Shattered: Hope, Heartbreak and the New York Knicks


Shattered: Hope, Heartbreak and the New York Knicks is an eight-part podcast series from The Athletic, hosted by hip-hop legend Chuck D. Shattered dives deep into the Knicks' past 20 years of chaos and controversy under team owner James Dolan. From the end of the 90’s Knicks to today - the series uncovers never-heard-before stories about Dolan, the Knicks and the NBA - with interviews from dozens of voices, including franchise legend Patrick Ewing, former Knicks players, coaches and executives, and a range of famous fans.

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Recent Reviews
  • dhdustsstdy
    Must Listen to for Any NYK Fan!
    A time travel through the last 20 + years of NYK. Well done!
  • FuManchuMattyB
    Loved it
    I wish they would do this for every NBA team and it’s history. This was really fun to listen to and I’m not even a Knicks fan. Definitely recommend.
  • Frankie in LV
    Good stuff
    Nice job making an interesting basketball retrospective w/o images of Knicks bb!
  • eclectic7
    Chuck D is good, but the writing is awful and the interviews are puerile. Lots of meaningless fanboi whining.
  • CancerBoA
    Fatty Tess
  • Watson Reynolds
    no new information if you’re a day in day out NYK fan. if you’re not it’s prob fun. started off great but no real conclusion to the story.
  • Frank Debuke
    James the racyst Dolan
    As long as the owner is James Dolan f you see Kay the NY KNICKS.
  • Knicks1112:3506&171
    Great podcast but really poor timing
    If they released this last year or in the presseason it would have been perfect. Now the Knicks are actually good and headed in the right direction so poor timing
  • llliilil
    Great stuff
    Decision episode was hilarious
  • Richkew
    Well Researched, but Over-Produced
    The interviews are great, the research is great. But all of the over-production and Chuck D make it too much. And I love Chuck D. Just should have let the story speak for itself through the interviews.
  • bu-dd
    Incredibly well produced
    Whoever was tasked with making this show is a truly talented person. The story arc, the momentum, pacing, this is how narrative podcasting is supposed to sound.
  • Zeke Powers
    Chuck D is great
    I listened to this while at work and it was very entertaining. Chuck D is great and the interviews are good.
  • MattAR80
    Do the Rangers next.
    Amazing insight into how the Knicks are run. Now do another about how the same person runs the Rangers.
  • Hey224456
    Awesome show thank you
  • nshdhdirbwh
    5 Stars
    As a lifelong Knicks fan, this podcast covers the saddest period of Knicks history. It’s great to hear the behind the scenes workings that has made it so, especially with the narration provided by Chuck D. Great listen in learning just how bad one man’s lack of emotional maturity can destroy one of the proudest franchises in sporting history.
  • nboogiewetrust
    I’m from Chicago. I love hearing about the Knicks misery.
  • mk11811
    Great View on Trying to Stick with Your Team When They’re Down
    Although I liked and respected the ‘90s Knicks, they were never my main team. However, I can relate to other teams in multiple sports I follow being down for long periods of time. Also, Chuck D could probably narrate a podcast about ironing socks and it would sound interesting.
  • Mj6986
    5 stars, minus one for the poor ads
    This is a great podcast for Knicks and sports fans. Taking on Dolan is really compelling. The ads are of very poor quality. They sound like they were recorded in bathroom. Takes away from the premium nature of this content.
  • Starksfor3
    5 out of 5!
    No way this pod isn’t 5 star, if you mark it less you hating! Love this show, as a die hard Knicks fan in his late 30, learned so much about the garden and I worked there for five years!
  • NYSullyGo
    Great Memories and then decades of disappointment
    If you a Knick fan and lived through the battles in the 90s where we were so close to a championship and then remained a fan for the last 20 years you have to give this a listen. Chuck D represents the voice of the Knick fan and the commentary from fans, reporters and Knick players coaches and leadership are top of the line.
  • GeoffritoSays
    As a lifelong Knicks fan this podcast is a great listen. It captures the hope, disappointment and sadness of being a fan in that era. A lot of the downvotes on the pod seem like they came from people who didn’t actually listen or might be related to the dolan family.
  • ph-fat
    Not a real Knicks fan
    I’m not a real Knicks fan, I live in North Carolina and don’t really have any reason to like them. But THIS season, man, they good. And sometimes it’s fun to cheer for a team that, let’s be honest, has sorta sucked for the past few decades. Exited to see how Julius Randle and his squad fair in the the playoffs-if they make it😬. The pod sorta resembles the last dance, it’s just with the Knicks. Love it!
  • Crowned Roya CJ
    Ewing !
    I’m a huge Patrick Ewing fan ! Happy to see him get his flowers as a legendary Knick. Just love this podcast! Chuck D’s voice and the interviews are just perfect !
  • havent wached it yet
    Haven’t herd it yet but am excited too
  • WillExodus1
    Ewing comparison
    The first line of this podcast had me thinking it was a comedy; comparing Ewing to Bill Russell. Russell is a top twenty all timer, Ewing isn’t even in the top fifty.
  • comegetpapabear
    Chuck D
    Chuck needs to narrate every podcast ever. What a voice abs excellent delivery. This is very well produced so much so that you don’t need to be a New Yorker to like it
  • KRS46
    Chuck D in the house
    Keeping it real
  • bxgal531
    Well Produced!
    As a native New Yorker, I can say I LOVED the first episode. Everything about about it has been great so far. Really looking forward to the rest. Well done!
  • BabelKoz
    I haven’t heard many sports podcasts go this deep with this kind of a production level. What a great idea and sound execution!
  • JasonStatz
    Excellent Pod
    What a great range of interviews. Love this podcast.
  • DanielSYM
    Great podcast.
  • Russell W
    Shattered is fair, honest, and engaging.
  • Barry90909090
    Chuck D as narrator?
    A black separatist? Really?
  • cb5217
    Loved every second of this first episode, can’t wait until next week!
  • NC-10304
    Nobody rocked that Oakley jersey like my boy JPL. Everybody wishes they could wear #34. Not everyone can
  • camphavas
    Captured My Interest!
    Great sound bites, narrative and overall production. Looking forward to Tom more episodes!
  • martin.scorcese
    Nuff said
  • Chuck Beck33
    On Shattered
    Great idea! But the first episode was all over the place. Also the producers seemed to have interviewed Patrick Ewing on the worlds worst phone line.
  • miaqueifhak
    Not a sports fan but like this show
    I listen to a lot of podcasts but none of them sports focused. This one is really good though! Kind of listens like a 30 for 30.
  • AlexGPk
    Salute to Chuck D x NYK
    #PE #KFTV
  • iambenlyons
    Go NY Go NY Go
    This is a great listen, but also rips my heart from my soul....
  • Ninjakramer
    Shattered Ep 1
    I love the Glue Guys Nets podcast so being introduced to this pod was a real treat. Super fun if you love trolling the despair of Knicks fans! Good stuff guys!
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