The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer

by CNN

The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer: The command center for breaking news, politics and extraordinary reports from around the world. The Situation Room airs weekdays 6p-7p Eastern, Monday through Friday on CNN. Visit

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Recent Reviews
  • ABN0455
    Oh My God sitting in the Throne in Heaven Butt licker to Democrats on Scene !!
  • goodvsevil
    The MAGA Extremismists & McCarthy
    Would be signing their own pink slips if they “leaned” into a recession caused by a stupid manufactured default crisis.
  • T'snick
    This used to be one of the shows I listened to every day. After offering Trump the opportunity to speak his endless lies and once again defame and Carroll I am deleting all of my CNN podcasts and will not trust the network.
  • The_Frybanshe
    The ugliest of Santa’s reindeer.
  • midwestBlue
    dana bash said barr was tough on trump during the jan 6 inquiry. dana is wrong. barr was being truthful for once. why would bash say being truthful is being tough? right, dana has issue with using the correct applicable words. take a hike dana & join little cry baby trump aka mr. grievance. blahhh
  • justhumbs
    Wolf Blitzer
    Consistent, Clear,
  • LaraGen
    Wolf Blitzer is awesome
    I always tune in at 6 pm to listen to Wolf Blitzer. He is a man of integrity and compassion. He does an excellent job. I’m grateful for this podcast so I can listen on my own timetable if I miss the live broadcast.
  • J2themizzo
    Wolf is not nice
    My only regret is not being able to give him a zero. He was so mean to Nancy one time too.
  • Sammi0300
    Situation Room
    Is that what they call the room Toobin is in?
  • Nickifiable
    Sexist Wolf
    His misogyny shows when he calls Kathy Hochul a “woman governor”.
  • CGChris77
    Not worth the time
    Really lowers the bar for journalism
  • rowdyness
    “I do not think that means what you think it means” - Enigo Montoya (sp)
    I had thought that Wolf Blitzer was a straight shooter. Maybe the partisanship which has infiltrated CNN these past several years has gotten to him. Maybe I caught a bad snow, but there is a pattern of using words like debunked and baseless when they mean there not been thorough investigation. There is a huge difference. Lazy reporters think they can fool us. Try investigative reporting no matter who it hurts/helps. Find the truth. Give us the truth.
  • 🤦man
    He’s an idiot
    He’s full of crap... and everything else I wish I could do 0 stars
  • sunday l NE
    M Olson
    Thank you for your coverage. I have the radio on my phone but no T.V. Your podcast was very interesting with a lot of information.
  • jurrffjonvx
    Propagandist crap
    When is this uninteresting old propagandist going to finally die off?
  • Erickx250
    Snowflake republicans
    I love the crying snowflake republicans in the reviews. Must be on the right track. Cry babies CRY BIDEN2020
  • Blogger on the Go
    I love wolf and if I miss it on tv I listen to it on here
  • Wiesla
    Wolfie is working for democrats.
    Biased, biased, biased, can’t listen to it for more then 2 minutes.
  • Fat Tony 04
    Fake news grow up 🙄
    You are the either the Constipated News Network or the Crappy News Network
  • CH1378
    Holy Batman!!!!!
    The CDC quietly put out tonight that only 9,200 people died from COVID without co-morbitities. That means the whole lock down was a political play. Lib media is DONE after Trump. Update your resumes.
  • Kathy Eller
    Yay for you
    I was very pleased to see you stand up to the queen Chardonnay Nancy
  • Lunarjane
    No more wolf
    Dropping my subscription. Your crap with Pelosi sealed the deal. Be truthful in your broadcast and stop spreading misinformation. The republicans are the reason for no covid relief bill. They’ve had a bill waiting since May 15th and McConnell chose to defy American people’s need for covid relief which included funds for testing and the states that will end up bankrupt due to the poor management by trump. You made it look like it was Pelosi fault. Wolf you know the House has passed many bills that the senate sits on while people are dying.
  • gonegoneforever
    Lost viewer
    The interview with Pelosi was awful. Looking past the rudeness, does Wolf really think Trump is a reliable negotiator? Does he not care how the funds are being appropriated by the Republicans? The viewers care and we weren’t allowed to hear Pelosi tell us the differences.
  • Dunk'n
    Listen to this podcast everyday and enjoy it. Very informative and well spoken. Putting things into the light. Whether or not you approve is your right. UNBIASED 💯%
  • Alicegleddin
    I listen to this podcast almost daily. I am constantly shocked by how BIASED Wolf is. It’s unreal. He manipulates people, misquotes conservatives, and puts the president in bad light. It’s terrible reporting. I can’t believe this podcast. What happened to unbiased, independent reporting. This is a Joke. Should be called “liberal daily briefing”.
  • Patriot Listener
    Totally Biased
    A glaring example of fake news. Do not recommend it.
  • edwardre429
    Bill Barr
    I can not even make it through this interview, I just become enraged. How did the Senate believe the lies he espoused.. I could see. I have lost faith in the Government, not certain what tomorrow holds and that is a huge failure for our Civilization. It is a short jump from that confusion to actions that makes you feel in control. Barr is immoral and a traitor.
  • Ms Mable’s Kitchen
    Response: rationalization
    Even though there are times he would come home drunk and beat her to a bloody pulp there were other things that he did to and for her that were very nice. Come on… Really!!Regardless they were still fighting to sell humans make them work against the wheel, beat them rape them sell their children etc. etc. Selling humans to do work because you’re too lazy to do it yourself and that’s how you make your money doesn’t make the other issues even worth mentioning.
  • Atugwell
    Obvious Hater
    Funny how much vitriol toward Trump is spewed from the left while espousing tolerance. I can't listen to such propaganda. How much does it pay to sell out your country? I hope your conscious comes online soon.
  • P Mimmy
    Good Not Great
    Wolf sensationalizes everything and I think this negatively affects his credibility. I saw some odd reviews by Trump supporters, labeling the podcast’s listeners as sheep. Are they suggesting that people blindly believe every single word of the podcast? I am capable of parsing through any information that is communicated to me. Is CNN 100% unbiased? No. Is FoxNews 100% biased? No. It’s about critical thinking. Oh, to the author of the prior review claiming that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery - you sir, are an imbecile. I have a Bachelors in US History and I can 100% affirm that the Civil War was all about slavery. State’s rights? Yeah, the right to own slaves. The Confederacy was not fighting for some noble cause, nor were they fighting for freedom. Quite the contrary, they were fighting for the right to continue enslaving other human beings. If not for slavery, the civil war would have never come to fruition.
    Hang it up Wolf
    Wolf has lost all journalistic integrity, but he is just reading a fictional script from his looney bosses.
  • bolton is missing
    Bolton Interview
    Why wasn’t the John Bolton interview included in the podcast??
  • SelfAwareRobotMom
    Soooo biased toward facts
    The facts get in the way of the extremely narrow worldview that I have cultivated over many years. Even though there are ample opportunities to learn, I have chosen to remain ignorant. I also like to be ignorant of my own ignorance and this podcast interferes with that. Beep beep
  • Jules726
    Thank you!
    Thank you for delivering fair and honest journalism!!
  • no alowed
    No trust
    I will never there now narrative they manipulate everything!
  • Souljoi
    Thank You
    I appreciate your honest reporting on the news.
  • DoggingSleep
    United in HATE
    Being united in HATE does not a president elect. Good luck with that.
  • Javieruriel
    Credibility lost.
    Now cnn is part of a big liar the Coronavirus is a government.
  • triggertigee
    Leftist loony
    What a phony !
  • Marilyn Marin
    Great Job!
    Keep reporting like you are! Thank you!
  • DB Wild
    Great podcast
    I have been enjoying the podcast for a few months now. My only complaint aside from the horrible music is with the young lady who sits in for Wolf when he’s off. Brianna? I can not STAND hearing her talk about anything. She is rude with all the mid sentence interruptions and dumb questions. Find someone else.
  • Flerk69
    Lose music
    Lose music and stop saying breaking news, when the story has been reported all day. Say “in todays news” or “as reported this morning”. We cant take perpetual drama. Wolf, we love you, but take a deep breath, finish the sentence, breathe again, say a new complete sentence, like that . The content is bad enough. Please, we fo not beed a dramatic, breathless reporter that sound like hes in shock.
  • Jsjsuij
    Annoying music
    Wolf and content are great. But I agree with other reviewers- the dramatic music is distracting and reduces credibility. You’re telling us the news and facts. The news is engaging enough these days, it doesn’t need music. Please remove it or play it only at the beginning. Also the audio quality is poor for some reason. It sounds like a tinny internet quality. CNN should be better than that.
  • drholman
    Do you know how many times people referred to President Obama as Obama and now you have the unmitigated gall to say that we should not say Trump when you learn to respect President Obama we might give Mr. Trump some respect but he doesn’t respect himself
  • MJ1371
    It’s President Trump
    Anyone who cannot give respect to our President and call him President Trump has no business being a journalist. Will never listen again and have already took CNN off my viewing.
  • kw85233
    Why is this man still on tv?
  • Justduck26
    Not Available as Promised
    I want to listen to Wolf before Anderson not 12-18 hours later. Anderson’s podcast is available within minutes. Plus, the music/sound at the beginning, the rushingness, is too loud and goes on too long into the broadcast.
  • AWESOME Scary Stories!
    Great commentary
    Love listening to Wolf on my way to work, great reporting and always from a balanced point of view.
  • EvanTheRose
    Lots of conservatives in the review section
    All these Trumpist comments just dismiss this show as fake news. Well here's something for you Trump cult. Calling CNN "fake news" is... NOT AN ARGUMENT!!!
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