My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark


My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Each week, Karen and Georgia share compelling true crimes and hometown stories from friends and listeners. Since MFM launched in January of 2016, Karen and Georgia have shared their lifelong interest in true crime and have covered stories of infamous serial killers like the Night Stalker, mysterious cold cases, captivating cults, incredible survivor stories and important events from history like the Tulsa race massacre of 1921.  My Favorite Murder is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including historic true crime, comedic interviews and news, science, pop culture and more. Podcasts on the network include Buried Bones with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, This Podcast Will Kill You, Bananas and more.

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Recent Reviews
  • Renata Trister
    The ads are brutal
    So many ads it’s unbearable to listen
  • Hudy benudy
    Keep it coming
    This podcast and the rest of the exactly right network are Greeeat. Remember Tony the Tiger? Yes I'm older than Karen and a neither a Georgia or a Karen I’m a “Karia” a bit of both slightly more Karen.
  • Moosezilla82
    Surprising Gem
    I agree with very little of these ladies opinions but their podcast is awesome! For some reason I love listening to these valley girls talk about a shared interest. They are just fun and they make me happy. I can’t explain it and honestly don’t want to. They always put me in a good mood and I like that.
  • Never123
    I love these ladies
    Very funny, and oh yes, some murder.
  • Cesa-bobisa!
    Been listening for years!
    I’ve been listening for years! I have noticed that their passion for the podcast has slightly declined over the years and there are way too many ads now, but I still appreciate them putting in the time to tell us the stories💕
  • StarkTargaryen430
    I LOVE this podcast!
  • twilight85260
    The iheartradio is killing this podcast
    The ads are horrible Iheart does not care about their listeners and will add so many ads no one can listen… I am very sad about this partnership Iheart ruined another podcast….
  • obbbhhhhh
    The OG
    This podcast has gotten me through so much! They have changed the game and given us all a chance to talk about some topics that not everyone is willing to talk about. I love these people.
  • MN Buffy II
    Where have I been?
    Just started listening, and I start all podcasts at the beginning, so it’s nice to be back in April 2016…the before times. Sigh… Looking forward to your next nine years!
  • Donna.s.b
    My old friends
    I enjoyed the show from the beginning. And I have learned and grown with these ladies. And I’ve heard every episode multiple times. I enjoy the rewind episodes, (and updates) but I almost enjoy the chatting more than the old story at this point. It’s like remembering conversations with old friends.
  • PsychTheatreGirl
    Still great after 9 years
    I’ve listened for years and I love this podcast. I’m proud of what they’ve made it and I’m not surprised they have so many 5 star reviews. I read a bunch of 1 star reviews and essentially this is it: - if you are bothered by cussing, you won’t like it - if you are right leaning politically, you won’t like it - if you are offended by jokes about Christianity, you won’t like it -if you don’t like chitchat with your true crime, this ain’t for you People like that it feels like we’re hanging out with friends and so they talk about their lives and make jokes and it’s hilarious and heartwarming. There are a lot more ads than there use to be but I don’t mind because it allows them to donate $10k to causes I care about every other episode. I love the Rewinds because it shows their progress and how much work they’ve put in to make sure their humor is never at the expense of the victims or their families. If it’s not for you, there’s over 20,000 true crime podcasts out there. For me K&G will always be ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • tunesygirl
    Love MFM, but don’t love the new weight loss ads
    Thank you K + G and the MFM team for providing such a great podcast!! And congrats on the move to I Heart… but can we please avoid so many ads about weight loss?? 💔 It feels like these messages are so in contrast to the amazing and empowering content you’ve created all these years. Thank you for the pod!
  • podcaster66
    True Crime, Comedy and Therapy = Heaven
    Karen and Georgia are on fire these days. Great crime stories, great life stories and a little therapy thrown in. Their candor and candid language are still refreshing. And I love Rewind! I wasn’t a fan until about episode 185 so it’s great that I get to hear the older shows as they happened. These women take my mind off of the mad world every week.
  • all 4 health
    My Favorite
    Love this podcast and these woman! I have listened to all the episodes, it’s just the best!
  • itwasntmesir45
    This show is clueless about what the truth is. You would think after the majority of the country are conservative they would realize how ridiculous they sound. Just stop with the lies and read a book.
  • JustJenGee1
    Rewind-what about Mimi
    There was mention of being “more jokey” back in the day. I think that’s what got you your huge following! We liked that!! You can still joke on the side and be respectful of the content! I miss it.
  • red8151
    My Favorite Podcast!
    would recommend to anyone and everyone! You could listen to them talk about dirt and would be entertained! Great people, story telling, opinions, and philanthropists!
  • eLmo RN
    I don’t write reviews
    For people who say true crime isn’t political and it shouldn’t be talked about, or who don’t like cursing, or give one star reviews during a self proclaimed true crime comedy podcast - you’re missing the point entirely. Why are you here? I’ve been a day one listener and this is the ONLY podcast I have consistently kept up with. K&G have done so much for the true crime community, for mental health, for various charities, and for laughs. They are the older sisters I never had and fess up to their mistakes and right the wrongs when they make them. Love the podcast, love K&G, and miss Steven’s mustache.
  • 💕brener
    A modern classic
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Karen and Georgia! These ladies are the best. Republicans are always freaking out about something they have no business having an opinion about. Don’t change a thing.
  • Disneyland Donna
    Great listen!
    Hi girls!! Love your show and love the rewind episodes too!! Always a great listen, informative, smart, witty, and fun. Thank you for all you do. Keep up the good work.💕🙏🏼
  • Laineyz8
    I 🖤 MFM
    I’ve been a huge fan for the past 3 years and binged from the first episode beginning in 2016, until I was all caught up! Every single day for a year. Even postponing several waiting audiobooks until I was all caught up! I loved every minute of that whole year. These ladies are gems and two of my very favorite people!! Now for the past 3 years, I’m a “waiting for the next episode girl” and balancing my murder podcasts with other murder podcasts as well as audiobooks. I’ve since had the joy of starting new podcasts from the Exactly Right Network. Thank you!!! Keep them coming ladies, and I hope you hit Chicagoland area when you begin touring again!! SSDGM, EKZ 🖤
  • La Petite Nerdette
    Love this podcast!
    I love this podcast, I’ve been listening for years. Today Georgia said something about “stay with us Jessica, you got this.” As a Jessica I found this super comforting and I just wanted to say thanks.
  • Ambur 💕
    Absolutely love BUT too political
    I come here to listen to true crime and have some laughs but I find myself getting angry with these girls talking about politics and topics they are very bias and uneducated about. I just wish they would tone it down a little and make the podcast more…. Republican friendly. I just feel like part of “the girls” when I listen to them and love to listen however when the politics come up I feel unwelcome to hear some of their views sometimes often find myself skipping forward then having to back track because I missed something. I just wish we could all just leave politics out of the true crime world. I choose to continue to listen because I enjoy their humor, but I often times don’t recommend this podcast to friends of mine that would like this purely because I know they would turn it off if they heard some of the things these ladies say politically. Sorry for the rant, I just want people of like mind to be warned before listening to this podcast. If I wanted to listen to politics, I would have turned on the news, just saying.
  • fdalzell
    Best Christmas Gift Ever!!!
    I’ve been a day one fan of MFM I literally burst into tears when I opened a Christmas gift that was your book! My husband truly gets me! I love you ladies so much!
  • CDMadi
    Let the reviews get you down
    Listen to the reviews losers, definitely the bad ones. These two are experts in everything and knows all. Leave yours “expert” opinions in your coin purse. Crybaby killers. Revision - I went back to this show among others to hear them lose their minds after the election. The best!! Have a great 4 years! LOL!!!
  • MettaPry
    Murder isn’t entertainment and these girls who know nothing about police work aren’t cute. If you’re REALLY into homicide investigative work listen to some podcasts by professionals.
  • LuisMacDonald
    Won’t recommend
    Thought it would be everything I read. However, lots of narcissism, unnecessary conversations for over 20 mins. Don’t care for the cussing. It changes the way the podcast flows and makes it trashy.
  • Enthusiast of Life💫
    Favorite Podcast
    I am a true crime junkie and “My Favorite Murder” is easily my favorite when looking not only for true crime but others to relate to! Karen & Georgia are comical, down-to-earth, and definitely deserve their flowers💐 I’d also like to give them praise for their openness on mental health, they talk about it in an honest way that breaks stereotypes. I love this show and the hosts 10/10 recommend!🙌
  • nma77022
    Amazing podcast
    I’ve converted my mother, my sisters (all 3) and many other family and friends….even my husband partakes on long road-trips! I’ve listened through deaths, births, COVID and they are currently helping me distract from the politically orange America. Recommend for any and all true crime fans. Because while they use comedy to get through hard things, they also respect feedback and have empathy. I listened from early on and their ability to be open to feedback as well as keeping true their core selves is unparalleled. They are who they are with room for growth and anyone that says otherwise isn’t listening with their ears.
  • Asciguy
    misread an article. brain needs oiling. Salmon for dinner! Love you, promise to finish my homework before commenting again! 🖤🤍🖤🤍🏁
  • Brown Eyed Girl67
    My Favorite Podcast
    I’ve been a listener for nearly 3 years now. The first night I spent at my late boyfriend’s house, he put an episode on to fall asleep to…my introduction to podcasts! Needless to say, I stayed awake and listened to 4 episodes and was hooked. I immediately put Apple Podcasts back on my phone and started following. Thank you ladies for your hard work and research for these cases! From an avid NorCal fan!
  • Toodles777
    Listened to an episode today where Georgia and Karen said something along the lines of “vaccines have been around for 100s of years and now when people stop taking them immediately bad stuff starts happening and that’s science” ummm that is the most uneducated and unsupported statement I’ve heard on a platform like this. Let’s maybe not talk about things we don’t know anything about!
  • DrJ143
    The only podcast where I will listen to every episode.
    True crime, comedy, care and concern for others… thee are the two big sisters you always wanted.
  • Ashley B. B.
    My comfort podcast
    I’ve been listening since 2016 so I think it’s about time I left a review! I adore Karen & Georgia. I LOVE the conversations at the beginning of the pod as well as throughout. You make me laugh, you make me emotional, and you make me realize how important it is to talk out loud about mental health and how it’s OKAY to not be okay all the time. I come here for so much more than true crime stories and that’s why I will always come back and you’ll always be my favorite and comfort pod. These gals also have a lot to teach about owning up to your mistakes and taking them with good stride. MFM isn’t just a podcast to me … it’s a lifestyle. 💁‍♀️
  • Bizzp
    These ladies keep me sane
    Been listening since 2018. This podcast keeps me sane. Thank you for speaking out against injustice and donating towards causes that matter.
  • SeizeThePlight
    I love this podcast.
    I’ll probably be listening to Karen and Georgia until the good lord calls me home.
  • heartsparks
    Consistently funny show
    It's like talking about true crime with your two best friends if your two best friends were hilarious comedians who are trying to cope with reality in this dark world. Don't skip the hometown or live show episodes; they are amazing.
  • Megglypegs
    MFM Do you like things that are fascinating and hilarious?
    I recommend the one about why the Mona Lisa is only this popular because it was stolen.
  • KimJongNinja
    The absolute best
    Love them, love this, love all the things. SSDGM.
  • Cajunn
    Hate it
    I wanted to get some information about true crime. These two narcissist just talk about themselves constantly.
  • LadyYayaz
    After all these years
    Still my fav after all these years! I started listening in 2018 from episode 1 so I like to think of myself as a day 1 listener.
  • Eastlake Rob
    These hosts have no compassion for victims and are disgusting.
  • axxel1965
    “Just two valley making fun of murder”
    I started listening after a friend recommended this. I had looked the other way when they said things like this, but enough is enough. They have such little care and empathy for victims that they constantly misrepresent cases and spread misinformation. When confronted about this, they laugh it off and talk about just reading off Wikipedia pages. They do 0 research on their own and they just plagiarize other’s works. I know you guys read these comments so I will clearly say this: You are both out of touch millennial white women who care little about accuracy. These cases are fun for you despite the real trauma families and survivors face. You are on the wrong side of podcast history and society will reach a point where we talk about how offensive and out of touch you are. Even after the rewinds, you don’t correct yourself. May karma come back to you in tenfold until you change your ways. For listeners: Is this the type of podcasters you wish to support? There’s a difference between inserting tasteful humor and being outwardly disrespectful to victims and surviving families. If you like this, it’s time to reevaluate your morals. We never think we will experience a tragedy like these victims until it happens.
  • Amandagreble
    My fav two ladies
    They are my favorite podcast ever ❤️❤️
  • Kelly 4E
    Thank you Karen & Georgia!
    I’ve been listening since day 1 thanks to my late roommate Shannon who absolutely ADORED you guys, every time I listen I feel like she’s listening with me, thank you for your hilarious banter and for DONATING thousands of dollars to sooo many great causes, keep up the great work ❤️
  • Heidirollindeep
    Long time listener
    It’s a podcast about murder. I don’t like that they say “we won’t get into details because it’s graphic” okay- then don’t call yourself my favorite murder if you won’t even tell me how they were murdered?
  • emlee_dubya
    My Favorite Podcast with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark
    I’ve been listening to MFM since early 2017, and I love it more and more as time goes on! Karen & Georgia are our hilarious and empathetic leaders in a thriving community of Murderinos! The balance between humor and compassion is perfect, and I will always continue listening and re-listening!
  • Megs_C
    And we’re back!
    I’ve been listening to MFM since early 2017 and loved it. In those middle years I felt like they were phoning it in by posting live shows and only one story per episode and I almost unsubscribed and I’m so glad I didn’t because I’m enjoying it so much again.
  • The G-Raff
    My First & Favorite Podcast
    Greetings from the Pacific Northwest, the murder capital!! I had never listened to a podcast until MFM was suggested to me in 2017. It didn’t take long before I was hooked. Karen and Georgia were in my ear through the insanity of COVID and each night as I fall asleep. Better for my anxiety than any pill😁 I am disappointed that the podcast is no longer ad-free, not even on Amazon when you pay for ad-free 😢 SSDGM 🫶🏻 (Interesting side note, my childhood home was a block over from Robert Yates, the South Hill serial killer. I walked around his house after it was on the market)
  • Blue_emm
    Love this podcast
    I love this podcast so much!!! Yall ladies are the best!! ❤️
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