
True Crime #229

Season 4: When Rhoda Nathan's lifeless body was discovered in her hotel room, it was assumed she'd had a heart attack. The autopsy proved otherwise: Nathan, 67, had been viciously beaten to death, punched so hard by her assailant that two of her teeth had been knocked out. Days later, a hotel employee went to the hospital to be treated for an infection in his hand, which was teeming with a bacteria most often found in human mouths. That, plus a pendant an officer said was discovered in the trunk of his car, sealed the fate of Elwood Jones, who awaits execution on Ohio's death row. For nearly 30 years, Jones has maintained his innocence -- and accused police of straight-up framing him. The journalists of Accused are reexamining the case to learn if Jones truly belongs on death row, or if a botched investigation let someone else get away with murder.

Season 3: In 1984, a father of three disappeared while working at a mysterious Cincinnati plant. It turned out he’d met a gruesome fate: Pieces of bone, his eyeglasses and walkie-talkie were uncovered inside a vat that reached 1350 degrees Fahrenheit. Two months later, the Fernald Feed Materials Production Center was revealed to have been processing uranium – and polluting the region. The dead man’s children believe their father was murdered because he intended to expose how the plant had been releasing millions of pounds of uranium dust into the atmosphere. We’re hoping to figure out: Did 39-year-old David Bocks kill himself, as Fernald officials alleged, or was he more likely killed?

Season 2: A soft-hearted prison minister was found killed in her Kentucky apartment, and Newport police zeroed in on an ex-convict she’d counseled. Thirty years later, the conviction is overturned and the case is once again unsolved. The Cincinnati Enquirer investigates: Was William Virgil wrongly convicted for murder?

Season 1: When Elizabeth Andes was found murdered in her Ohio apartment in 1978, police and prosecutors decided within hours it was an open-and-shut case. Two juries disagreed. The Cincinnati Enquirer investigates: Was the right guy charged, or did a killer walk free?

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Recent Reviews
  • tewwa421
    Favorite podcast!
    The cases covered are interesting and well reported! I have listened to each season several times! You won’t regret this one!
  • alkistarr
    Have yet to finish but…
    I’m so impressed with the dedication and time put in by this journalist! Extremely thorough!
  • FrancescaJJ
    Great Deep Dive
    i remember this story from forensic files, which is why i decided to listen. from just watching the show it looked cut and dry but there was no background. i just started episode three but it’s so good!
  • Mehitchcock
    Very good investigation
    This podcast treads are very fine line between a lot of different qualities that make other podcasts less awesome. It doesn’t choose to worship or demonize any party to the crime, regardless of their personality or anything else they’ve done. Instead, they have an unwavering commitment to the idea, that every single person deserves a fair trial and every Crime, desserts, and investigation, free of prejudice and bias The main theme is really great. It’s dramatic tension filled mysterious, but then they use that same cord progression in a stripped down light piano through emotional parts or conclusions or time jumps. It’s really effective. Of the first four seasons, season three was the least resolved of all, but also the most thoroughly investigated. All of them were great, but that one was my favorite.
  • Pelicanbrief
    Accused Season 1- Poor quality
    Weak narration, quality of sound is poor. No discussion of actual evidence which is a problem of many true crime podcasts. Not sure I will continue.
  • Jared T9
    Loved Accused; now hard left woke journalism
    I was such a big fan of the first season of Accused. As time goes on, she leans more and more into political activism infused reporting and storytelling. A tragic waste of talent in my opinion.
  • Nrskrs28
    This season was so obviously biased…she interviews an anti-capital punishment lawyer who says the case stunk…well of course he’s going to think that and interview as such. Amber doesn’t even give an aside about it. As much as she tries to play devils advocate, she fails poorly in this season. She very clearly had an agenda this season and it was extremely difficult to listen to it without rolling my eyes. Yes cops can be dirty, yes people can be innocent and sentenced to death row but this ain’t it. Also she leans heavily on his innocence based on the confession of a lady saying her husband did it, y’know the husband that was beating her and she hated (cuz you know she wouldn’t be trying to set her husband up…but yes the cops would frame this guy for what purpose?!?!).
  • TracyMSP
    S1 Excellent - Captivating! Just finished S4 - Excellence.
    Perfectly crafted. Coudn't be better. Please keep providing updates on Season 4 and previous season.
  • Emmiecarrot
    Anything Amber Hunt does is worth a listen! And once you listen, you are hooked. Great investigative reporting, easy to listen to/binge.
  • catemcaran
    More Content
    Amber you make my morning run fly by:) I can’t wait until you drop Season 5!
  • Bikodog
    Such a great crime podcast
    This podcast is the best. Love all the season. Amber Hunt does an amazing job. Wish I’d found this one sooner in my true crime listening journey, highly recommend.
  • RiffRaffSureShot
    Love love love this podcast (and everything Amber Hunt does)!! Every season is expertly researched, investigated, and reported on with top level professionalism, finesse, passion, and humor, but season 4–Elwood Jones’ story—is especially important and well worth the listen. Thank you, Ms. Hunt, for your work. Please keep it up!
  • random)9438chikr
    Love a podcast done by pros
    This is professional and fascinating. No mindless jabber, no silly speculating. Deep dives into facts. I just saw that Elwood Jones from season 4 is out on bond and is getting a new trial. You gotta believe Accused had something to do with that.
  • billdebby
    Great story
    I learned about this podcast from my niece. I can’t stop listening because I want to hear what they uncover next. After I listen to season 4 I will go back and listen to the other seasons.
  • Olsz
    Engaging and thought provoking
    Listened to Season 4 based on a suggestion of a friend. Glad I did. Amber Hunt and Amanda Rossmann do a good job exploring the story of Elwood Jones, engaging listeners from a variety of vantage points. They refrain from judging or developing a narrative to fit anyone perspective. Rather they lay it all out for the listener to decide. And in the end, I can’t say for certain whether Jones committed the murder or not— which I think speaks to their commitment to be impartial in presenting the evidence. Great job. Can’t wait to listen to earlier seasons.
  • Haunt enthusiast
    Miss Amber, I think you are the best. Your voice is very soothing. I listened to all four seasons. I think it was on # 4 and # 2 seasons that the defendants were self proclaimed bad people. I am glad to see there are still examples of God’s law, “live by the sword, die by the sword” If you cannot accept that, and believe there is a random act of crime then we can call this a random act of justice. Case closed. Winston
  • colleen33333
    Top-notch investigative journalism
    The research and the lengths gone to uncover the truth is beyond compare. So sad it’s excellent show is coming to an end
  • ifjcm
    Have enjoyed previous seasons but not season 4. Police got the right guy and he deserves the death penalty. Ridiculous narration designed to uncover injustice, not even handed at all. The title gives it away. Skip this season.
  • Seally Lopez
    Season 4 is a Must-Listen
    I really enjoyed listening to this podcast, it’s a riveting story! Each episode was dynamic featuring commentary from various individuals related to the event and the author/narrator did an excellent job tying everything together to create a cohesive and compelling story - one in which the listener could also make their own decision on how to feel about murder….
  • Lightning121710
    Just found this, after being a huge COTC fan! Season 3: just because there aren’t heatproof suits at the plant, doesn’t mean someone couldn’t have brought one with them!!! It’s kind of terrifying how close-minded the investigators who show up In these types of stories are. And please, someone get law enforcement and prosecutors suicide training!! The assumptions have been disproven for decades.
  • ccurley1965
    Flawlessly Factual
    The depth and voracity with which these cases have been researched is outstanding in itself. The flawlessly factual content is spoken with impeccable clarity of voice making this podcast one of the best ive ever listened to. Well done!!
  • 20428lev
    I have listened to all 4 seasons. It balanced and very well done. I’m currently mourning that I’m out of episodes. I love everything about the writing, reporting, and interviews. As a very critical podcast listener, I’m highly impressed. In fact, this is the first review I’ve ever written and I’m a true crime podcast fanatic.
  • Tallsoprano
    Great, but..
    4th season refuses to play.
  • SN2020MD
    Amber Hunt is really self-righteous
    I’ll start by saying I love investigative journalists who uncover stories that are buried by the police, government, etc. However. Amber Hunt inserts herself into her stories far more than is necessary. She is SO judgmental, and feigns ignorance about why her questions are unpleasant/irritating when her interviewees, guilty as they may be, get predictably irritated (“But sir, I just don’t understand why you, as management of this uranium plant, don’t want to go on the record admitting that exposure to radiation resulted in radiation sickness among your employees? I’m truly baffled as to why you don’t want to throw your company under the bus when the whole point of my story is that the victim in this story was murdered for exactly what I’m asking you to do. I’m just so confused. “ She speaks with total disdain about a woman in sex work and on 4 psychotropic medications as if those are character flaws - which belies her privilege and in my eyes really makes her ability to report objectively on anything questionable. Her upper middle class white bias is so evident. She rather insultingly translates a few interviewees when it isn’t required - notably the man convicted of killing Retha in one season. I’m a well educated white woman and I understand this man just fine; I don’t need the white-speak translation. In short - the stories are great; as a narrator, however, she grates on the nerves so much that I find myself talking back to her throughout the podcasts and skipping through portions where she gets on her high horse.
  • Jeanieeous
    Just the right balance of narrative, summary & interviews of involved & interested parties. This is investigative journalism at it’s best!
  • MaverickAbundance
    Season 2 - JUST HEARD!
    I just binged Season 2. I’m so happy that an innocent man was set free!! Thank You for righting that wrong! The question I need answered is was the Man who found Retha’s body ever investigated? Was he ever questioned? I’m in favor old setting innocent people free, more than anything. Thank You for doing that for this Man! It sounds like our government, via police and prosecution are so determined to never admit wrongs, that THEY ARE LETTING THE MURDERERS GO FREE! That is upsetting.
  • Lauren NY
    Needs work
    Interesting topic but this was presented poorly. The narrator even sounds bored of her own story. Perhaps a friendlier upbeat voice would’ve made this podcast bearable.
  • Zydkihevg
    You May Need Your Plunger
    Snarky, smarmy, boring and blatantly biased: not a good combination. Save your agenda for your next cocktail party. Buh Bye
  • DebLV101
    Easy listening.
    Over the last year or so I’ve listened to all seasons of Accused. While some have been more personally interesting than others, I find the organization and delivery of material so easy to follow. I’m an educated person but not an expert on law, crime nor the justice system. The way the podcast is written and delivered is explicative but not patronizing. It’s perfect for me. Thank you! and I like the follow up Q&A done for season 1. Hope to hear more of those for other seasons.
  • Mikey71080
    Good storytellers, but clutching at straws here.
    These reporters present a compelling story that starts off strong, but in all the true crime podcasts I’ve listened to, I have never been more convinced by the end of listening that a “suspect” is guilty than this one. The narrator smirks her way through many of the episodes, and presents strange hypotheticals as obvious facts. When someone is speaking who aligns with her narrative, the music swells dramatically. I always keep an open mind and I’ve been won over before on convicted folks being innocent, but not here. Overall a disappointing season.
  • AASt.Romain
    Season 4… really?!
    I loved seasons 1-3! I even recommended it to several family and friends. But season 4… really?! I am not at all convinced. You keep harping on the concept of *He insists that he’s innocent, so he must be. All of the evidence is crap because mmaaaaayyyybbbbeeee this or that happened.* How willing are you to make this stretch?! I know there are too many people out there wrongfully convicted, but I don’t think that this person is one of them. Season 3 of CounterClock convinced me. When everyone in my hometown just knew that a woman was killed by her husband, but turned out to actually be serial killer DTL, I was stunned. So hear me when I say, I’m not saying that it’s impossible to be wrongfully convicted. But Why are you so fixated on this case with so much evidence, when there are so many other great causes and cases that need reviewing? Why are you so fixated on “junk science”? Especially when the last two experts you interview in the last episode both contradict you? Then you say, Yes, but what are the odds? Is he just unlucky? I mean…. What?! Maybe it’s not luck! Maybe he did it? You lost me on that.
  • Mcnflower
    The BEST
    It’s unbelievable the work that this reporter does when investigating a case. She’s smart, thorough, thoughtful and well spoken! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
  • high_voltage_crypto
    Race card
    This was great until you reduced yourself to make it about race. Last ep I listened to wasn’t even about the case.
  • Jules Soet King
    Beth Andes
    Wow! So sorry for this whole story. The police really didn’t do their jobs on this one! I feel very bad for Bob! It makes me so mad at the police but I know not to group them all together! There are excellent ones and very unprofessional ones like the police in this case! Prayers for the family and Bob!!! Shameful what they did to him!
  • TRIBE1963
    Go woke....
    Still a good listen, but tight roping down the “woke” narrative just about had me ending the season early. Waited awhile for this season...I understand why....kind of a just ok season. 4 rating for overall body of work. 3 for this season
  • Maine Flyers Fan
    No bueno
    Just a bunch of cop hating, reckless speculation, garbage. Don’t bother. Not to mention her voice is ANNOYING !
  • Ahmedbright
    Great season 1 and 2
    I loved Accused, I re listened to the first two seasons which are great, third season was weird, I was v excited about season 4, but what a disappointment, as an Egyptian I am really disgusted by the woke ideology, any black murderer is framed in America, and I am against capital punishment period, I can’t understand what the meaning of “ the murderer maintains his innocence “ ok, please acquit anyone maintain his innocence, and why nobody in USA 🇺🇸 talks about black Americans rape and kill white American women, so disappointed
  • nucci1688
    Sorry you hate your job
    I probably would enjoy these more if the host didn’t always sound so annoyed and snarky. I find this difficult to listen to.
  • Juiceesmile
    One of the most thought provoking podcasts!
    I am 52 years old and began reading at a very young 4 years old. I had older siblings who didn't like to read, so I would read whatever my mom had laying around. When my Nonna visited she'd bring her old True Crime magazines and at about 7 (I KNOW!), I started reading them. I managed to grow up relatively normal, but my curiosity never quelled for non fiction reads. Fast forward to podcasts and I resisted, until I found Accused. Thank you for being open minded, kind, and having an opinion! Keep sharing and I will keep listening. My husband and sons know when I'm listening to you because I have both EarPods in so I don't miss a thing!
  • agsw777
    Great podcast!
    Having grown up in the Cincinnati area, I have listened to and loved every season. I had no real connections to the first 3 seasons, but the 4th season is different. My friend lived in Blue Ash and when they mentioned officer bray I nearly fell off the couch. He pulled me over when I was 17 and (soberly) driving my (drunk) friends home, saying I was speeding (I was not). There’s more to the story, including a trip to the police station, falsified speed readings, and calls to our parents. The whole interaction was creepy enough for me to remember every detail over 20 years later and for me to say I wouldn’t put it past him to plant evidence.
  • lovezice
    Excellent and thought provoking
    Amber’s and Amanda’s work is investigative journalism at its best: tell the story as it is, in a way that allows the listener to comprehend, without contributing your own bias. By selecting the right stories to cover, and by carefully avoiding conclusional shortcuts, the makers of Accused present a reality that is complex, muddy, multi-faceted, and thoroughly gripping. It’s “muddy” because the characters that play the leading roles are so relatably human. While we still don’t know for certain who killed Elizabeth Andes or Rhoda Nathan, we do know how shallow the certainty is that much of our justice system bases it’s actions on. And that realization is what makes Accused so addictive.
  • Footypj
    I’m a public defender and very open to considerations of a wrongful conviction. However the presentation of this defendant’s innocence is unpersuasive, overlooks other explanations of evidence, and generally relies on criticisms unrelated to key evidence. This defendant may be innocent but the arguments here simply do not make that case. I’m not sure what the hosts believe they’re doing but it’s not helping this man’s situation. If he is innocent, his attorneys should ask the Inquirer to put someone else on this journalistic exercise. Suspicious music and random speculation doesn’t do anything but weaken the credibility of his defense. Shameful job.
  • ND in CT
    What the?
    I have been listening to your ads for 4 seasons & I get 1/2 way thru season 4 and I have to subscribe for the rest?!? Not cool. 3 stars because it’s a good podcast….ZERO stars for subscription.
  • surrah_22
    So good!
    This show is so well done. I love Amber’s voice. I am loving the new season. I am Cincinnati but had never heard of this story. I can’t wait to finish the story.
  • twilliams29
    As good as Up and Vanished!
    I began listening to season 1 yesterday and I’m hooked! This is just as good as my favorite unsolved crime podcast, up and vanished. Amber Hunt’s in depth investigation skills are pretty impressive and she definitely keeps me hanging on her every word. I recommend listening for sure! I’m on episode 3 so far and if the maintenance worker didn’t do it, I’d be super surprised!!
  • gusr1239
    Well produced but light on substance
    So it's interesting, well produced and is a good story. Other than that it's really more a story about an investigation by a reporter rather than true crime.
  • hauswyf
    Very well done!
    Absolutely thoroughly riveting
  • berriewine
    Top tier
    Great podcast! I’ve been listening since season 1.
  • Ncllnn
  • Laranotbarb
    Best Reporting
    This is next level deep dive reporting. Listen to all the seasons!
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