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Indy1129The President needs to hire HorowitzI only wish the President would listen to this podcast. But Trump needs to hire Horowitz as a major advisor. America would benefit from implementing his strategies immensely. Take a listen!
jaaaacccckkkkkSlamming the deficitExcellent work on the next ten years. I wish more people would see this catastrophic problem
jsmsimpThe unvarnished truth.Daniel gives straight foward conservative opion backed with facts and stats, he does not sugarcoat the truth.
JaneswtGreat podcastYou’re the only commentator that I have to listen twice to your program to absorb all the information you give.
Papadoc19One of the only truth tellers out there…Listen to Daniel because he is one of the few that actually believes in the conservative principles and values the movement espouses…
Not the leftPatriotNever miss any of Daniel’s shows. One of the few truth tellers out there!
The French MonkScience-Research-Data-NewsDaniel provides the most complete access to understanding current events and the news today. If you’re not listening to Daniel you might not actually be a conservative.
bigredmatt1011The Voice We Need Right NowAll of the other hosts in the conservative space spew empty pablum. Daniel is pro active. Everyone should listen to Daniel.
Tano The TexanConservative accountabilityDaniel provides the truth and only the truth along with exposing the grift of Conservative Inc. and actually providing solutions as to what citizens can do to fight for a better America especially in the red states. Best show ever on the political right and he should be Number 1 for conservative podcasts!
Kelly McCartyBest Podcast on the rightIf Republicans/MAGA/Conservatives/Patriots really wanted to take back this country, they would listen to Daniel Horowitz every day. Daniel actually gives you ACTION ITEMS on HOW to take back this Republic. He teaches you WHAT TO DO, HOW TO WIN, and WAYS TO BEAT THE LIBS in every level of government.
KeysBlAction over talkDaniel brings forward looking ideas and strategies to the table that so many other shows lack. Instead of just complaining about issues and constantly being on defense, this show gives an offensive playbook for the right. This is what building a movement looks like. If you want to put words into action, this is the show for you.
TobdeneSick’em DanielDaniel brings the facts. Most informed podcast you’ll hear.
BeachandbeadsGoing on for a long timeFantastic show— every one. This is the first podcast I listen to everyday. I just heard a G.K. Chesterton quote that makes me realize that what Daniel is talking about has been going on for a long time: The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.” ― G.K. Chesterton
Conservative cat ladyBest podcast out thereDaniel has the best podcast out there, he’s informative and so knowledgeable and is spot on about state issues and making red states redder. Great work!!!!!
JeffysMountyDanielI come from Mexicali. Daniel make great point about Trump, I now vote for Kamala! My cousins vote Kamala now too.. Pues Daniel sound like Presidente Peña Nieto
LoveTheSummerBravo!Daniel is an absolute treasure. The smartest and most honest talker out there. He knows his stuff, and isn’t afraid to speak the truth. Where his peers in the industry fail, he never ceases to deliver the hard hitting goods. Bravo CR Podcast! And thank you for your voice!!
Oh, my knee.RetractDaniel I love you but the title to your latest pod is inaccurate. You need to change it.
Janice FahyThe Democratic Party is winning and willContinue to win until they overturn Dobbs. The right is weird - banning books & wanting to be in medical exam rooms with strangers. Unattractive. Noone’s into it. Mind your own business. It’s the reason Trump is trying to turn the GOP into the Democratic Party.
mackman1929D.H. Has the Courage to Say What Others Won'tI love Daniel's heart and reasoning skills. It's too bad he is not getting interviewed by FOX News and other conservative media. He does get 10 minutes a week on BlazeTV with the Steve Deace Show,but GlenBeck should give him his own show. His analysis of Trump's leftward drift is right on.
rk6217Covid expert!Excellent podcast to keep up to date on the latest Covid information. Daniel does a great job breaking down complex conversations about the jab + always includes information on treatments.
Manyjs3Always worth your time.Daniel is the most interesting podcast host on the internet. He is a political strategist, Covid expert and gathers the facts on any topic he chooses to discuss. Therefore, it is always worth your time to listen.
cardmacThe antidote to RINOsIf the Republican party were to ever believe in anything and fight for it, they would sound like Daniel.
Matthew SkaggsA Man Who Has Known What Time It IsI started listening to Daniel’s podcast during the deeply evil time of COVID. Little did I know at the time was the amount of quality content he puts out on essentially every issue at the time it matters and in the way it matters. I’m someone who has moved past the “pontificating” class of thought leaders and I only care about positive policy outcomes. And that is exactly what you get when you listen to Daniel.
NedBraden007SpectacularBy far the best podcast there is.
AwesomeASPThe prophet of podcastsDaniel offers more new ideas than anyone else on the right. Solid show material and outstanding guests are the norm.
FrustratedByPromptsGreat show!Informative and interesting!
Madmax252Real conservative messageDaniel is wonderful. Passionate, informed, and ready for action. He educates then exhorts conservatives to take action - usually off the beaten path, focusing on states and local governance. A must listen
REKCANEDaniel Horowitz tells the truthIf you want to understand what is really going on and what to do, listen to this podcast. Trump could be good but we need to lean on him or he will continue to promote the swamp. Daniel offers real world actions we can do to make true conservative changes and not just talk about it and complain like everyone else. Man can he simply things! Love the energy, please keep it up! I can’t wait for each podcast.
WNY LeatherneckPatriotic TruthDaniel is not to be missed! Hardest working commentator from the Right! His show can be painful, however, as daily documentation of the American slouch toward Gomorrah
moviefan1985Very important showI really wish the gop would listen to what Daniel has to say. The republicans need to get work and save this country. Daniel lays out the gameplan.
SDKBNAmazingDaniel you are spot on, and God Bless YOU! Don’t change(I don’t really think you will ;)!
Poppa WillisLove the showGood conservative commentary
I’m with you always m28:20You are AWESOME.Thank you so very much.
SonnyBlackUSAThank God for Daniel Horowitz.One of the only voices out there fighting for the Grassroots American People.
Split rootConservative CrusaderDaniel has always been a leader in our conservative mission. He eventually shifted his focus towards COVID-19 and all the nonsensical solutions for it. He has brought so many interesting and informative guest doctors. I learned how to treat and prescribe the appropriate medications to treat patients. Keep up the good work Daniel
sometimes NancyDaniel HorowitzThe most sincere, honest and smart voice you hear in the sea of commentators. He invites the smartest guests to his show who can speak to the truth below the surface. So many of us are benefiting from your insightful show! Please never quit!
Kathy!70Love this showDaniel has great guests and even greater analysis. The pandemic information has been too notch.
Ellen LyonDaniel Horowitz ShowTruth that leaves you shaken and hopefully causes a stir.
LidrorGreat PodcastGreat podcast with wonderful guests. The host is one of the most knowledgeable around and clearly cares about the US, the West, and the Rule of Law…. DH is known as “The Prophet of Woe and Lamentation” and the the title definitely fits…. Listeners may not be consistently “entertained,” but they’ll definitely walk away much smarter and more well-informed. Highly recommended!
michael xavier 006Great insightAnd the sources to back it up. Subscribe=Sound decision
SWAGGYMOM2024 Horowitz Better than Ever, truly!2024 Horowitz Better than Ever, truly!
sallie89beeMinuteman at the ready!Outstanding conversation with Jordan Pace. I appreciate Daniel’s podcast and appearances for his analytics. He doesn’t only squawk, but rather he offers solutions, how to’s and guidance. He’s my #1 go to for learning and action. Thank you Daniel, we are fortunate to have you in our lives!!!
BeckaDethmersDaniel WE MISSED YOUMake time to listen to TRUTH AND NOT GRIFTING Conservative!!! We need you…facts matter, at the time they matter, results MATTER!!!!
Bronco Billy BoyFair & BalancedIf you want to know what’s really going on in American politics, this is the podcast. In a world where outcomes matter, Daniel holds Republicans accountable.
MosquitoSwarmHilarious!!But it’s not Marxists ya gotta watch fer—it’s those Satanic Marxists, coming for your children!!
ronnier888Best podcast for real conservatives!I found this podcast two months ago. Most right-wing commentary won’t talk about the shots and the RINOs honestly. Daniel does and with the real facts and data that are hard to find!
Sacred Honor VigilanceTrue PatriotBrave enough to call it treason. Very few can bring unyielding insights like these. Thank you, sir and God bless.
tlight32A true conservativeDaniel is the real deal. A true warrior for the cause of conservatism. If you call yourself conservative you must listen to this podcast to understand what the term means. So many masquerading as such.
houseofedenThe bestDaniel doesn’t mince words. Honest harsh reality every show.
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