as I’ve been on and off dating apps; their perspective has brought me back from the feelings of frustration and has brought back the excitement and joy that can come from meeting new people.
blazerfan7Thank you Yue and Julie!I’ve been listening to this podcast for over a year now and it’s completely changed the way I view dating and relationships. I appreciate all your insights and the guests that you bring on. I love learning about different dating perspectives and challenging my own biases around relationships. Dating used to be so daunting and there was always a sense of dread around going on dates. I would settle for people that weren’t aligned with me, but because of this podcast, I feel so more at peace with myself and confident in the qualities I’m looking for in a partner. I can’t wait to see what episodes 2024 brings!
Becky SchoellkopfThank you for answering my question!I found the recent Brunch Talk ep. on communication post break up to be insightful. I really appreciate the hosts’ support. Post break up navigation gets less painful with time.
purple nails curled hairBrunchtalk questionGreat show. Question: How do I let myself be more feminine as I prepare to start dating again? For more context: I’ve had to have a lot of masculine energy my whole life as I’ve navigated difficult situations. Now, I’m ready to let myself be feminine as I prepare to re-enter the dating scene. How can I embrace and grow this energy?
rootsandrustTHANK YOUI discovered these incredible humans through an episode of Reimagine Love. Since I have devoured Exit Interview and am now thoroughly enjoying Dateable. I have felt seen, validated, and have learned so much about myself since listening and feel much more prepared to tackle modern dating in a loving and relational way. If you’re looking for all of the above, I highly suggest a listen, and honoring whatever you take away 💙
happy2practiceDateableA favorite podcast, The shows are funny, realistic and hopeful.
Lovely Lady LydiaWonderful Stumble-UponNot sure how I heard about this one but so glad I did! Great balance of chill vibes and informed advice. WFH life, so I listen to a LOT of podcasts. Happy to add this to my rotation. Thanks, ladies!
Uma B.Great energy!Love this podcast… very relatable.
BetsyG34Thankful for Julie, Yue and this podcast!I love this podcast!! Julie & Yue bring such a great perspective to modern dating and one that feels empowering and not like you have to follow all these strict rules that other “experts” recommend. I’ve been listening since 2020 and this podcast has helped me navigate everything from my first long-term romantic relationship to the ending of that relationship (I think I listened to the “Should I leave a relationship that’s good but not great” episode at least 5 times) to learning how to embrace my singleness while also staying dateable. I feel like Julie & Yue are my friends and my biggest cheerleaders as I navigate the ups and downs of dating and I’m so thankful I found them!
JenfromMassFun and informativeSuch a great podcast. I really enjoy listening to the hosts and guests. 😁
Dununba 6Dateable gave me G.A.M.E.I owe these ladies a 5 star review. They gave me Guidance-Attention-Motivation- Education when it came to dating. How to navigate the apps, philosophy about what makes a good match, and so much more that I took to heart. And just when I thought it couldn’t get better, they dropped The Exit Interview where they deconstructed dates/ short relationships people had. Enlightening on so many levels. Thank you!
Telicia RDown to earth & approachableI’ve listened to many dating & relationship podcasts over the years. As a 35 year old woman, I wish I found this podcast earlier in my dating journey. Although I’m in a LTR now, I find Julie & Yu’s insight so humble and honest. I’ve found other hosts hard to relate to in terms of age or mindset around dating, and I really appreciate their unpretentious and authentic feedback. They feel like the kind of podcast hosts you can actually envision getting a meal with and laughing the night away.
AllibeezNYCGreat podcastOne of my favorite podcasts that I tune into every week. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a relationship, you can learn and take away helpful insights and tips for all manner of relating to others. I appreciate how open-minded and supportive Julie and Yue are exploring topics and giving space for diverse perspectives. Some of my favorite episodes have been related to topics that aren’t readily applicable to my vanilla (sometimes with hot honey) life. Thank you for all of the great episodes over many years! Looking forward to listening more and staying dateable. :)
FeedbackfromtonjaReview & questionHi Yue & Julie. I so appreciate your podcast. When I am in a dip with dating (or even on a high), I pop on your show and get a hit of rejuvenation. I feel less alone in this modern, wild world of dating (and at 50, I’ve been on this journey for over three decades). Question for you: how would you recommend letting someone (in my case, cis het men) know on a first date, in real time, that they are talking more than I prefer? I’m struggling with what appears to be a common theme of over-talking and sometimes trauma dumping…and limited (or no) curiosity in me (and I leave the date exhausted). I’m curious how you would advise me & others on this topic. Thanks deeply to you both: keep being awesome. Tonja
genoweeCongratulations?I did not want to date again. I was happy and fulfilled in every aspect of my life. 56 years old, a few “meh” situationships and one almost perfect relationship after a late-in-life divorce….I’d decided dating was not worth the drama. Found Dateable via Exit Interview (FASCINATING, btw, so juicy!) and fast forward almost a year…..I signed up for my first OLD account and have 2 dates in my first week out! Best part is, I’m going into this with the BEST attitude (you ladies have given me so much inspiration) and plan to be 1) present in the moment, 2) hopeful, 3) non-judgemental, 4) realistic and resilient if things don’t work out! Wish me luck!
informed podcast listenerAlways informative and interesting!I look forward to each episode.
beatlesgerlieFunny and realI’m a new listener and am now a fan! It’s cool to hear perspectives from a couple of strong ladies. Keep it up!!
ThatAmySJSo informative!I really wish I had this podcast in my life sooner. I’m learning so much and it’s taking a lot of the mystery out of dating, which is something I’ve always felt naïve about. It’s even inspired me to attempt dating again after I had given up.
mikeeey1234Amazing Show!! ❤️This is one of the most insightful shows I’ve eve listen to about dating!! Julie and Yue, and the community, are amazing. Top-notch and highly recommend. 💯 😊 Also… It’s only awkward if you make it awkward 😉
Dateable obsessedNew dating perspectivesThis podcast is my favorite because it gives so much helpful perspective when it comes to relationships. I’m at a stage in life where all friends are married with young kids and I miss having friends that I externally process all the ups and downs of dating. This podcast is like having that friend group with so many different perspectives and also focused on individual self-growth.
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