Set Lusting Bruce: The Bruce Springsteen Fan Podcast


Over the past several years, Jesse Jackson has been talking to Bruce Springsteen fans from around the world. He believes that every Springsteen fan has a story to tell and it's his job to record as many as possible. At over 1,000 episodes and counting, fans of Bruce (as well as fans of other musicians) have shared how the magic and power of music has helped them celebrate successes and mourn losses. Music has been part of births, deaths, birthdays, weddings and other major events in their lives. Part of Pantheon Podcasts.

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Recent Reviews
  • Pat O.D.
    So much fun!
    Jessie is a great host and makes his guests feel at ease. This is one of my newest podcasts in my rotation of regulars.
  • Davidkproctor1
    Bruce Springsteen, and much more…
    I am a Jesse Jackson fan. He loves to talk music, Dallas Cowboys football, Doctor Who, and much, much more. This is his super passion, Bruce Springsteen. Give it a listen. He’s great.
  • Scotty_Ballgame
    Must listen podcast for any Springsteen fan!
    Jesse is the man! He loves to speak with and meet new Springsteen fans, and he genuinely takes an interest in the stories we all have to share. I've had the honor of meeting him (before a Springsteen concert!) and have been lucky to have joined him on Set Lusting Bruce on a few occasions. Keep up the great work my friend!
  • BrianColburn
    A Show For Bruce Fans of All Levels
    When it comes to artist-centric podcasts, they can be hit or miss for someone who doesn't know every last song or story surrounding said artist. Jesse solves that problem with Set Lusting Bruce, as the show is aimed for Bruce fans of all levels: from the novice to the hardcore fan, he has you covered with great interviews, fun stories and a community built around the Boss! Keep up the great work!
  • flyerrich
    Great Podcast
    Jesse is a terrific interviewer and these episodes seem to go by so fast. There are not many artists who have this kind of longevity so hearing stories of the impact one artist can have on so many is fun, interesting and entertaining. Keep it up Jesse.
  • authorsusan
    Great Host
    Thanks for being a great host Jesse! I had a super fun time talking about Bruce and my book!
  • U2Kyle
    Awesome show!
    We had an awesome time chatting with Jesse! His show is a lot of fun and his area of expertise goes way beyond Bruce. We were very impressed and felt like we discovered a kindred spirit!
  • beatebabe
    Great Show, Great Host
    Insightful, conversation and just great fun. Love the show.
  • Jay Franze
    Entertaining and informative. Jesse knows how to great questions. I always learn something.
  • Tom Antion
    Just Listened to Leah Elson
    Brilliant guest and inciteful host. Highly recommended.
  • LoveBefore100
    Such a pleasure
    Jesse is a true pleasure. His passion for music and serving his audience is oozing out of him. He’s a great host who asks questions that really move the conversations in a fun and valuable way and always circles back to his love of music. A must listen for music lovers!
  • HammerDTP
    A True Music Fan
    Jesse has created a wonderful place for all music lovers to learn more about the people who create and perform music - in addition to The Boss. He is also a very kind and generous host as he talks with his guests. Really love his interviews!
  • Raquel Drosos
    Awesome for every music fan
    Jesse has created such an awesome podcast! He interviews a diverse group of people and every episode brings something new to the table. I love listening to this podcast and I also enjoyed being a guest because Jesse was super prepared and easy to talk to. What’s unique about this podcast is that it celebrates not only Bruce, but all types of music and the way music impacts us.
  • Al Downing
    Not Just Bruce
    Jesse talks a lot about Bruce obviously but weaves in a lot of interesting tangents for an entertaining and unique podcast. Very entertaining!
  • swizzie2000
    So fun!
    Jesse is a great host. It feels like an awesome trip down memory lane listening to the amazing stories and times past. Great show! - Mark Savant
  • ClemtheGreat
    So much fun!
    Jesse speaks of Springsteen but so much more as well. He dives into his guests’ stories, and isn’t afraid to tackle all topics, Bruce and otherwise. He really listens and asks really thoughtful questions. A great listen!
  • faegal55
    Engaging and entertaining
    Jesse is a fun host who knows how to engage with his guest and his audience. He is kind and thoughtful in his questions and personable. Love the show
  • Podcastermom
    Just listen!
    I have listened to a lot of Podcasts, and spoken to a lot of podcast hosts, but this guy - Jessie Jackson – all I can say, is WOW! He has a way of asking the questions to get right to the heart of things. And the beauty of his podcast is - that music is an under used element that opens the door to people. Our thoughts, our memories, and our lives are all composed of unique events, along with the soundtrack that makes us who we are. Jesse peels back the layers and discovers parts of his guests they might've forgotten they had. I know that's how it went with me. Because I had the honor of being on this podcast, I remembered things about my childhood that were long forgotten. Things that made me who I am, and beautiful memories; the sights, the smells, and all of it, just by discussing the music. Tune in, and the same will happen for you as a listener. You will make discoveries about yourself, other people, and the music that makes up our lives. That’s a lot for a podcast to do, but Jesse has a gift! Good guys really do win, and he’s one of the good guys. You’ll win too by listening.
  • JTon0295
    Guest appearance: Rolling Stones, Bruce, and more
    I recently had the please of being a guest of Jesse’s on this podcast. Jesse is a great host, he helps the guest feel comfortable, and his passion for the music comes through. As guest, he makes it easy to bring energy to the conversation!
  • Bruce Kramer
    Fantastic show
    There aren’t a lot of casual Bruce Springsteen fans out there. A lot of his fans feel a deep connection with his music and his live shows. Jesse celebrates all of those connections and loves talking to fans about their experiences. He’s had everyone from “average fans” to celebrities in the Bruce world on his show, and he treats everyone of them with the same welcoming respect.
  • mikeyopp
    A great listen for ANY fan of music!
    Jesse is a fun, high-energ my host with a passion for sharing his love of music. His approach to discussions will bring great joy to your life, and you might be surprised by how deep some of the conversations can go!
  • JudyRodman
    Brilliant host!
    This show is about a lot more than Bruce... though it centers around the man and his music. I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with the host, who made it a chat of joyful exploration. With his easy style and creative approach, he brings out stories no one has asked about before.
  • JakeBerry1
    Infectious enthusiasm
    Jesse's enthusiasm is infectious and uplifting. His commitment comes through in every episode, not just to Bruce's music but to the joy we all find in his music. Thanks for sharing the love, Jesse. Keep up the great work! -Jake Berry, New Hampshire
  • AprilSingsalot
    So Fun!
    Love the vibe of this podcast and Jesse’s enthusiasm for all things Bruce. So fun!
  • LJBlanton
    Fun listen
    Love hearing the stories from the guests
  • Donald_16
    Mitch Slater
    Recently listened to the ep with Mitch. Loved the stories he told and the insightful “rumors” about future Bruce and E Street but keep politics out..Him and Jesse say don’t be negative, but “oh, be negative about trump and other people”. So hypocritical. They preach Freedom of Speech but yet when they were talking about Bruce’s 2nd broadway run about how people were protesting the RIDICULOUS and UNETHICAL mask and vax mandates they laughed like “how dare they”. SUCH HYPOCRITES.
  • Raider27
    Incredible podcast
    This podcast is fun and entertaining, looking forward to more episodes! Keep up the great work!
  • Mxsandy12
    Amazing Springsteen pod!
    A must for all Bruce fans!
  • choppernewt
    Engaging and Fun
    Full disclosure, I've guested on Jesse's show a couple times now, but that doesn't make the following any less true - listening to these episodes is a great experience. Jesse keeps things running smoothly but gives his guests plenty of space to talk. No question, it helps if you love Springsteen, but beyond that, there's something very comforting about hearing the stories that come from these discussions. Try a few episodes and see what I mean.
  • OlyJo8
    All the feels
    With his big heart, sense of humor and inviting questions Jesse seems to effortlessly draw out not only what makes us love Bruce and the Band but our fellow fans and the wider world of music and magic. Just a delight to be on his show, talking about the serious and the joyous, the nostalgic and the hope of better days. Like the best of visits with old friends.
  • Ghwriter1976
    Jesse was Born to Run This Show!
    The driving force behind successful podcasts is passion, and you can hear in Jesse Jackson’s voice just how passionate he is about music, and Bruce’s music specifically. If you’re a music lover as Jesse is, you definitely want to add Set Lusting Bruce to your podcast playlist.
  • Eddie Can You Get Us A Ride?
    SetLusting Bruce
    Probably the most prolific Springsteen podcaster around, Jesse has hosted a diverse and interesting sampling of conversations with scores of rabid Bruce fanatics. Jesse treats all his guests with kindness and respect while managing to tease out the heart felt tales of staunch members of the “E Street Nation” from around the world. Jesse combines a shared enthusiasm as a fellow fan with the listening skills of your favorite bartender. In doing so, he shines a bright light on those special qualities that join Bruce Springsteen and his most devoted followers together in a unique and passionate community. A must listen podcast for any serious fan of “the Boss”. If you are so inclined, it also comes along with an invitation to talk with him and become one of his many podcast contributors!
  • sherrylynnerocks
    A must for any Bruce Springsteen fan!
    This podcast is one of the best about Bruce Springsteen and all of the musicians affiliated with him. Jesse is an engaging host. He asks thoughtful questions and has great knowledge about many things. Definitely a five star listen!
  • markhornok
    So fun
    Jesse does a great job. He makes people comfortable and gets them talking. I love his enthusiasm for Bruce. I had a great time doing the show and listening.
  • brouse_invest
    A Must for Bruce fans.
    This is a great source for Bruce fans to come to know fellow travelers. Excellent.
  • Rich Holl
    Love this podcast
    It’s so great to feel... connected. Especially in these times we’ve all just gone through. Jesse’s project helps all of us who are Bruce fans feel that way. Every song, every album, every concert provides a memory and a story all it’s own. We all have our individual ones, it we can also relate to everyone else’s. It brings us all closer together. Even though we may be strangers, we’re all part of the Springsteen community!
  • Ted at "The Tour" podcast
    Your Podcast Belongs In A Time Capsule!
    This podcast is more than the music of Bruce Springsteen. Jesse opens the door to conversations about life, both the highs and the challenges we all experience. His style combines grace with knowledge and passion which makes this podcast a must-listen. In fact, if you were to place things in a time capsule for future generations to understand how we lived, “Set Lusting Bruce: The Springsteen Podcast” needs to be included. I look forward to the next episode!
  • Lukewarm Tallboy
    Fantastic Podcast!
    I really love listening to this podcast - awesome concept! I can’t wait for the next episode!!!
  • udanax19
    Starts as a Bruce podcast, but really a music lover podcast
    If you love the Boss, you need this show. If you love music, you need this show. You will love Jesse and his love of music, and his guests and their love of music.
  • Corndog batman
    Jessie is Amazing
    Jessie is one of the best podcast host I have ever heard.
  • Potato Lady Bex
    Perfect for Bruce Fans and Music Lovers!
    Come for the diverse guests and the Bruce Springsteen. Stay for the Mary question. This podcast is super fun!
  • reservation for Jerry
    A Great Listen
    A great tribute to any fans of the Boss and a fascinating listen.
  • riddikuluspatronus1
    The music and detailed information is fantastic! Intriguing and surprising facts on “The Boss”. Great insight on the work in his life and challenges involved. Entertaining from beginning to end. Looking forward to more!
  • Dr.ScottK
    We learned more from this weekly podcast, baby than we ever learned in school
    Knowing our authenticity gracious and humble host, if one were to congratulate Jesse to commemorate the 5 year anniversary of this extraordinary podcast, he would most likely borrow a quote from Mr. Springsteen and tell you, “That’s why we’re here night after night after night after night because you can’t get to those things by yourself. You got to have help.” Well today we, your devoted audience would like to just acknowledge YOU! Thank you for putting such positive energy out into the world through your fantastic work these past 5 years & 600+ episodes. You have fostered a wonderful community of not just Bruce fans, but wonderful people as well. Similar to the fan who’s plea to Bruce, “We need you” was a catalyst to a glorious second half of his career, I say to you Jesse, please keep on entertaining us for another 5 years! We thank you!
  • Thom Zahler
    Sometime it's the singer, sometimes it's the song
    I like Bruce Springsteen, but not as much as Jesse does. I'm not sure I like anything as much as Jesse likes Springsteen. But that's why this podcast is so great. It's Jesse's love and passion for Springsteen that will carry you away. I love hearing passionate people talk about what they're passionate about.
  • Magnetic Mismatch
    Great stuff!
    Just listened to a couple of episodes from the 30 days of Springsteen challenge, cool stuff! Loved hearing the your story of how you and Linda met. It's crazy because the feeling you described about how on your first date it felt like you've both known each other for a long time, that was the same feeling my wife and I experienced too (btw her name is also Linda)! Congratulations on 35+ years of marriage, that's amazing and we hope we will get there some day too! Looking forward to listening to more episodes. Just subscribed, and gave a 5 star rating, keep it up!
  • scottymayknow
    I love the boss
    To hear how the boss has touched all these people and how you talk about him is awesome! I have to say my favorite is either Rosalita orGlory Days! But to know I’ve found other huge Springsteen fans excited me! I can’t wait to do a deeper dive
  • AaronJCole
    Really good to learn
    Never knew a whole lot about Springsteen, but Jesse makes it fun for fans and newbies alike. Love learning about influential people. If you have any interest at all, this show is for you!
  • Jeannie Fino
    A Must-Listen for Bruce fans!
    Jesse interacts with fellow fans with his heart and with humor. Great stories and fun conversation.
  • Nightwingpdp
    Great podcast!
    This is a great podcast for longtime Bruce Springsteen fans, new fans, and fans of music in general! You can tell the host is very knowledgeable and passionate about music and Bruce! It just gets better with time!
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