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RissBottGood info, but wish episodes were bite sizedI rarely have time for a 1+ long episode. I would love to see a 20 min version.
LokitousInformational, Entertaining and great hostsI learn something each week from TWIET. The hosts have been in the industry for years and understand the Enterprise landscape. If you are looking for an Enterprise and IT podcast, this should be it! Infosec and more with the TWiET riot!
SantaRememberedToo many AdsThis podcast is OK but there are too many ads...also, there is a featured company often interviewed and it is increasingly appearing as though these companies are just appearing because they paid a fee to be on the show...
FemavenConcise and covers broad topicsI'm in infosec and I prefer this to security now because it covers technology and security topics in a concise way. They are always around 1 hour.
Playtime5423Love itFather Robert and the crew are great together. Makes for a great podcast.
mjh8154Interesting & informative show!I listen to this show on a regular basis and find that I'm always learning something from it. The hosts are knowledgeable and entertaining and the topics discussed are always current and informative. Another great TWiT Network production!
SuperKarateMonkeyDeathCarOne of the few to look at the enterprise side of thingsSo glad this exists to look at enterprise tech, something not covered in depth by most podcasts related to tech, and not even by a lot of blogs. It's great to hear from people actually out in those fields, and I love that they include someone from a university, which is a specialized type of enterprise that's often totally ignored.
JT 206Can't learn anything.This show has great production quality and the hosts have good radio voices. But I just don't think I can learn anything from these guys. Being a university sysadmin is one of the best ways to get experience, but if you already work with tech at the enterprise level, then you probably know more than they do. I wouldn't bring this up if it wasn't so clear in every episode. And being buddies with Steve Gibson is a major blow to you credibility. I just can't overlook that.
Namu-ZacMehBiggest issue: Host over leads nearly every single question to co hosts.
Rays fan From New YorkGreat show on enterprise ITWonderful show, fabulous content, and Knowledgeable speakers. I really like this show.
Cat Daddyx2Want to love it but are usually boredI was dying for TWIT to add an enterprise show. But something about this podcast isn't clicking. More often than not, I don't find their discussions very interesting. Either it's too general or doesn't seem applicable to me as an IT professional.
MrmojorisesOf little useI had high hopes for this podcast but it is mostly generalities and cliches. Perhaps a new host would be better.
TheTSArtInterestingTWiET can be very informative and Father Robert is a great host. I must admit I get a little frustrated though that the show so often seems so oriented towards New York, the West Coast and Hawaii. For instance, in a recent episode the panel spent a half hour on Google Fiber, but most of the discussion was why in the world would Google ever put it in Kansas (and Missouri). According to the episode, Kansas residents don't even know what a pineapple is. The KC area has many global headquarters and is far more developed than many of the cities in California and New York I've visited. It would be nice to respect that enterprise tech is everywhere. I'm not from the area, and this is just a small complaint I have every few episodes, but overall the show is a good listen.
akaWookGreat Show!Once a week we get to enjoy the conversations from the best of the best. These are a few of the top guys (and gals) in the industry who really know their stuff. Thanks to all involved for the hard work!
DisquetteGreat production values but mehAs with all TWiT shows, this is very professionally done. There is a huge amount of knowledge on the panel, but unfortunately a lot of it is Apple-centric, or "post-pc" centric. If you like believing that macs are the basis of "enterprise tech", then this is probably a pretty good show for you. If you known in your bones that you're stupid to buy a desktop computer or think that anything except byod-thin-clients is what everyone will be using in 5 years, this is also a good show for you (admittedly the guy from FL on the panel was more measured on this topic). However, there's one area where they seriously excel - explaning networking concepts. That's why I'm still subscribed to the podcast despite the failings listed above.
CybylIA hugely informative show featuring Enterprise technologies, deployments, solutions, providers, events and, of course, personalities. Awesome hosts Fr. Robert Ballacer, Brian 'Cheebert' Chee and Curtis Franklin along with fascinating guests and blended with a no-nonsense, to-the-point show pace keeps viewers' rapt attention for the duration of the show. Even the segues into the sponsor ads are a treat. The inclusion of the live extraordinary chat room in the show makes for an unparalleled level of involvement for a chatter/viewer - a true interactive experience. Been delivering consistently since show #1. Kudos gentlemen as I have expended my superlatives :-)
NyantasticAnother great twit showTwit does it again with their enterprise targeted show. A great mix of business-speak and technobabble. Keep synergizing the flux capacitors!
Andyr354Had high hopesI had hoped this show would be usefull, but now a few episodes in I have yet to hear anything usefull. Mostly just adds for products and superficial information that is just lightweight beginner stuff. Andy
WonsilNicely fills a gap in the TWiT Coverage of TechThis is a great podcast for the enterprise professional or wanna be. The quality of the guests have been good so far and the level of the subject matter is just right. Could be a little more audio friendly by providing show notes or links to some of the video call-outs. Great job Fr. Robert!
NemsoliGood enterprise show.Seems more video focused than audio. Would have loved to have followed along with the handout, but apparently that is only for video viewers. Thanks for leaving us out.
Bob loblaw attyThe show I've been waiting for!Great first episode. I can't wait for more to come. I can always count on TWiT for quality content an this show hits a niche market that desperately needs better content. Fr. Robert is an awesome and entertaining host. I especially appreciate the learning segments.
Thicketdwellerbrand new dayan impressive show, interesting ideas, and wow information worth paying attention to, after all if your going to get up extra early in hawaii you must be saying something worth listening to, or at least I am and I do.
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